thanateros Posted April 12, 2006 Share Posted April 12, 2006 We've all taken our sweet sweet time fine tuning our characters, spending way too much time in the face gen menu, and scratching our heads over which skills to use. So, how does your character rock out in Cyrodill? What is it that makes them adventure worthy? How do you keep it so your character comes out on top after a fight? Or how do you avoid fighting all together? I wanna know what people are doing in the game with their characters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark0ne Posted April 12, 2006 Share Posted April 12, 2006 Well at the moment I've completed the main quest, DB and TG and am bored of the FG and never do the MG (bunch of pussies unworthy of me as far as I'm concerned). At the moment I'm exploring the far wilderness in the west and east and attempting to assassinate as many MG members as possible without gaining a bounty. It's actually quite entertaining. I consider it my new DB mission now that I'm the listener ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stampede Posted April 12, 2006 Share Posted April 12, 2006 While I completed the main quest, I did not waste time with talk. Talk is for women and sailors. I came in HEAVY. I slaughtered everyone who stood in my way. I don't want to give out any spoilers, but any time I was meant to talk to a bad guy, when I could just slaughter him...well you do the math. Oh and that goes for the Dark Brotherhood member who paid me a visit when I killed a guardsman after resisting arrest. The Dark Brotherhood are SCUM! ;) ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lycantrophic Posted April 12, 2006 Share Posted April 12, 2006 I am a sneaky type, i have finished TG and DB duties, i keep stealing stuff. even the gods hate me. But beggars love me because of being gray fox, as if i take from the rich and give to them. :D In fact i take from rich and keep to myself. I am lvl 19 and just entered the mages guild. I still cant kill stuff, i hate that evolving world. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FastRedPonyCar Posted April 12, 2006 Share Posted April 12, 2006 I'm almost through with the main quest. I just sealed that grand portal and at the moment, I'm traveling around and closing all the small oblivion gates that i can. I know that they'd all be closed if I beat the main quest but I like the challenge and experience from fighting all the daedric warriors. After I'm tired of closing gates, I'll do all the daedric quests to get any cool armor/weapons, beat the main quest and then pick back up on the fighters guild quests. after that, crack open the strategy guide to find the misc quests and complete all those. I'm curious if I can also do the dark brotherhood quests if I beat the game or finish the fighters guild quests? I'll probably reach lvl 20 tonight. I'm usually kept pretty occupied with the oblivino gates and misc quests but if I ever find myself getting bored, I usually just go to the arena and rape the Minotaur Lords or whatever else they throw at me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThetaOrionis01 Posted April 12, 2006 Share Posted April 12, 2006 My character, Sevenne, is currently doing the Mages Guild quests (you're not missing much, Dark0ne - so far a polite way to describe the MG quests would be 'lame'), and various miscellaneous quests she comes across during her travels. Current goal is to 'fill the map'. Thwarted in her ambition to become Mehrunes Dagon's second in command (she heard that it's not possible to join the dark side) her future plans, once she has subverted the Mages Guild, involve the Dark Brotherhood, vampirism and genocide (it's the voices...). Meanwhile she stalks the wilderness, trying not to break a fingernail or get her lovely dress all muddy. Her preferred tactic when enemy encounters are unavoidable is to hit them with a drain health on target spell, preferably in the back. Ideally while the enemy is asleep. ;D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
goseki Posted April 12, 2006 Share Posted April 12, 2006 a redguard of a custom class i labeled samurai, but i'm playing more like an assassin.with pretty good marksman skill i'll sneak up on the unsuspecting and shoot them in the head at range for the 3x bonus. couple this with my alchemy skill which i use to create compound poisons to add to my arrows and i can take many enemies down in one shot. i always have a short blade at the ready if the poison wasn't strong enough. i've only done the first thieves guild mission and alittle in the main story arc, otherwise i've spent these past 70+ hour doing little mini quests for characters and doing some independant tomb raiding and cave crawling. having explored only 30% of the provincial territory i still have lots to see and do.200 hours of gameplay? i'm looking forward to more than 600! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thanateros Posted April 13, 2006 Author Share Posted April 13, 2006 Now that the ball is rolling.... Balthamir, my Breton Errant Monk is currently absorbed in the Mages Guild quests. Feeling an intense desire to join the forces of Necromancers, sadly, can't happen. I guess when I become arch-mage I reinstate Necromancy as a valid practice and wage war against the Temple. I can dream can't I? For some reason Grey Fox made contact with me...sorry, not my style. I spend most of my time doing random quests and probably more time reloading Oblivion Towers so I end up with a Sigil Stone that's actually useful. He's done some of the main quest, but more interested in the Akaviri Katanas the Blades have more than doing the quest. In his more enraged moments, he'll wipe out the entire population of a town; everyone in Skingrad died a horrible death by the hands of my character, who uses Absorb Health to kill everything. I find it ironic that he relies on Restoration magic to beat people down. His future plans include continuing running around in bare feet wearing only some slacks and a shirt, although running up the fleshy ramps in Oblivion towers makes him feel icky, so he puts on some gold trimmed shoes. He has a general dislike for dumb people telling him what to do, unfortunately, you can't tell the journal to *censored* off! I guess I'm stuck halfway between ambivalence and shear boredom...maybe I'll try and kill every horse in the game; nothing is more disturbing than a dead horse. Hearz mi skilz: Sneak, Restoration, Alteration, Blade, Hand to Hand, Acrobatics, (funny, I can't think of the last one, must not be important). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dilvish Posted April 13, 2006 Share Posted April 13, 2006 My character Sorian has a mixture of combat, stealth, and magic skills. He fights with long blade, shield, and destruction spells. He wears light armor and sneaks in dungeons. He talks to everyone and mixes arcane potions when he's alone at night. He did the first few Thieves Guild quests and the first parts of the main quest. He hasn't even joined the Fighters Guild so far. He just made Magician in the Mages Guild so it seems that he is mostly a mage at heart. I'm having lots of fun on the mage quests and with the misc. quests right now. I will probably continue with the next parts of the main quest before too long. Sorian has killed tons of monsters and necromancers and bandits but no innocents so far. I guess he's one of the good guys. Maybe he's a hero. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ancalagon Posted April 13, 2006 Share Posted April 13, 2006 My char Hadrat is a Dark Elf thief/rogue modified type class I call a Wayfarer (the name Swashbuckler wouldn't fit). He, for the most part, wanderd from inn to inn, tavern to tavern, drinking and womanizing (for what its worth) to his hearts content. Being a rather successfull pick-pocket (free-lance) he decided to case the ship located in the Waterfront. Well, the pirates didn't like that too much but he survived thanks to the help of the guards. With a new cutlass he was feeling mighty big of himself so he decided to stage a heist on the local jewlers. He was promptly arrested, no comment. Proceeded halfway through the TG when he remembered something about Weynon Priory. Began MQ and became a member of the Blades, and got a nifty looking piece of Akaviri hardware. Took a hiatus for roughly two to three months, wound up killing some bloody orc in a tomb who turned out, after Hadrat pulled the arrow from his throat, to be an adventurer. The DB contacted, Hadrat thought "What the hell..." Good thing the Blades knew nothing of this. Hadrat's rise was meteoric and has now become a Silencer in the DB after a heavy but necessary blood price to Sithis. He has made several forays into Oblivion. That's all he'll talk about that topic. By far, the most gratifying DB quest was the "Whodunit" one, or as I call it "Life of the Party". By far the most fun (and gruesome) quest I have encountered in Cyrodil. I disliked the Baenelin quest though, that was tough seeing that Nord sobbing at Olav's Tack over the old Bosmer. Guess he was like a father to him... His style usually follows as thus: Stalk, paralyze in a quiet place, and then take his time with his katana or elven blade. The more suffering, the greater the sacrifice is valued to Sithis, or so Hadrat believes. Calling card for his handiwork: a flawless ruby placed near the scene. For that is how he kills. Flawless. Currently, Hadrat has taken yet another hiatus (though he nearly cleaned out the entire Mythic Dawn shrine, Sithis was pleased surely with that incident) and is drumming up support for Bruma. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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