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I came strolling in looking for updates about how this is coming along, looks like everything is going smoothishly.


Thanks for the support, everyone! It's a busy week for me, but I plan on starting a new re-casting thread at some point within the next few days, or perhaps this weekend. It depends on when I get some breathing space in RL.


As for motivation to kill Marko, I suppose it depends on your rapport with Randall. If nothing else, your character can always be driven by curiosity - or perhaps even admiration.


Another matter that I'm weighing is whether or not to add a branching conclusion. Right now the main questline is rather linear, and I've been deliberating on whether or not to include an alternative ending from some of my notes. Right now there are two endings, but they're fairly similar. Some of it will depend on whether or not I can get some of the voice talent to record new dialogue. It will present a singularly brutal moral dilemma, and that's usually a good thing in Fallout. We'll see, though.


I appreciate the encouragement! I'll post a link here when I start the thread.


Honestly, I wanna find Marko to satisfy my addictive, self destructive need to see thing through til the end.

Also puns.

I want some NPC to play 'Marko Polo' with him mid combat.

but I digress.

You've done what alot of people in the actual game industry fail to do in their big budgets games, you built a character without us ever actually seeing or interacting with them. Marko feels like a looking glass. We only see the consequences of his actions, by every right, we could be alot like this guy, we have certainly killed enough people to be considered some sort of demon. But just from how NPC's talk about him I was always given the feeling that he is basically what any person playing New Vegas is if they just decide to be a dick for the thrill of seeing what its like to walk around with low Karma, or as I like to call it "a shits and giggles" play through.

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Thanks for the support, everyone! It's a busy week for me, but I plan on starting a new re-casting thread at some point within the next few days, or perhaps this weekend. It depends on when I get some breathing space in RL.


As for motivation to kill Marko, I suppose it depends on your rapport with Randall. If nothing else, your character can always be driven by curiosity - or perhaps even admiration.


Another matter that I'm weighing is whether or not to add a branching conclusion. Right now the main questline is rather linear, and I've been deliberating on whether or not to include an alternative ending from some of my notes. Right now there are two endings, but they're fairly similar. Some of it will depend on whether or not I can get some of the voice talent to record new dialogue. It will present a singularly brutal moral dilemma, and that's usually a good thing in Fallout. We'll see, though.


I appreciate the encouragement! I'll post a link here when I start the thread.

I've taken two Couriers through the Someguy Series, one a Chaotic Good professional who will kill when no alive bounty is offered but will let people go if they are willing to change their ways and a Neutral Good ghoul obessed with restoring the law and order she knew from the pre-Resource War days. No raiders, no Enclave, America. and I consider myself True Nuetral in the sense that all things must be weighed against another. I can't see a reason to spare Marko: he's a Retired Monster, not a Former or Reformed or even remorseful. With all the raiders and bandits and other scum the wasteland has o offer for sport and hunt and looting and profit, Marko is still seen as a monstrous, sociopathic mass murdering For the Evulz sadist, a stone cold, sociopath. You can be curious about Edward Sallow, you can admire him in principal, Cass does, and Raoul does more. But whereas it's possible to see The Mighty Kaiser as a pragmatic Dark Messiah, Marko is by all accounts Chaotic Evil, a viper who will bite any dumb villager who dares give him comfort. He's not as crazy or evil as Mickey and Mallory Knox from Natural Born Killers, but that's damnation by feint praise, if that. Until his head i on a stick, he's too dangerous to let live. You'd have to change A LOT of characterization to make him a worthy opponent rather than the Big Bad you've set up.


As for myself and my goody good Couriers, I wish highly for their to be a stun option, to take in everyone, mooks and all in alive. Maybe even incorporate STUNs (www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/57446/?) dymanic of you can collar them if they're unconscious. STUN gives play a whole new dynamic that way and it might be something to look at. A problem I've had from nearly the beginning is that the new Fallout's have WAY too much fighting and killing. More non-lethal options, more battle ending injuries, more surrenders when cornered. I really enjoyed the Duel with Doug Rude once I figured out NEVER to bring Russel on a live bounty as he might as well be a xenomorph once the Bowie Knife comes out. And that is another thing, if Russel is compatible with NVBIII, please, PLEASE give him a setting or dialogue that makes him not kill the bounties you're trying to take in alive. Same too with Doc Friday.


And speaking of Doc Friday, would you consider a quest for No Face Kate featureing a pip-boy Lingual Enhancer? http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Pip-Boy_lingual_enhancer

It's canon, it would, if hooked up to the Couriers Pip Boy as it scans in the eye, put her a long way into being able to speak English. It would be a cute, endearing, possibly non-violent quest to do> I'd do it even with no reward or XP but good karma.

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Actually, with the new version of STUN at least if you use the STUN weapons, they include a script that makes companions, even Russel, not attack. I for one am thrilled.

And don't get me started on Mad Max. Mad Max = awesome. Road Warrior is why there hasn't been a good post apocalyptic film since. One thing that I really like about the Someguy Series is that for all of the cliches of the Western genre, the western and Someguy's work is more realistic, more plausible, and better connected to how people act and react in failed states than the 'lets have assless chaps and deserts and Science! for no reason other than ZANY' imitators of George Miller's abortion of a sequel. How close to a realistic scenario given the pre-war parameters assuming Science! not as deviation of natural law but as a design aesthetic and given a century to stew, I'm not sure, but it's a more earnest crack than Fallout 3 and much more compelling.

Yes, I'm on of those Fallout fans who hated vanilla Fallout 3 and didn't really like denser and wackier parts of Fallout 2....to some degree. Although I do play with Wild Wasteland active because unlike most people in that crowd I like the implausible and the absurd, but never the wacky and the whimsical.

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Hey Someguy, if the rumors about Bethesda's E3 conference are true, and you want to possibly finish up Zulu, wait for Fallout 4 to be released, then try your hand at it in the (fingers crossed) new engine? Just a suggestion. Anyways, love your mods. BM is the single-most beautiful things ever devised by man.

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"Last online 16th February"


Getting worried here Someguy.

The mods still getting worked on. Dragbody (who is doing any new clothing) posted images of some new outfits a few days ago. Someguy is either having a break before the next batch of voice acting or waiting for voice actors to come back.

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