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Fallout new vegas


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I cannot wait for it! I believe it will be way better than Fallout 3 due too there being so many new and cool things. Finally I do not have to download a 'needs' mod because it's already in game. And there are new weapons and everything. But the one thing that really pisses me off is that they are going to be using some of the Fallout 3 armors, like Raider Blastmaster for example, and just changing the name to tribal armor. It's sort of a let down when everything is not going to be new. But other than that minor thing, this game will be amazing.



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do you know that for a fact or are you judging that by the video. there could be stuff in the trailer that was ported over from fallout 3 just to fill some of the gaps. we still have quite a while so lets hope it all gets done proppa!
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I am looking forward to it and I aren't.


I'm looking forward to it because well it's Fallout!, the gamplay looks good, the new creatures look good, the graphics look good everything really.


But I'm not looking forward to it because I know alot of people will mod this for sexual stuff and in my opinion it kind of ruins the game, look at Oblivion god knows how many porn mods there are for that, and then look at Fallout nice game but people have ruined it by making this animated prostitution and incredibly provocative armour, which it doesn't look right.


Now I know I'm going to get alot of jip for this like "if you don't like it then don't download it" and whatnot, I know I can't stop people turning it into an X rated game, but it's my opinion and everyone is entitled to their opinion.

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Broken Swords:Whats wrong with porn or prostitution? Its Bethesdas Fault since the lack of support for Nova


Aye granted, its just that it kind of ruins the game, I'm pretty sure that Bethesda didn't want that sort of thing in their game, hence why they left it out, they did put a prostitute in game but that's it, they didn't go all out and do the animations, sounds and whatnot.


Did you know that Oblivion is rated 15?!, and there's alot of porn mods, all I'm saying is that there should be limitations. I'm not saying that mods are bad I'm saying that there should be allowed so much.


Why do I get shunned from speaking my mind...

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Hm yes I cant wait <.< I'm hoping the gameplay will be the same as this fallout, And i hope they increase the difficulty I find all fallouts, Well Easy... Especially Fo3 But i still enjoyed it C:
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Meh, I had enough of "needs" with Nethack! I don't want to ever have to deal with that again, chalk up not getting hungry/thirsty as one of those Acceptable Breaks From Reality in the name of fun. Same for weighted ammo really, don't think I'd want to have to worry about that in a game, though I don't recall ever actually playing a game where that was a factor. Games are meant to be fun. Then again, some people find that kind of thing fun. I don't understand them myself, but most people don't understand why I like putt--[censored].


Me, I hope Alternate Start mods and Enhanced Children/CUTE show up early for New Vegas. ;)


Too bad lilgamefreek got banned though. It'd be pretty cool to transplant Blaze to Vegas, but without the pyro rebalance I'm not so sure it'd be worth playing a pyro anymore.



But I'm not looking forward to it because I know alot of people will mod this for sexual stuff and in my opinion it kind of ruins the game, look at Oblivion god knows how many porn mods there are for that, and then look at Fallout nice game but people have ruined it by making this animated prostitution and incredibly provocative armour, which it doesn't look right.


Now I know I'm going to get alot of jip for this like "if you don't like it then don't download it" and whatnot, I know I can't stop people turning it into an X rated game, but it's my opinion and everyone is entitled to their opinion.


Exactly. You solved your own problem right there. How does someone else's mod that someone else downloaded ruin the game for you though? How does it turn your game into an X-rated game? That's just silly.


There's a mod whose name is not even to be mentioned here on Nexus. Gee I wonder how much that one might ruin your game. (actually, there are a few of them, and some of them squick even me, and I dressed a little blonde girl up in a bunny suit and ran around Springvale whacking raiders in the head with a friggin steel banana)


Why do I get shunned from speaking my mind...

Because of the way you express it. I like small breasts (BABE A-cup FTW!), but I don't go around saying "Oh, Exnem Bigger Breasts (there's probably bigger out there but that's just off the top of my head) just ruined the game!" And as I said above, I've had quite enough of RPGs where you have to eat just to stay alive, but I don't decry the existence of mods that add such features.

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I am looking forward to it and I aren't.


I'm looking forward to it because well it's Fallout!, the gamplay looks good, the new creatures look good, the graphics look good everything really.


But I'm not looking forward to it because I know alot of people will mod this for sexual stuff and in my opinion it kind of ruins the game, look at Oblivion god knows how many porn mods there are for that, and then look at Fallout nice game but people have ruined it by making this animated prostitution and incredibly provocative armour, which it doesn't look right.


Now I know I'm going to get alot of jip for this like "if you don't like it then don't download it" and whatnot, I know I can't stop people turning it into an X rated game, but it's my opinion and everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Well, just throwing my two cents in here, but in F1 and F2 prostitution (and making caps from it) were actually pretty big in terms of gameplay. Also the downfalls were as well, like STDs, which would severely hinder your character over time. And in F2 you could become a porn star. Prostitution mods don't ruin gameplay, they bring some of the flavor from the first two to the new generation of the series, which was beaten to the point of mental handicap by Bethesda in the first place, IMHO. But that's just my opinion, take it or leave it.


That said, if you don't want mods like that, don't DL them, don't even look at them. Just let them sit where they sit and let all us "depraved perverts" (completely lighthearted joke people XD ) have them all to ourselves. :)

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