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Guest deleted2159825

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The moment has arrived. I'm still undecided as to leave companions behind, or bring them with me and (potentially) watch them die a horrible death. Is it something along those lines, or is it more an issue that they might break the mod or make it unbalanced?

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The moment has arrived. I'm still undecided as to leave companions behind, or bring them with me and (potentially) watch them die a horrible death. Is it something along those lines, or is it more an issue that they might break the mod or make it unbalanced?

Just a friendly piece of advice from someone who has finished the mod. Leave them at home.

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Guest deleted2159825


I got a problem,got stuck on a quest where Raiders attack Randall & Associates,I defeat the Raiders but Randall won't say anything new

Same here


Get the .951 patch.

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Just finished the mod, or at least the main part (Don't know if there any other secret events that happen after Frosthill). Let me be the first to say this: Good job Someguy. I can't express my thanks in the way I want, since I don't want to leave any spoilers, even if I do hide them I would still feel...wrong. Let me just say that this was an appropriate and satisfying finish , at least the path I took was. Either way though, I still give you a thumbs up. But, there are a few "bugs" I would like to bring up...don't worry I didn't encounter anything game breaking...

-When Randall and Associates is attacked, the raider spawns seem to get dodgy (Sometimes they just don't spawn), forcing me to re-load saves. However, according to your earlier post, I think you've already fixed this

-The companions in Frosthill (Not any you bring, but the ones that are there) seem to have a bug where you tell them to Wait but they instead run off. At first I thought it was just "That" (You know which companion) companion being idiotic but it happened with the other as well. Companions brought from the Mojave do not have this bug.

There's one more, but I'll PM you that one, can't even try to explain it without spoilers here, and I don't feel like hiding it. You keep doing what you're doing someguy. Can't wait to see you come back to YouTube and your work on Fallout 4.

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