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Help, Files not working?


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My question would be why are you renaming them? Yes, that would cause problems. The program is looking for the files in textures, meshes, etc. It cannot find them if you are renaming the folders.




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You should only have these folders in your data folder. (Original folders - textures, meshes, sound, shader, music and video). If you're having trouble installing mods or don't know how to, please refer to this, it has pictured tutorials too:



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If you look into your data folder , then it should look like this


(How to install Mods for Fallout 3 @fallout3nexus)

you dont need to rename any folders. If you copy them in, you might be ask what to do: overide/merge the folder which is already existing? Choose Yes and it will be fine.

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  Watergoalie said:
I'm renaming them because when i try to put it in my data folder it makes me replace it?

Windows do not replace folders when overwriting, what it does is "append" files (even subfolders) to existent folders. Now files actually are overwritten if they already exist, sometimes it is expected behavior and you just need to accept it (do not choose rename).


Now, knowing why the files are being overwritten is important, you should aways read the documentation.


PS: Just for clearness sake; when you are prompted than a folder already exist, the former content is not lost, the new content is included in it. Only files are actually replaced when one with the same name already exist in the same subfolder structure.


You MUST be sure about what you are installing since you should NEVER cancel a mod install that already installed something (if the install is terminated by any reason it must be performed again OR all the already installed files from it removed. If files did overwrite another mod that former mod should be reinstalled to resupply the files) and NEVER, it's very important, NEVER rename something while installing a mod. If house cleaning is need it must be done "before" the installation.


PS2: of course anything in the documentation saying contrary the above has precedence, yet I never saw a case where mod install asked to rename something.

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