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Fallout new vegas


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I hope that in the geck(if they add one for this game)that it will include more features including more texturing/modeling stuff instead of using the complicated blender stuff and that the game is more moddable with more dlc!!
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I hope that in the geck(if they add one for this game)that it will include more features including more texturing/modeling stuff instead of using the complicated blender stuff and that the game is more moddable with more dlc!!


Modeling and texturing is always done outside of the game engine. It wouldn't make any sence at all for Bethesda to put modeling and texturing tools into the GECK.


Bethesda uses 3Ds Max and Photoshop and sometimes Zbrush to make stuff before putting it into the GECK, so they would never bother making their own tools to do it...

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i'd like to see the weapon setup completely revamped:


1) aim: bullets that fly streight. experience shouldn't change this.

2) recoil: bigger bang = more recoil. more experence = less recoil

3) steady: bigger gun = less steady. more experience = steadier hold and aim

4) two pistols: yep i said it and i want it :biggrin: should affect #3

5) distance: scope @ 500 yards... no problem. given you can keep the weapon steady

6) perk: pistols and rifles/assualt rifles are not the same. maybe a different perk for each.


just some of my thoughs

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6) perk: pistols and rifles/assualt rifles are not the same. maybe a different perk for each.


There is a different perk for pistols as opposed to rifles. I'm sure you meant to say split up the Small Guns skill. ;)

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ok ok this my run down. lets start from the beginning. IN a galaxy far far away there was BLACK ILSE they made the fallouts 1,2 and tactics and in pretty sure a rare fallout on ps2 or ps1...

due to lose of money BLACK ISLE went broke selling there game license and that kinda stuff. fallout went to bethesda and then came game of the year..Fallout 3. But a group of brave little BLACK ISLE workers..you know beta testers desingners and programs.. that kinda workers :) formed a new company OBSIDIAN.....this was a big risk of going bankrupt because they were again because they were pretty small. i not quite sure what happen then probly just helped make some games and that kind stuff so they grew a bit then they saw that bethesda was making fallout 3 and probly contacted then you know like wanting a scoop on it and what it was all about. so they probly were a lil mad that it was so good and wish they didnt sell fallout and what not. and aslo happy that they carried on the lone wanders legend. then bethesda contacted OBSIDIAN about their NEW VEGAS idea and glady they took the offer. Bethesda did this to hold over fans for fallout 4 and they new we were getting tired of dlc's so they wanted the the grandfathers of fallout to make it. so they are making fallout vegas and probly beta testing it and finishing touches. The did make it like fallout 1 and 2 no graphic and fps wise but story wise to show then a new point of view of the fallout world. And to get all of the fallout 3 haters that only like fallout 1 and 2 to see that fallout was in good hands and to attract the fallout 3 haters and to attract the fallout 3 fan boys like me. so thats history done now game info... it comes October 1st and it takes place in the area of NEW VEGAS and New Reno and the California Republic and possibly shady sands. your supposed to be from vault 22 and this is the part i dont believe...you get shoot in the head and you try to find the persons shot you in the head......BULL i can go one wit this stuff but message if you want me to go on feel free to

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thebic4, if I read that right, you said Fallout New Vegas will be like 1 and 2? *manure*.


Freakydo, I have alot of friends who think that you should have 100% on-target shots like COD and such, but that wont fit fallout and wont be good. I think that experience should effect it. Having 100 small guns skill should make you shoot alot straighter then have 20.


I really hope that they have radio stations, and that they decide to make them usable. I cant explain how happy GNR songs make me while playing. I have no idea why they did that in fallout 3. That robot at the start of the video is freaky though, you think he will come with you at the start?

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That robot at the start of the video is freaky though, you think he will come with you at the start?


I think its the same type of robot as the one that rescues you at the start, it looks like its searching for bodies.


The player will play as a courier, who was left to die in a shallow grave, rescued by a TV Robot named Victor, and patched up by a Doctor Mitchell.

taken from the fallout wiki,


Theyre fairly, strange...

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More people!!

People to talk to.

People to work with.

And especially people to kill.

I felt somehow lonely in FO3 where half of the time is just walking, and where towns are simply limited to like only 10 people.

More interactions with the word,having effect on everything around you.

More muties indeed :tongue:

And why does it always have to be a good ending??? Cant we just end it dominating the world?Destroying It?leading a group of badass gangstas(Butch's request from FO3)

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