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Anyone else really hyped for Mass Effect 2?


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I ended up changing the Mantis to a little bit more fun, seeing as how it's the best sniper rifle until the Widow (although it's a better investment to get Assault Rifle training).


Changed total ammo capacity to 20, 3 round clips and increased the damage a bit. Also added Geth Pulse Rifle to standard assault rifle loadout :P

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There's people who purposely make some of their crew members die on the mission. I think that's pretty stupid, since most party members are great, and every single one of them has something good about them. My least favorite would probably be Jacob. I still like him, but he seems a bit too normal. He's a well rounded human, no place for him in the Mass Effect universe, at least on Shepard's crew. Kaidan kind of had the same thing going on in ME 1, which is why he's still on Virmire. It's just that he's in a lot smaller pieces now.


I don't mind Jacob, he's just not very interesting. All the others are good though. I left Kaidan to cook on Virmire because he reminded of Carth from KOTOR, that was enough to warrant his death.

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Well, Zaeed committed three out of three unforgivable sins (that'd be... #1: killing innocent people, #2: pointing a gun at Shepard, and #3: lying to Shepard) so he got marked for death pretty quickly. If it had been possible, I would have shot him at the end of his loyalty mission on general principle... instead he got to

be a big damn hero my second time out and sacrifice his life to save the crew.

Chaotic Good Shepard doesn't like it when people point their rage in the wrong direction. He only survived the first playthrough because Shepard didn't want to trust him with anything important.


Thane died the first time because

I sent him through the vents,

but I found it a fittingly heroic end because

he was terminally ill and would have been dead in a year anyway.



Miranda bit it on playthrough #2 because

I sided with Jack during their argument and didn't have enough paragon points to regain her loyalty.

I'm ok with that because she really was acting like a petulant child. I mean, Jack is a royal b****,

but she got that way because she was tortured and experimented on by Cerberus as a child. Miranda somehow can't understand why she'd hate the organization after that? Not only that, she thinks Jack should be grateful to Cerberus because they made her a powerful biotic. Not the argument to make in front of a Shepard whose career was built on mercilessly running down and exterminating 'end-justifies-the-means' types.

I did feel a little sorry I'd worked so hard to kill her after she

hung up on the Illusive Man, though.



I'm not sure who I'd have future Shepards kill off. Losing some would be tragic, others redeeming. I'll have at least one playthrough where I lose some of the crew, and probably a "rocks fall, everyone dies" scenario too. Good, wholesome fun. :happy:

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My wife and kids went to bed early last night so I fired up the game and kept at it until I finished it. Most side quests were done, every planet explored (very few were even mined) and I was a level 27 and at least 2 or 3 abilities were not maxed out on everyone. I had the loyalty of every member EXCEPT Miranda and was able to win and bring everybody back home (the 1st time). It was great.


In the end, using the right weapons at the right time made all the difference. Example:

Some places required fighting a boss scene where you only get a single shot at a time to take out a weak point but if you use the Collector Beam heavy weapon, you can take out two weak points in a single pass because of the high power AND the ability to continually fire and not reload...that alone reduced the boss fight time in half.



I also waited to do the "Advanced Training" until I acquired all the loyal members I could get...and then picked one of their special abilities to make as my own. This was also very helpful in picking a team where somebody could deploy a remote robot to distract the enemy, another to peel off any biotic or armor layer on a baddie and my ability to finish them off once exposed in a well-timed event of biotic goodness.


I especially liked this combo effect on enemies that are near deadly ledges: Pull...then let victim reach a point over a void and then use a Slam to hurl them down to their deaths...works VERY well on powerful enemies. hahaha.


Overall, it had a great storyline and I can't wait to see what #3 has in store for us...although I can see the writing on the wall with all the crucial decision points made throughout #1 and #2.

I'll bet you wish the Rachni and Geth are on your side for #3 when it comes round.




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I've been checking out ME2 but have to say that I've never heard of ME1 until recently. Will it make much difference to buy ME2 without having played ME1 first??

Sorry if this is a dumb or redundant question lol

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I've been checking out ME2 but have to say that I've never heard of ME1 until recently. Will it make much difference to buy ME2 without having played ME1 first??

Sorry if this is a dumb or redundant question lol


It will definitely enrich your Mass Effect 2 experience if you play through Mass Effect first.

Importing your character from the first Mass Effect is a very nice feature, gives a feeling of familiarity and provides to the complexity of the game.

Having played through the first game, you will also be familiar with some story elements, and recognize the many references to the first game.


But sure, you can also pick up Mass Effect 2 without having played the first. Personally, I'd certainly recommend playing Mass Effect first.

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The thing that made ME2 worse then ME1 for me is that they tried so much to make it possible to play ME2 without playing ME1. After I got ME2 and played it for a while I decided to get ME1 and play it before because playing them both is much better.
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The savegame editor now has the ability to mod Me1 stuff in Me2 though you have to import it as a New Game+ for it to work. Hurrah for no longer needing to Speed through ME1 to set up Me2, this also means the peeps who missed out on Me1 can unlock the special interactions (although I'd still reccomend getting Me1 ;)) .


Gibbed's Mass Effect 2 save editor, build 25


Now does anyone know if theres some kind of Coalesced tutorial site? Its getting tedious trawling through the social.

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