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Rebuilding the Fallout world


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How would you rank the following in importance for F3 humanity and the Earth itself?


Project Purity- purify the waters of the planet so humans can live off it


Marie- the cure for radiation and mutation


Harold- (if he lives) restoration of trees and plant life to the world


Steel Mill- allows humans to build new things instead of scavenging the ruins

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Steel Mill, Harold, Marie, Project Purity.


In fact, forget Project Purity altogether, or rather, build it without the GECK. It may be less efficient, but the GECK has more important things to do. Use the GECK instead for soil reclamation. I'm convinced that'd be a far better use for it than a glorified Brita pitcher. It's not so much the water that needs to be cleaned as the soil anyway.


Take steel from the mill, and combine Doctor Li's clean vegetables with clean soil from the GECK, and build yourself a bunch of greenhouses and water purifiers to get you a clean food supply going. Build regular, open-air farms using Harold's spores to supplement the clean food. The mill would also provide the weapons and fortifications needed to defend all this.


Experiment with combining Doctor Li's research and Harold's spores to see if you can create a plant that'll not only grow in the contaminated earth (where do you think Mutfruit comes from, after all?), but leach the contaminants from the soil. The GECK'll only work for so long, after all. All the while, hope for a breakthrough in research involving Marie.


Course, this all assumes water in the Falloutverse is the same as real water, and cannot magically contain radiation intrinsically, making traditional purification methods ineffective.

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I hadn't considered the GECK seperate from Project Purity but I suppose it should be once the purifier has finished running.


Scientists would play a huge part as well. Building more Project Puritys, getting the cure from Marie, coming up with the right chemicals to grow things in soil.


The Mill has huge potential to provide the raw material for all of these things as well; including such things as energy plants, hospitals, vehicles to replace brahmin for caravan supplies, and overtime replace the decimated infastructure of the wasteland.


Maybe over time the purifier will remove the radiation completely and transform it out of being a desert. Pure water would begin evaporating and providing rain which could break the radiation over time.

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I believe that what is needed for the development of humanity is that the basic needs, like food and shelter, are fulfilled. Once that is seen to, people will start to rebuild even if ever so slowly.


As more and more of the world is rebuilt, less resources are needed to maintain the basic needs and more can be used to rebuild. Following this reasoning, my priorities are:


1) Harold - A robust ecosystem is a necessity for long term survival and development.


2) Project Purity - Clean water is good for your health and the environment.


3) Marie - Radiation can be avoided, especially if you have clean water and ecosystem.


4) Steel Mill - With archived knowledge of manufacturing techniques it's really one of the easier things to get going. I do, however, acknowledge that a steel mill is a necessary step in the process of restoring the world for humans.

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It's funny that people think a steel mill is of any importance. Sure it can provide strengthening for structures, but you can get by just fine with ordinary rock. In fact, using rock is far cheaper and materials are far more plentiful. Which raises the next question: How are you going to supply your steel mill? Eventually, you will run out of ingots and cars to chop up. Without mining operations, your efforts are pointless.


For supplying weapons, it makes more sense to reduce the number of them. This makes the weapons that are left more valuable. Since you are already a killing machine, this gives you the advantage. You round up all the weapons and you rule the world. Game over. For your army, it makes their weapons more valuable which makes them less likely to lose them, making them into more valuable soldiers.

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In order, from most to least in important:


1. Memory of scriptures

2. Active Christianity in Rivet City


We can do without christianity in the future.


Superstition and dogma have no place in a fledgling society.


It's funny that people think a steel mill is of any importance.


You have no idea what steel is used for, nor what its widespread use allows.


"Iron and steel are used widely in the construction of roads, railways, infrastructure, and buildings. Most large modern structures, such as stadiums and skyscrapers, bridges, and airports, are supported by a steel skeleton. Even those with a concrete structure will employ steel for reinforcing. In addition to widespread use in major appliances and cars. Despite growth in usage of aluminium, it is still the main material for car bodies. Steel is used in a variety of other construction materials, such as bolts, nails, and screws.[67] Other common applications include shipbuilding, pipeline transport, mining, offshore construction, aerospace, white goods (e.g. washing machines), heavy equipment such as bulldozers, office furniture, steel wool, tools, and armour in the form of personal vests or vehicle armour (better known as rolled homogeneous armour in this role)."


From here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steel#Uses


Considering that the Enclave is the single faction capable of producing material in the Capital Wasteland, the Pitt is highly valuable to whoever holds it, it being capable of resupplying an army with ..... ammunition.


One of the plot holes in fallout 3 is where, after 200 years, all the ammo is coming from ....


Furthermore, with the sophisticated tools and equipment that may be built with steel, the quality of life of the average wastelander may be improved ....


Unless you want them to build central heating, or pipelines, or medical facilities out of rocks ....

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Unless you want them to build central heating, or pipelines, or medical facilities out of rocks ....

They did it in the Roman Empire if I'm not mistaken.


Anyway, the point is that the steel mill is not so useful in the long run without a large infrastructure to support it. While the mill could ease the creation of such a infrastructure, many more things are needed.


An example, you need more components than just steel to make ammunition. You need factories making the explosive charges that propel the bullet and the raw material to make these chemicals. You also need workers and all the systems needed to support them in the long run.

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