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New Vegas Bounties:



"You met Randall, you killed quite a few criminals for him and accumulated quite a reputaion. A rival firm, led by Judge Richter, ordered hit on Randall and you. Randall ended up being buried in the desert, you stormed Judge's bunker and killed him."



New Vegas Bounties II:



"NCR started hiring free lance bounty hunters, so you signed up. While there are a quite a lot of (prabably) minor bounties, the main story focuses on tracking Red Bear (a former protege of Marko, I think). You find out that Mr Fisk (a character mentioned in notes previously) gets killed by Sergio Booth, who is Marko's half-brother. You kill Sergio during a stand-off in Valle del Hierro. Afterwards, you get contacted by Randall who ended by surving but is now a Ghoul saying that he'll contact you again later."



The Inheritence:



"You get hired by Joe Sellers to deliver a letter and a package a Westside militiaman who unbeknownst to him is Sellers's son. The letter reveals that Sellers knows location a certain "treasure" and wants Bradley to have it. You end Bradley spend time to track keys to this cache while an organizaion called Syndicate kills Sellers. When you find the cache-vault, Bradley dies and you CAN follow on to avenge him. If you do, you can either convince Zimmer (local Syndicate leader) to leave Mojave or kill him. You might also amass a large number of ingots of gold. If you do get the gold, you get contacted by several people who want your help as they found out about the gold you have. The most important of these people is probably Esther who wants to fund an orphanage. In reality it's just a cover for slave trading, then you can kill her or spare her and save the slaves."



New Vegas Bounties II + The Inheritence:



"If Sergio is dead, you got the gold in the Inheritence, then funded the orphanage and spared Esther to free the slaves you get contacted by the Agency (NCR's sercret service). They captured Esther who's willing to cooperate, but will only talk to you. The Agency offers you Esther's head if you help them while Esther feeds them intelligence. You destroy some Legion operations, but Esther is released by the Agency and she becomes untouchable."




"You and Russell, a foremer Desert Ranger, and Legion slave prior to that, go on a wild goose chase to collect bounty a scalp hunter named Glanton. You finally catch up to him in an NCR mining town, but cannot kill him because the citizens like him and then you're forced to let him go to save the town from a Legion attack."

Other and speculations:



"There are several mentions of Mr K, though I don't remember who he is or whether that even is known. Zimmer has a mentor in the Syndicate, who sends assassins after you if you kill Zimmer. Shadow Company is a shadowy mercenary firm that you may end up wholly slaughtering (I always do). Martin's Marines is probably a new bounty hunter firm led by a Ghoul. Any of these may potentially appear in III, Esther and Glanton are the most likely appear again IMO."



That should cover most of it. :D

Edited by 1SaBy
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What does Marko's armor look like?

It's black.


.............he's the man in black. Can you be more specific? btw there were a lot of mods that you mentioned like Firebase Zulu, Sinners and Slaves, Just a Courier and The Message. What are those about?

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Got info on all of them. This post has a brief description of several potential mods. This post and this post have info on Sinners and Slaves, the possible next mod in the series, final mod before FO4. Sixth post down on this page is about The Message, as does this one, and this one, both of which also talks about Just a Courier. There's also a few mods not part of the overarching story. The Man from Old Mexico is briefly mentioned on this page and the next two. Described an outline for a mod called Darkest Heart 7 posts down here, a rough outline for a town mod called Overpass here. New Vegas Noir is described here. He's also mentioned a couple of comedic short mods to maybe one day make, The Ballad of Bobby Bass, Someguy's Scintillating Scenarios and Groom Lake. A Bobby Bass companion mod, a random encounters mod, and a weird Area 51 mod, filled with Alchestbreach references. Also mentioned having an outline for a mercenary mod called Martin's Marines that he's saving for Fallout 4. Reading through 30 pages of Someguy's old posts was totally worth spending an hour or so on.




For SuperEpik, I wrote all this up up a few months ago. Has info on all the potential mods Someguy's described. 1SaBy, thank you very much for all the info. Glad I'm not going to have to do a speedrun of the Someguy series before Saturday just to remind myself what's happened so far.

Edited by fredbob392
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Got info on all of them. This post has a brief description of several potential mods. This post and this post have info on Sinners and Slaves, the possible next mod in the series, final mod before FO4. Sixth post down on this page is about The Message, as does this one, and this one, both of which also talks about Just a Courier. There's also a few mods not part of the overarching story. The Man from Old Mexico is briefly mentioned on this page and the next two. Described an outline for a mod called Darkest Heart 7 posts down here, a rough outline for a town mod called Overpass here. New Vegas Noir is described here. He's also mentioned a couple of comedic short mods to maybe one day make, The Ballad of Bobby Bass, Someguy's Scintillating Scenarios and Groom Lake. A Bobby Bass companion mod, a random encounters mod, and a weird Area 51 mod, filled with Alchestbreach references. Also mentioned having an outline for a mercenary mod called Martin's Marines that he's saving for Fallout 4. Reading through 30 pages of Someguy's old posts was totally worth spending an hour or so on.




For SuperEpik, I wrote all this up up a few months ago. Has info on all the potential mods Someguy's described. 1SaBy, thank you very much for all the info. Glad I'm not going to have to do a speedrun of the Someguy series before Saturday just to remind myself what's happened so far.


Wow, thanks man.

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Awesome. Glad we got you back. Now for the real talk. You continuing Prophesy of Pendor?

"I don't know, to be honest. I haven't played PoP in a long time. It will be longer still, depending on how engrossing FO4 turns out to be."


Someguy posted this literally yesterday. Read the thread more carefully.

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