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I am alive. The mod is almost complete. I am releasing it on October 10th.


Q: Will you make any FO:NV mods after NVBIII?

A: It's going to be a tight window between October 10th and the release of FO4, but... maybe. If I release anything, it will be small and utterly random. I would like to have something that's a tad more optimistic than NVBIII, though. That's been the only thing troubling me - this is one hell of a dark send-off.


I hope I'm prepared for whatever level of rape, stabbing, or rape-stabbing my Courier will endure. Oh, and I'll pledge a donation if this small, utterly random mod that may or may not happen is a Bobby Bass companion mod. Rife with killing people, plants, dogs, and titties. Actually, I'll probably donate either way for the 5 years worth of s*** you've put up with modding this game, so it's whatever. Awesome to have you back in the saddle no matter what.

Edited by Gravitard
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This is the best news I've had in a few months. You better believe my Saturday is being blocked off to allow a full playthrough of Bounties III the moment it finishes downloading. I could not be more excited about the prospect of concluding the trilogy/having another Someguy mod to play.


Creativity is a b&@*$, especially when you take pride in what you create. I certainly understand that. And it's so weird when people think what you've done is great when you aren't nearly as confident in it but I think that's just how things are. People are far more critical of themselves than they are of others (or at least the people I tend to like and associate with are that way) That being said, you're a good mod maker and when I look back at your other work I know NVB III is going to be one hell of a ride, even if it's dark and I'm looking forward to it. Thank you for coming back and releasing something you aren't sure is 100% perfect because I and the rest of us plebes will be grateful for a Someguy 80% (or probably even a 50% but I don't want to make us look cheap)





As for Youtube... maybe, but it will have to wait until my euphoric 1st playthrough of FO4.



I will throw my support behind a return of Someguy to YouTube. Easily one of my favorites, and your PoP play through is one of the best playthroughs on the internet assuming we're judging playthroughs on being funny and not something like teaching you anything...or being successful in the game... I kid, I kid! Seriously though, I would be overjoyed to see a return of Roderick Redbeard (or just your profanity laden voice over any game) though my current elation at a NVBIII release this weekend is more than enough to carry me for a good while.

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I fully support the continuation of Someguy's Youtube series of raging at the failure of his recording software (seriously though, that s*** was hilarious. Quickly grew into one of my favourite Youtubers)

Off topic but your Crossroads mod was amazing. Are you planning on making others any time soon or work out something for Fo4?

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I am alive. The mod is almost complete. I am releasing it on October 10th.


It may not be completely voiced (95%), but by Jesus-Zimmer it's coming out. I have procrastinated enough for several lifetimes, but to delay any further would be a disservice to the team members who invested so much time and energy into development. After FO4 ships, I don't expect a large audience for FO:NV quest mods. More on that later.


I've glanced over this thread enough to appreciate that it almost went full thunderdome in my absence. I apologize to everyone for not communicating. However, as some of the forum veterans observed, disappearing and then suddenly appearing months later is sort of my M.O. True to form, I'll attempt to address some of your concerns in FAQ format.


Q: Why were you gone for so long?

A: Back in the spring I hit the wall again when I re-invested myself in voice acting. There was drama and frustration galore, so I up and decided to walk away for a spell. I honestly had no idea I would be inclined to stay away from it for this long. Nothing - and I mean nothing - saps my creative drive like grinding through the tedium of voicework. It's not even the acting itself, but rather the management of it all. The ironic thing is that the actors with the largest voice parts were the most efficient and professional of the lot, by far. I am grateful to have them in my corner for future projects. In the end, though, it was my responsibility, so please don't arbitrarily lash out at voice actors. This is a large project, and the buck stops with me.


In the time away from modding, I pursued powerlifting again and discovered the sweaty, agonizing joy of BJJ. I honestly don't know how Dragbody manages his dedication to such time-intensive hobbies. I played the hell out of The Witcher 3, and suffice to say it has inspired me to improve my writing and quest design.


Q: What brought you back?

A: The run-up to FO4 was a factor. I had wallowed in self-pity for so long that I even toyed with the idea of giving up modding entirely. It's the weight of perfectionism, something that I'm sure other modders can appreciate. I told myself, "If the mod isn't perfect, then I'm not releasing it." This line of thought also necessitated the release of this "perfect" NVBIII by FO4, or else I would stop modding. Do or die. This is not exactly a healthy approach to a creative endeavor, at least not for me.


In September I began to stalk the forums again (by the way, checking my profile for activity is useless - many times I was just downloading mods for TW3 or XCOM), and that was a... revelation. I half expected pitchforks and lynch mobs, but seeing the genuine support of so many users was extremely encouraging. I remember one comment suggested that I perused this thread and laughed at the collective anguish of fans. Nothing could be further from the truth.


I had already begun re-organizing some of the voicework a few weeks ago, in addition to finalizing the LOD. I had to cut a few NPC's, one sidequest, and (thankfully) one romance, but it is now 99% voiced. The final, unvoiced role is incidental, anyway - that person's presence will depend on player choices from NVBII and The Inheritance, so he/she may not even show up for many players. What really snapped me back into modding mode was an obscure video that I came across by accident. This guy gets such a kick out of what I consider my silliest mod, and it made me realize that it was time to stow my self-pity and perfectionism. These mods are about more than my OCD bulls***. Many people enjoy them. Some people hate them. f*** it, though. The story must be told. It took a Bad Mothaf*#@a to set me straight.


Q: What are your thoughts on FO4?

A: It looks true to the Bethesda model, with substantial improvements in customization and gameplay (potentially). As for the plot? I have no idea. Bethesda runs a tight ship when it comes to keeping content in the dark. I'm excited about exploring the world, even if there's a real possibility it will be populated by cardboard characters. I just want to kill people in that power armor while jamming out to "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath.


Q: What about the voiced protagonist?

A: It's an obstacle, to be sure. I was half-expecting it, but it was still a kick in the gut when I first viewed the trailer. You can forget about some of the fun dialogue options that will be on display in NVBIII and other quest mods (I am the lord of low intelligence). However, consider how many options the player had in, say, NVBI or New Vegas Killer - it was largely limited to "Yes", "No", and "What's your story?". I'm fairly certain we'll be able to glean such lines from the vanilla recordings. So long as there is basic functionality in regards to dialogue and scripting, then quest mods are feasible, if limited in scope.


Q: What about Skyrim?

A: f*** the CK. f***, f***, f*** the CK. I actually began working on Wrath of the Nord in April and made some decent progress until the dialogue stopped working. It wasn't the old .SEQ bug, but just the CK deciding, "f*** you, this mod is not worthy." I was apoplectic - I'm talking review of Slave town mad. It's a damn shame because the player would have gotten to blood eagle some Thalmor at the end of it. Oh, well.


Q: Will you make any FO:NV mods after NVBIII?

A: It's going to be a tight window between October 10th and the release of FO4, but... maybe. If I release anything, it will be small and utterly random. I would like to have something that's a tad more optimistic than NVBIII, though. That's been the only thing troubling me - this is one hell of a dark send-off.


Q: I am one of the fabled alpha testers who safeguarded your secrets and protected the virtue of this mod against naysayers. Do you need further testing?

A: No, but I want to thank everyone who has expressed support and encouragement in this forum, in spite of my inexplicable absence. I'm only human, and I'm sorry. One lesson I've learned from this is that I will never set myself up for such a colossal project again. I can honestly say that I was never happier as a modder then when I was cranking out small project like NVK, KOTR, and yes, Bad Mothaf*#@a. My goal is to keep casts limited to 4-5 roles. Finding voice actors isn't terribly difficult, but as the scale expands, the chance of human error and "Don't give a f***-itis" increases exponentially. People go MIA, project gets delayed, frustration and burnout ensues. It's a vicious cycle. Therefore, I will keep things small. Really!


Again, thank you all for your support. If you have questions, post away.



Well well well, happy birthday to me, heheh. Literally.

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I am alive. The mod is almost complete. I am releasing it on October 10th.


It may not be completely voiced (95%), but by Jesus-Zimmer it's coming out. I have procrastinated enough for several lifetimes, but to delay any further would be a disservice to the team members who invested so much time and energy into development. After FO4 ships, I don't expect a large audience for FO:NV quest mods. More on that later.


I've glanced over this thread enough to appreciate that it almost went full thunderdome in my absence. I apologize to everyone for not communicating. However, as some of the forum veterans observed, disappearing and then suddenly appearing months later is sort of my M.O. True to form, I'll attempt to address some of your concerns in FAQ format.


Q: Why were you gone for so long?

A: Back in the spring I hit the wall again when I re-invested myself in voice acting. There was drama and frustration galore, so I up and decided to walk away for a spell. I honestly had no idea I would be inclined to stay away from it for this long. Nothing - and I mean nothing - saps my creative drive like grinding through the tedium of voicework. It's not even the acting itself, but rather the management of it all. The ironic thing is that the actors with the largest voice parts were the most efficient and professional of the lot, by far. I am grateful to have them in my corner for future projects. In the end, though, it was my responsibility, so please don't arbitrarily lash out at voice actors. This is a large project, and the buck stops with me.


In the time away from modding, I pursued powerlifting again and discovered the sweaty, agonizing joy of BJJ. I honestly don't know how Dragbody manages his dedication to such time-intensive hobbies. I played the hell out of The Witcher 3, and suffice to say it has inspired me to improve my writing and quest design.


Q: What brought you back?

A: The run-up to FO4 was a factor. I had wallowed in self-pity for so long that I even toyed with the idea of giving up modding entirely. It's the weight of perfectionism, something that I'm sure other modders can appreciate. I told myself, "If the mod isn't perfect, then I'm not releasing it." This line of thought also necessitated the release of this "perfect" NVBIII by FO4, or else I would stop modding. Do or die. This is not exactly a healthy approach to a creative endeavor, at least not for me.


In September I began to stalk the forums again (by the way, checking my profile for activity is useless - many times I was just downloading mods for TW3 or XCOM), and that was a... revelation. I half expected pitchforks and lynch mobs, but seeing the genuine support of so many users was extremely encouraging. I remember one comment suggested that I perused this thread and laughed at the collective anguish of fans. Nothing could be further from the truth.


I had already begun re-organizing some of the voicework a few weeks ago, in addition to finalizing the LOD. I had to cut a few NPC's, one sidequest, and (thankfully) one romance, but it is now 99% voiced. The final, unvoiced role is incidental, anyway - that person's presence will depend on player choices from NVBII and The Inheritance, so he/she may not even show up for many players. What really snapped me back into modding mode was an obscure video that I came across by accident. This guy gets such a kick out of what I consider my silliest mod, and it made me realize that it was time to stow my self-pity and perfectionism. These mods are about more than my OCD bulls***. Many people enjoy them. Some people hate them. f*** it, though. The story must be told. It took a Bad Mothaf*#@a to set me straight.


Q: What are your thoughts on FO4?

A: It looks true to the Bethesda model, with substantial improvements in customization and gameplay (potentially). As for the plot? I have no idea. Bethesda runs a tight ship when it comes to keeping content in the dark. I'm excited about exploring the world, even if there's a real possibility it will be populated by cardboard characters. I just want to kill people in that power armor while jamming out to "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath.


Q: What about the voiced protagonist?

A: It's an obstacle, to be sure. I was half-expecting it, but it was still a kick in the gut when I first viewed the trailer. You can forget about some of the fun dialogue options that will be on display in NVBIII and other quest mods (I am the lord of low intelligence). However, consider how many options the player had in, say, NVBI or New Vegas Killer - it was largely limited to "Yes", "No", and "What's your story?". I'm fairly certain we'll be able to glean such lines from the vanilla recordings. So long as there is basic functionality in regards to dialogue and scripting, then quest mods are feasible, if limited in scope.


Q: What about Skyrim?

A: f*** the CK. f***, f***, f*** the CK. I actually began working on Wrath of the Nord in April and made some decent progress until the dialogue stopped working. It wasn't the old .SEQ bug, but just the CK deciding, "f*** you, this mod is not worthy." I was apoplectic - I'm talking review of Slave town mad. It's a damn shame because the player would have gotten to blood eagle some Thalmor at the end of it. Oh, well.


Q: Will you make any FO:NV mods after NVBIII?

A: It's going to be a tight window between October 10th and the release of FO4, but... maybe. If I release anything, it will be small and utterly random. I would like to have something that's a tad more optimistic than NVBIII, though. That's been the only thing troubling me - this is one hell of a dark send-off.


Q: I am one of the fabled alpha testers who safeguarded your secrets and protected the virtue of this mod against naysayers. Do you need further testing?

A: No, but I want to thank everyone who has expressed support and encouragement in this forum, in spite of my inexplicable absence. I'm only human, and I'm sorry. One lesson I've learned from this is that I will never set myself up for such a colossal project again. I can honestly say that I was never happier as a modder then when I was cranking out small project like NVK, KOTR, and yes, Bad Mothaf*#@a. My goal is to keep casts limited to 4-5 roles. Finding voice actors isn't terribly difficult, but as the scale expands, the chance of human error and "Don't give a f***-itis" increases exponentially. People go MIA, project gets delayed, frustration and burnout ensues. It's a vicious cycle. Therefore, I will keep things small. Really!


Again, thank you all for your support. If you have questions, post away.

Holy sh*t, he has risen again! Haha, in all seriousness though I'm glad to see you back and that your finally finishing this behemoth. I was having a crappy day to, but your post fixed that right up. I do hope you return to YouTube though, at least in time. I just rewatched your Badlands playthrough and Slave Town Episodes and I almost forgot how Godly they were. Thank you for returning someguy, it was your mods that actually inspired me to start writing a novel [which I have even taken your approach to working on projects, *Write a bunch, long hiatus, write a bunch, long hiatus etc.*] Can't wait for the finale. )


P.S. Do you still have your Prophecy of Pendor saves and are you gonna continue that if you do come back to YouTube?

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Guest deleted2159825


P.S. Do you still have your Prophecy of Pendor saves and are you gonna continue that if you do come back to YouTube?


I don't know, to be honest. I haven't played PoP in a long time. It will be longer still, depending on how engrossing FO4 turns out to be.

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I am alive. The mod is almost complete. I am releasing it on October 10th.


It may not be completely voiced (95%), but by Jesus-Zimmer it's coming out. I have procrastinated enough for several lifetimes, but to delay any further would be a disservice to the team members who invested so much time and energy into development. After FO4 ships, I don't expect a large audience for FO:NV quest mods. More on that later.


I've glanced over this thread enough to appreciate that it almost went full thunderdome in my absence. I apologize to everyone for not communicating. However, as some of the forum veterans observed, disappearing and then suddenly appearing months later is sort of my M.O. True to form, I'll attempt to address some of your concerns in FAQ format.


Q: Why were you gone for so long?

A: Back in the spring I hit the wall again when I re-invested myself in voice acting. There was drama and frustration galore, so I up and decided to walk away for a spell. I honestly had no idea I would be inclined to stay away from it for this long. Nothing - and I mean nothing - saps my creative drive like grinding through the tedium of voicework. It's not even the acting itself, but rather the management of it all. The ironic thing is that the actors with the largest voice parts were the most efficient and professional of the lot, by far. I am grateful to have them in my corner for future projects. In the end, though, it was my responsibility, so please don't arbitrarily lash out at voice actors. This is a large project, and the buck stops with me.


In the time away from modding, I pursued powerlifting again and discovered the sweaty, agonizing joy of BJJ. I honestly don't know how Dragbody manages his dedication to such time-intensive hobbies. I played the hell out of The Witcher 3, and suffice to say it has inspired me to improve my writing and quest design.


Q: What brought you back?

A: The run-up to FO4 was a factor. I had wallowed in self-pity for so long that I even toyed with the idea of giving up modding entirely. It's the weight of perfectionism, something that I'm sure other modders can appreciate. I told myself, "If the mod isn't perfect, then I'm not releasing it." This line of thought also necessitated the release of this "perfect" NVBIII by FO4, or else I would stop modding. Do or die. This is not exactly a healthy approach to a creative endeavor, at least not for me.


In September I began to stalk the forums again (by the way, checking my profile for activity is useless - many times I was just downloading mods for TW3 or XCOM), and that was a... revelation. I half expected pitchforks and lynch mobs, but seeing the genuine support of so many users was extremely encouraging. I remember one comment suggested that I perused this thread and laughed at the collective anguish of fans. Nothing could be further from the truth.


I had already begun re-organizing some of the voicework a few weeks ago, in addition to finalizing the LOD. I had to cut a few NPC's, one sidequest, and (thankfully) one romance, but it is now 99% voiced. The final, unvoiced role is incidental, anyway - that person's presence will depend on player choices from NVBII and The Inheritance, so he/she may not even show up for many players. What really snapped me back into modding mode was an obscure video that I came across by accident. This guy gets such a kick out of what I consider my silliest mod, and it made me realize that it was time to stow my self-pity and perfectionism. These mods are about more than my OCD bulls***. Many people enjoy them. Some people hate them. f*** it, though. The story must be told. It took a Bad Mothaf*#@a to set me straight.


Q: What are your thoughts on FO4?

A: It looks true to the Bethesda model, with substantial improvements in customization and gameplay (potentially). As for the plot? I have no idea. Bethesda runs a tight ship when it comes to keeping content in the dark. I'm excited about exploring the world, even if there's a real possibility it will be populated by cardboard characters. I just want to kill people in that power armor while jamming out to "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath.


Q: What about the voiced protagonist?

A: It's an obstacle, to be sure. I was half-expecting it, but it was still a kick in the gut when I first viewed the trailer. You can forget about some of the fun dialogue options that will be on display in NVBIII and other quest mods (I am the lord of low intelligence). However, consider how many options the player had in, say, NVBI or New Vegas Killer - it was largely limited to "Yes", "No", and "What's your story?". I'm fairly certain we'll be able to glean such lines from the vanilla recordings. So long as there is basic functionality in regards to dialogue and scripting, then quest mods are feasible, if limited in scope.


Q: What about Skyrim?

A: f*** the CK. f***, f***, f*** the CK. I actually began working on Wrath of the Nord in April and made some decent progress until the dialogue stopped working. It wasn't the old .SEQ bug, but just the CK deciding, "f*** you, this mod is not worthy." I was apoplectic - I'm talking review of Slave town mad. It's a damn shame because the player would have gotten to blood eagle some Thalmor at the end of it. Oh, well.


Q: Will you make any FO:NV mods after NVBIII?

A: It's going to be a tight window between October 10th and the release of FO4, but... maybe. If I release anything, it will be small and utterly random. I would like to have something that's a tad more optimistic than NVBIII, though. That's been the only thing troubling me - this is one hell of a dark send-off.


Q: I am one of the fabled alpha testers who safeguarded your secrets and protected the virtue of this mod against naysayers. Do you need further testing?

A: No, but I want to thank everyone who has expressed support and encouragement in this forum, in spite of my inexplicable absence. I'm only human, and I'm sorry. One lesson I've learned from this is that I will never set myself up for such a colossal project again. I can honestly say that I was never happier as a modder then when I was cranking out small project like NVK, KOTR, and yes, Bad Mothaf*#@a. My goal is to keep casts limited to 4-5 roles. Finding voice actors isn't terribly difficult, but as the scale expands, the chance of human error and "Don't give a f***-itis" increases exponentially. People go MIA, project gets delayed, frustration and burnout ensues. It's a vicious cycle. Therefore, I will keep things small. Really!


Again, thank you all for your support. If you have questions, post away.

Someguy I love your mods. BTW, what happens if we shoot Marko as soon as we see him?

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