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Site updates: stability, premium donations, endorsements, downloading, apostrophes and full-stops


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In response to post #15687170. #15687460, #15692355 are all replies on the same post.

I'm going to preface this with the fact (not opinion) that you did not read this news update in full. It's very obvious (and I'll point out what I mean). That, or you didn't understand it, either one.

If you click on abstain (the endorse thumbs-up with the red line through it), the pop-up should stop asking for an endorsement (that was in the news article: "...now the system knows that you aren't planning to endorse the file and, ergo, won't remind you to do so."). If it still comes up again, submit a bug report, simple as that.

"...is not what you exactly want but you don't hate the mod no you just realized by trying it out it's not what you want...."

Quite apart from atrocious grammar and complete lack of punctuation, this is why the abstain option is there in the first place. Again, you should read this news post in full, Dark0ne says so; "Abstaining from a file is just that; you are refraining from endorsing the file. It is not a negative mark against a file. ... By abstaining you are telling the site that you are aware you can endorse the file but you don't want to."

You said that a Turn Off option would be nice...again, read the friggin' post **in full** before commenting like that.

"You can change how often this reminder is shown to you, if at all, from within your preferences...." "You can change your mind later on by going to your download history and changing your abstain to an endorsement."

Also, coming from my personal opinion; if it's a translation, I'd endorse it if I were you. You aren't endorsing the fact that the mod was good, but that the translation itself was accurate and good. Then, if you like the original mod, endorse that as well, because it shows your support for it.
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My bookmark for the Nexus is my tracking center, so I always see newly updated files when I browse.

Edit: this was meant to be a reply to scegielski but Nexus had one if it's 'convulsions' and it didn't nest.


Also: Love the new endorsement reminder system! My mods have all seen small spikes.

Edited by LeanWolf
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In response to post #15671650. #15675460, #15678530 are all replies on the same post.

It was not my intention that Nexus institute a police state OR give absolute criteria, only a common sense GENERAL IDEA for EACH person to build upon.

Just the idea that an endorsement is like a "thank you" for what the modder has given you would be helpful.

This would provide a general guide line & NOT be any sort of enforceable dictate or hard and fast rule. It WOULD let everyone make their own decisions. It would mostly let them know that it was important to make a decision.

I am not quite sure why there is such a belligerent reaction to the idea that people ought to thank a modder for the gift of their time & work. If you persist in that attitude you will soon have no modders willing to work for people who only complain it was not enough & cannot even be bothered with a simple button click to "thank" them.

I did NOT suggest that Nexus require ANYONE to endorse ANYTHING ever! A guideline is simply a SUGGESTION for polite behaviour that will make the community a better and healthier place. It is not something that is enforced!

I disagree with DrakeTheDragon that these endorsements have no meaning for the modder. I have heard too many modders who feel ripped off when people download their mods by the hundreds or thousands & cannot be bothered to give them any sort of 'thank you' or acknowledgement. What other purpose could that button have?? To a modder it is usually the only thanks or compensation he receives for days or years of hard work. Why is that too much to ask? It is only common courtesy. Is this community supposed to be above common courtesy?

So tell us, why did you put that endorsement button there?
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Wow... this explains why i got more than 500 endorsements in just a couple of days, the endorse reminder seems to be working nicely.
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How about some general idea such as: if you try a mod and it does pretty much what it claimed it would without causing harm then you really ought to endorse it, even if you decide that it does not suit your particular game play tastes?

Just the idea that an endorsement is like a "thank you" for what the modder has given you would be helpful.

You are correct in that people interpret the "endorse" differently, but imo Drake is also correct in that the site shouldn't define what the endorse means. As both a mod user and mod author, I disagree with your stated definition.


While I will rarely endorse a mod that I don't decide to use but feel is made particularly well, in general I only endorse files that I like and feel are made well. An "endorsement" by definition is not a "thank you." It's a way to publicly support something or someone. By me endorsing a mod it says that I like the mod and I want other people to know I like the mod. It's a way for me to communicate with other mod users. It's not a way for me to "thank" the author, per se. If I want to thank them, I'll leave them a short comment.


Putting my author "hat" on, yes, endorsements are nice to see, but it's not why I mod. I mod because there are things that I want to change and improve within a game. And because I enjoy it. When the time I spend modding allows others to have a more pleasant game experience, then that's great. When they take the time to tell me so, that's even better. But, here's the key: I would be doing it regardless.


So, I'd argue that if the endorsements are really that important to an author and if they are creating that much drama, then perhaps the author needs to re-evaluate why they are modding and what they want to get out of it. If there's one thing I learned a long time ago, it's that you can't expect "thank yous" from other people to keep you motivated. You have to do things for your own enjoyment and pleasure.

Edited by moho25
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This is a great idea and i think it is important. I sort all my searches by most endorsed and I know there are a lot of under-rated mods out there.


Is it possible to have the pop-up not show mods recently downloaded? Some mods I haven't even used yet and I don't want to dismiss them out of hand, because then I won't be reminded again. How about an option for "remind me later" which is what most phone apps have.

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It's pretty easy, folks. An endorsement is the electronic equivalent of the little star stickers that teachers pass out to little kids. We make a good mod that someone enjoys, the person gives us a star sticker to put on the mod's wall. It's not like they are a ticket to a paycheck or new car or anything, just something to let the modder know that he/she has done a good job. A nice, warm, fuzzy feeling. All the popup is doing is reminding people to "take a moment and tell this modder that they've done a good job, if you want to, or not...your call". And it isn't as if the popup is 'new' - it replaces the server list popup from what I've seen, so yeah - not as huge of an inconvenience as some make it out to be, at least in my eyes.

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