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I reccomend adding an ADULT-ONLY section.

I hate accidentely opening an adult mod when kids

are around :wallbash:

Go into your profile and disable the option to show adult content. That should help you control the hate. hehehe. Then flip the option back on when you "need" it.



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I agree with both posts above. There are currently over 2500 mods in the weapons and armor category, 600 of which rated as straight tens, which by the way is ridiculous and doesn't speed up the browsing process at all.


I strongly support a branch-like structure, for armors and clothes this could be something like this:


- ...

- equippable items

- - weapons

- - - bows and arrows

- - - blade and blunt

- - - staves

- - - other

- - armor

- - - realistic armor

- - - fantasy armor

- - - skimpy posing armor

- - - other

- - clothing

- - - robes, capes and cloaks

- - - normal clothes

- - - lingerie and posing clothes

- - - other

- - compilations

- - other

- ...


I really think about 500 mods should be the maximum for each category, with 100-200 being the ideal amount. If all those skimpy posing armors had their own category, it probably wouldn't even be necessary to keep male and female armor seperated, since those mods that aren't for posing usually have both male and female versions anyway.


So something like the Armamentarium or the ACCCGR would fall into the "equ. items -> compilations" category (with the latter maybe also being listed in the "equ. items -> clothes -> robes, capes & cloaks" category), while the Pegasus Armor Set would be "equ. items -> armor -> fantasy armor" and the Battlemage Armory would be "equ. items -> armor -> skimpy posing armor".


This is just a rough draft, not thought at all, but I think any branch-like structure would be a vast improvement over the current situation.

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  • 2 months later...

Great idea! I feel unmotivated every time I delete my mod collection and try to start a new one :S Although we alredy have new categories, we still need the items to be placed in the ones they belong...


IMO... Tesnexus needs a really nice cleanup! There are a lot of useless mods out there D:

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There are a lot of useless mods out there D:

Keep in mind that one man's trash is another man's treasure.


Just a few days ago, there was a gentleman that could not get the invisible Cyrodiil borders disabled. He tried manually editing the .INI file, tried using my OBMM script that does the correct edit to the correct .INI and it still did not work for him. There was one last option which was a .esp plugin that disabled the borders and it worked for him. Most everyone would have thought that plugin 100% useless because they could do the same thing by modifying their .INI file. Well, there is at least one guy out there that is VERY appreciative that the plugin version was available.



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  • 3 weeks later...
There are a lot of useless mods out there D:

Keep in mind that one man's trash is another man's treasure.


Just a few days ago, there was a gentleman that could not get the invisible Cyrodiil borders disabled. He tried manually editing the .INI file, tried using my OBMM script that does the correct edit to the correct .INI and it still did not work for him. There was one last option which was a .esp plugin that disabled the borders and it worked for him. Most everyone would have thought that plugin 100% useless because they could do the same thing by modifying their .INI file. Well, there is at least one guy out there that is VERY appreciative that the plugin version was available.







If you use the 'tcl' command can you go through the border? Or is there any commands to teleport you past it?



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There are a lot of useless mods out there D:

Keep in mind that one man's trash is another man's treasure.


Just a few days ago, there was a gentleman that could not get the invisible Cyrodiil borders disabled. He tried manually editing the .INI file, tried using my OBMM script that does the correct edit to the correct .INI and it still did not work for him. There was one last option which was a .esp plugin that disabled the borders and it worked for him. Most everyone would have thought that plugin 100% useless because they could do the same thing by modifying their .INI file. Well, there is at least one guy out there that is VERY appreciative that the plugin version was available.







If you use the 'tcl' command can you go through the border? Or is there any commands to teleport you past it?




There is a mod that will disable borders. I think the name of the mod is something like "Borderless Cyrodiil"

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