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BIggest dissapointment of the decade 2000-2009


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For me it was Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising. It doesn't deserve to have a name Operation Flashpoint.


I remember the first OFP. And you are absolutely right in what you said. I never bought Dragon Rising because of all the negative posts I read from people about it. I know that a lot of people instead play Arma 2 or AA (whatever version it happens to be on now) and most consider Arma2 to be the successor of OFP and not DR.

You are absolutely correct. DR isn't even made by Bohemia (the company that made older OFP arma and arma 2) ArmA 2 looks and feels the same as OFP. Dragon Rising is a cheap copy trying to recreate a Bohemia's epic engine. Multiplayer is okay i guess not the best one. Missions are pretty boring. Get there, destroy sam, go there, do that. BORING

Also it claims to have a mission editor. (mission editor is pretty standard in Bohemia's games. Their editors are pretty easy and fun to use, and you can create a mission in seconds) I couldn't get it to work. It popped an error and thats it. For ArmA 2 there is a big gaming community just like for the Oblivion and Fallout 3. Well right now i don't see any mods being made at all. They tried to make something between arma2 and modern warfare 2. They failed. BADLY.

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Great gameplay, cool gadgets and amazing graphics, but it ruined it by using up most of the game time in cutscenes which lasted ages. Some levels were actually 90% cutscene. The entire gameplay bit of the game, excludng bosses, could have been done in 2 hours by a regular gamer. Mind you, Drebin was a bit of a redeeming factor.



haha...exactly like MGS2 then...great game and all, but man I couldn't believe the crazy amount of long cutscenes...especially right before the last boss...ugh! How is it by the way, does it finalize the series? I really wondered what was going to happen after MGS2.


Probably the biggest upset for me was Fallout 3. Nothing cool, nothing exciting, felt like I was playing a huge Oblivion overhaul mod. Plus, it ran like garbage (this was before patches, DLCs, etc.), and that just made me mad most of all. I mean, how did the game get past testing with how it ran on my computer and several of my friends computers? Just terrible...

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:( aw so he finally does kick the bucket? I was wondering about that . Yeah, those games have such a great storyline, the first one made me cry when I didn't let Meryl live (and the Sniper Wolf part) :( I've played all of them up to this one as I don't have a PS3 and never will. Lol, is it just as convoluted as the second game? I had to play it twice to understand wtf was going on :P
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No, he survives, and you see the return of Big Boss. Meryle survives as well. It has the most moving scene ever as the bit after the voice credits, which nearly made me collapse into a flood of tears.

But it's not actually that convoluted, as everything is fairly linear. However they did screw up as Otacon trying to be emotional in a little robot he has which does some random dances is just too funny to be sad. They did a really good job at making the robot show emotion, though!

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Spore... So much potential which only ended up being stomped on by EA, watered down for an all ages audience, DRMed to hell, stripped of most the things that might make it fun, and broken up so that parts could be sold for more profit. Combined with all the hype, previews, it was quite simply a perfect storm of how a company can ruin a game.


Oh GOD...don't get me started on Spore...

I loved the Sims, and had high expectation for this game. Even preordered it!!! ARRRGGGHH just the thought that I PREODERED makes me soooo MAD!

Squandered potential? Check.

Watered down? Check.

DRM? Check.

Broken, and broken up levels? Check.

Boring? Check.

And by the time they released their "addon" content, I'd already burned, pile-drived, bit into, and hacked up my copy...

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Neverwinter Nights 2 is one of the worst. Just look, I played this game, like 10 times over and over again, and still didn't completed the second part! Secondly, it is running very slow on any computer, always lags, I think it's because of the stupid lighting and shading. Faces are horrible, some are just meshes with a lot of small cubes of texture. The magic effects, I can only say that they just caused lags and crazy, + irritating lights. And worst of all - combat system! I always hated the step by step combat in games, I thought combat supposed to be enjoyable and exiting, not like this.

You: Haargh! - Slash

Enemy: Dodges

3 seconds passed...

You: Aargh! Slash

Enemy: Dodges, and then hit you.

You: Hargh! - Got hit.

3 seconds passed...

Enemy: Yaa! Hit!

You: Dodge, and attack.

Enemy: Hit!

3 seconds passed...

You: Yiaaaii! Slash!

Enemy: Hooraaargh! Dies, and then fall down spinning, like he just got slapped...


Oblivion combat: You - Slash, Enemy - Smack


Slash smack slash slash block! Slash, SMACK! stumbled, slash slash smack, dodge, jump, slash, slash, smack, dodge, slash, dodge, smack smack smack! You stumbled, aleady on low hp in 5 seconds.


I will tell more tomorrow.

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Far Cry 2.....

running 5 minutes through desert to kill 3 enemies...

then running 5 minutes to kill 3 enemies...

then running 5 minutes to kill......3 enemies...

then running........5 minutes to kill.......... 3 enemies...

then........ running........ 5 minutes to kill......... 3 enemies...

then...... running........ 5 minutes......... to kill....... 3 enemies...

zzzZZZZZZZZZZZ......zzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ......3 enemies.............. :wallbash:

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