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Need help getting "Two Weeks Later" vid to run, have lots of


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Please, I need help from someone who runs lots of mods (mostly companions and houses, nothing too game-bending) who has had the problem with the game crashing after seeing the family portrait, just when the "Two Weeks Later" vid should run.


Here is what I tried:


1. I reinstalled the DLC (which I have the disk for).

2. I made sure to install the 1.6 patch fromt he disk.

3. I set my character back to level 19 using the console, then made a fresh save while at Project Purity.


Nothing works so far. Thanks in advance.


UPDATE: I tried installing the Unofficial Broken Steel patch. Still no good.

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You can disable all of your mods and just run the game with DLC, then start a new game. If it works fine then exit the game and check the mods one by one. You need lots of patience in doing this. It wouldn't hurt to post your load order too.
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Thanks for the reply, but that is not a helpful reply.


Why? Because starting a NEW game will not get me to END game, which is where the crash happens. Right at the end, after activating Project Purity and Broken steel is SUPPOSED to kick in but CTDs instead.


I am hoping to hear from someone else who uses lots of mods, has had this issue, and fixed it.

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I've had a similar problem. After activating Project Purity and getting the ending movie, when you reach the part where it shows the photo of the father & child, it instead shows a view of you looking up from the floor at the statue of Jefferson.The game does not progress after it. Any ideas?
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Thanks for the reply, but that is not a helpful reply.


Why? Because starting a NEW game will not get me to END game, which is where the crash happens. Right at the end, after activating Project Purity and Broken steel is SUPPOSED to kick in but CTDs instead.


I am hoping to hear from someone else who uses lots of mods, has had this issue, and fixed it.


Sorry, my bad. I thought it's the portrait about the bible verse in the early part of the game. I apologize...


I cannot help you there since I've never encountered such a problem. Hope you get to solve your problem, all the best.

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I think I am running 1.7 but I will give it a try. I have a new issue now - not being able to level after Broken Steel starts.


What I did to get past the Two Weeks Later not starting is I disabled almost every mod that I had. Not sure why any of them would interfere with a movie. The ones I left in place were my Ling mods and my companions. Once I got past the movie and out of the Citadel, I added most of them back in, but some still locked up the game while in the Citadel. Even still, now that I am out of the basement, I am getting a lockup when I try to complete leveling.


Bottom Line - Broken Steel is a buggy POS that should have been fixed before release, and it is a black mark on Fallout 3, even if it is a cool mod. I spent more time "CTL-ALT-DEL, stop application, exit Program Manager, restart game" this past weekend than I actually did playing the game. :confused:

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Are you sure its Broken Steel that's causing your problems?


As far as I know, problems with the ending movie and "2 weeks later" stem from custom races not being compatible, or the mod that allows continued play after Main Quest.


That sort of thing.


Post your load order of mods and we'll have a look at it ...

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