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Life, stress and happiness.


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Is anything worth the stress of intentional assholes that ply their trade on those who volunteer to be victimized in order to gain the comforts these people provide.?

Are we so regimented in our daily lives that we addict ourselves to the creature comforts that provide us with temporary distractions from the daily grind, only to go back to that grind to provide yourself with the distraction?

Is this society or a gilded cage that we pride ourselves with because the interior is so shiny?Is this actual freedom or just more material objects that provide us with the imagination that we once had, only the present version required no effort to create other than the handing over of cash.

Do we accept the bad with the good because the good is so beneficial to us personally or is it because it is so familiar to us and we just think it's part of the bargain of life?

Do we miss out on something genuine when we ignore those people who are physically around us to enter the world of pictures where we see no one face to face and can't see them react with pain or pleasure or any other emotion that we a human beings share?

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Not everyone has this negative outlook on life ... because we fill it with things called - relationships, friends,

family, some fill it with sport, hobbies, religion, and yes, even work is sometimes a pleasure.

Your outlook on life, your perspective play a large role in your "daily grind".

Perhaps you need to get out more and also start to appreciate the small things that life has to offer.

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Not everyone has this negative outlook on life ... because we fill it with things called - relationships, friends,

family, some fill it with sport, hobbies, religion, and yes, even work is sometimes a pleasure.

Your outlook on life, your perspective play a large role in your "daily grind".

Perhaps you need to get out more and also start to appreciate the small things that life has to offer.


That is true that not everyone has the same look on life., but does that make that negative? Socrates once said that a life unexamined is a life not worth living. Ibelieve that and have spent much of my life talking to others and that ideal has brought me here to continue that quest.


Just because people find distractions doesn't mean that there isn't stress involved in pushing people to make those decisions or in their findings after they are made. Sometimes it is a search for something they have inside of them and simply are not prepared to embrace that.

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People think that happiness can be achieved though the gain of material wealth, the result is they focus so much on that they miss out on the important things in life. You see it a lot here, both parents work ungodly hours just so they can have a nice house, maybe two vacations and two cars yet by doing that they miss on the most important thing of all, family. They've no time for their children, the children are looked after by a nanny during the day and the parents are too tired in the evening to spend time with them, the parents don't have quality time together themselves either, again they're too busy or tired, no wonder divorce is as common as it is.

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The problem is that society pressures us to define our success by external conditions rather than internal ones. The right job, the right car, the right relationship, it's all part and parcel of what western society deems as successful. If you don't have one of these things, you can't possibly be properly happy, or work hard enough, or be good enough. And when the people around us seem to have these things, it makes us feel as if we're failing. One of your high school buddies (let's call him Chad) just landed a sweet job, and you're still working part time in factories to make rent; Chad posts pictures of his shiney new Lexus on Facebook, and you're still driving your parents' old Civic because it gets okay mileage; Chad announces his engagement to a knock-out he met while on vacation in Europe while you're sitting home alone on a Saturday night eating Chinese food right out of the container. By gauging our own achievements against a peer's, we devalue our own successes to the point where we see them as failures instead.


But some people actually can be legitimately happy and still be working part time, living in a basement apartment, eating Chinese food you don't have to share with someone you only pretend to like most of the time anyway. It's okay to enjoy your life as it is. Because you only get one.

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