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new vegas info


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I thought this would be the best place to put this but report it if you think that some where else is better


oh, here's the trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/debut-tr...llout-new/61575


I wonder if they'll bring the gamble skill back or have something to govern that?

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So um, I guess Vegas moved to California when it became "New" Vegas. Or maybe the California Republic (which was never really a country anyway) reformed in the aftermath of the war, and they're invading Nevada! :D
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same story differnt place



only thing that peaks my intrest is what will make the whole thing worth playing


1. in the background looks like maybe a thriving city with very good living conditions (for the wastes)


2. wierd graveyard with a tv robot?


3. perhaps a new "enclave" type faction or at least a differnt branch of the enclave


4. BIGGEST CONCERN! I am saddened to say this version of fallout will most likley be short and hard to mod

you would think its VEGAS BABY! but from what I heard through the grapevine is that it not huge or exstensive and basically

a tease for Fallout 4 which HINT HINT HINTY HINT im hoping you can go to more vast locations like maybe other countries

going to China and finding a chiniese base or something like that...

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Gambling would be hella cool :biggrin: I can't wait to check this game out. Did yall here about that hoax thats been going around? I was really dissapointed to here it it really had some cool ideas thrown into it. Backgrounds.. (lone wanderer, Chinese Ghoul) Vehicles, sand worms all types of crap. 2 bad it was a load of bull lol Maybe they will take some of those ideas n throw em in the game :confused:
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Well, that's the second worst trailer I've ever seen. But it does tend to indicate that New Vegas is still in the works. I know that there was some doubt after Bethesda and Interplay got into a war over who owned the rights to Fallout. I haven't been to Vegas in years and it will be nice to see how she came through the war. I'm truly looking forward to this title. Thank you, GETbacon, for providing this.



The Rabbit

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Actually, at the end of the trailer GfWL is listed as one of the platforms. Yay! More pointless crashing and freezing. :thanks:




What apparently never changes is Bethesda's lack of respect for their customers.


EDIT: Actually that says "Games for Windows". I'm just now waking up, I guess.

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Well, that's the second worst trailer I've ever seen. But it does tend to indicate that New Vegas is still in the works.

Well, that's kind of the point of a teaser trailer, I thought. FO3 was the same way; at the time I was like "okay dude in a suit of armor big whoop." Or is that the worst trailer you've ever seen, that you're referring to?


So um, I guess Vegas moved to California when it became "New" Vegas. Or maybe the California Republic (which was never really a country anyway) reformed in the aftermath of the war, and they're invading Nevada!

Ding ding ding we have a winner! Why else say, "War never changes" after backing off enough to plainly see 2CR's flag? Also, I haven't played FO2 but I was under the impression that the 2CR was up and functional; not like global superpower functional but still a power to be reckoned with in the post-apocalyptic world.


I'm curious about that robot. Not in the "lol tv robot lolol" sort of way, but in the "let's analyze the hell out of this" kind of way. For one, what is he doing? People seem to think he's scavenging, but he seems intent more on moving sand than recovering items. Second, he is singularly ineffective at that task. Those grabber claws are terrible scoops.

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Well, that's the second worst trailer I've ever seen. But it does tend to indicate that New Vegas is still in the works.

Well, that's kind of the point of a teaser trailer, I thought. FO3 was the same way; at the time I was like "okay dude in a suit of armor big whoop." Or is that the worst trailer you've ever seen, that you're referring to?


Please forgive me Mr. SATMA for using an old catchphrase from a 1960's sitcom. You see, I am an old bunny and frequently date myself by using references to things that you younger people may not get. My point was that I had feared that Fallout New Vegas was dead and was now overjoyed to see that it was still in the works in spite of a somewhat bemusing trailer. My apologies for any confusion I might have caused.




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I was frickin pumped when I saw Vegas still all lit up. This game I know is going to be awesome and different..well...I haven't played the originals so I don't know, but I know it is gonna be good. Later this week, the gamer magazines for the X-Box and Playstation will have articals looking at the game and with photos of gameplay...WOOOO!
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