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100 things nobody knows about The Elder Scrolls IV *POTENTIAL SPOILERS


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69. This is barely related to Oblivion, but... If you install the Mod Manager and click the wrong thing, all your Oblivion files will suddenly poof into Fallout 3 land. Not fun. Hours of worrying if I was going to be able to fix that.


70. There is a trapdoor underwater in some anonymous river, behind some rocks. Through that trapdoor, you find a lot of slaughterfish, a large and unique dungeon, and a locked gate that I was never able to actually pass through. This was on the PS3, before I got Oblivion for my PC, so I couldn't just console command my way through, and it definitely wasn't a mod. Maybe it's well known, I can't be sure. I never tried the Thieves Guild quests, so I guess it could be from those. I haven't found it since.

Edited by Rennn
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72. There is a small bridge just past the Mouth of the Panther, east-southeast of Bravil. Underneath you will find the remains of a Dead Troll.

you will find A Poorly Scrawled Note on the body, explaining its failure as a bridge troll.

the note says things like this :

Mee wurst troll evurr and ... err.. i don't remember the rest of his note :)


73.The statue in Chorrol in front of the south gate there is a rendition of the Pietà ( don't know if i spelled it correct ), it is one of Michelangelo's finest works. believe me . :yes:


74. When NPCs carry out their "book reading" animation,when you go close you will see that the text of each page is the same no matter what book the NPC is actually reading.


75.The Imperial City quest Unfriendly Competition involves the Macabre Manifest, a catalog of those recently perished. One of its entries concerns an "Oford Gabings", an anagram of "Frodo Baggins ", and lists several items that Frodo carried during The Lord of the Rings trilogy, including a "travel cloak with silver and green leaf fastener", an "enchanted shortsword with inlaid writing", a "leather bound travel journal", and a "gold ring with inscription ? :sweat:


76. in shivering isles : When Sheogorath says "You wouldn't like me when I'm bored", it has nearly identical pacing and intonation to the famous "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry" from the Bill Bixby version of The Hulk.

Edited by Misakichun
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Hawkhaven is in the Shivering Isles. :)


Sheogorath has a slightly edited version of vampire eyes. He also like cheese. (not a secret)


Some doors in the Arcane University can't be opened or unlocked..... even with the console command.


The bottom circle of the map is Bethesda's personal testing site. It was deleted though.


You can get up to 3 amulets of kings, simply by completing the tutorial and heading to the testing hall.


The animation for the steel armor and emporers robes don't change for female char.


Frostcrag spire adds about 500 rocks to the game.

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  • 3 months later...
Not a secret, but I use it to test out area spells: If you go to the Arcane University, the door to the observatorium is, of corse, locked. Since it is only there when you have the DLC. But you can unlock the door anyway. Go inside and you will end up in an enormous, empty room where everything, even the floor tiles, is scaled up so that you feel like a tiny ant XD Edited by chakaru11
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77: No matter how high you fall from if you change cells before hitting the ground you won't take any damage (you can test this on the bridges in Skingrad or if you know how to fly on wight gold tower).
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
79. There's an unused NPC by the name of "Kurdan's Imperial Hunter" In the construction set he's ranked as a "Class-A Jerk" Edited by spyro1201
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80. Anyone who read The Shadow Over Innsmouth will feel right at home in the pleasant village of Hackdirt.


81. If you have actor self-shadowing enabled, sheep's ears will cast shadows on their heads. That impressed me.


82. This next one might just be a rumor I heard... There are (allegedly) bodies inside the fleshy pods in the Plane of Oblivion. You can't see them because Bethesda forgot to make them translucent.


83. The ancient Ayleids didn't use beds. They slept huddled between the corpse-mashing spike wall and the gas chambers, because they needed to protect 4 gold and a potion of Minor Restore Fatigue.

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