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Btmod Download Link Borked!


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The download link for this modification, "BTMod" (info at URL: http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=1825 ), seems to be broken. It opens up this URL: http://www.tessource.net/files/uploads/936...)-TESSource.rar ), but no download initiations occur. And there are no "Report a Problem" buttons on the download page, that I can see. I can see them on the other modification's pages, but there is none for the BTMod page. That is why I reported it here.


Sorry if it's just my end... but what gives? :( I wanna download this esp :P

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All sorts of tweaking was going on with the server last night by some American techies; I believe it caused some files to become undownloadable during this time. This should now be resolved and working again.
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I am accessing the internet from another computer at the moment, and the download URL works. When I get home I will see if it does, and then if it doesn't I'll check out my settings... but I don't see how that could be it because I've downloaded other mods. :happy:
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