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Fallout 3 mods to Fallout Vegas mods?


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since the upcoming fallout vegas will run on the same engine, will it be possible that most mods (once changed a little bit of course) concering looks/action of the characters (sexy dress, the prostitution mod and so on) in fallout 3 be moved to fallout vegas? would be quite nice, and i would assume it wouldnt be too complicated
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Bear in mind that Fallout 3 and Oblivion also run on the same engine and IIRC, some have said it's actually more difficult to convert a mod than to rebuild it from scratch.
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Bear in mind that Fallout 3 and Oblivion also run on the same engine and IIRC, some have said it's actually more difficult to convert a mod than to rebuild it from scratch.


Also that we aren't allowed to use vanilla Fallout3 assets in New Vegas


why not allowed?


so basically, the mods have to be made by scratch, which means it will take a LONG time until we have the quantity and quality of mods that f3 has right now right?

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Simple, copyright infringement. It is illegal to port stuff from games of different producing companies or even the same.Everything needs to be made from scratch. And yes... Will take a LONG time until we can get the quality and quantity, but look at the bright side, slower mods means it'll keep you more interested in the game, you'll keep on checking the forum sites for mods daily or weekly.
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if they indeed didnt change anything in the engine, and thats how it looks on the screenshots, we could simply change a number in the mod header and it would work, taken that vegas will still use the same assets fallout uses and the ids didnt change...

better body mods, armor and the like should still work though... it doesnt look as if they finally implemented physiced clothing or wind which is a shame since even ps2 games had that kind of stuff yet -.-

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if they indeed didnt change anything in the engine, and thats how it looks on the screenshots, we could simply change a number in the mod header and it would work, taken that vegas will still use the same assets fallout uses and the ids didnt change...

better body mods, armor and the like should still work though... it doesnt look as if they finally implemented physiced clothing or wind which is a shame since even ps2 games had that kind of stuff yet -.-


I'll be disappointed if they changed nothing to the engine. :P

Its not a bad engine, but a new diserves a new tweak.

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I've felt that the Fallout 3 engine was a huge step down from the one used in TES 4 Oblivion. I wouldn't be much surprised if Fallout Vegas removed more of the game content as well. I'm still going to hold out hope for it though. I need a new game to abuse.




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