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Really appreciate what you guys are doing with the strain on the servers. Lots of extra traffic, tough spot to be in.

Would you be able to please put a quick header note at the top of the page saying something like "we're experiencing unexpected high traffic".

I've been on nexus mods for years casually, just logged on now to download some stuff. I've spent an hour trying to download mods when the servers were full, because its taken me that long to find out they were full and only did by scrolling through user comments such as these. If I'd known an hour ago, I would have just come back later,thus reducing server traffic, I'm sure others would too.

As I said, I totally get you're doing your best with a massive increase in traffic. Thanks.

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i am in uk,and i am considered to be "poor" but im sure id be able to donate something however little,i cannot afford the set premium rates but surely a couple of thousand members at a even £1 each a month would help,it all mounts up.


cant beleive the whiners moaning about something this good but theyll only come if its free,you should be ashamed of yourselves.

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  On 6/28/2014 at 3:05 PM, gregotch said:


at a even £1 each a month would help,it all mounts up.



You can become a "Supporter" just by becoming a Premium Member for a single month by making a one-time donation of just £2.99.


That status is permanent, and gets you ad-free access to the Nexus including the "Supporters' Image Share". :thumbsup:

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I've just had an amateur idea how to solve situation like this next time: if you know your serves can't handle it, close down registrations. I mean what's the point in allowing people to create accounts when they won't be able to download anything anyway? Wait, it's worse: existing members are royally f-ed because of this, and NOONE can download anything. Yea we all can still click on ads, eh?

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In response to post #16033580.

Or...you could just be patient. Not discounting the fact that a lot of people coming back to download are people who already have accounts on the Nexus but have bought another game in the Steam sale; e.g. Skyrim players buying New Vegas, Dragon Age players buying Skyrim, and so on.
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In response to post #16033580. #16033965 is also a reply to the same post.

Not that I'm complaiming, I love nexus, all my mods I got here and my game is completly different now, but what is happening now, the non playing guys can't download anymore? Is there a bug in this new system? The old way worked so fine for years and now I can't update my mods. I'm really sorry if I'm saying something wrong and again, I really appreciate this site.
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