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We don't need any reason to exist, we exist, that's all, and we have to do with that.


Right you are!


Let me be Dundee!


To debate the individual meaning of existing leads to chaos, because every individual has it's own view of existence. It's like debating the views of life different animals have. Viewing the life of a dog is different from that of a cat or a mouse. Let us please remind our self's that the question is : "Why do WE exist?"



(to the quote) That is a practical approach, still doesn't prevent philosophers from ever trying to understand the life's purpose.


I don't understand why the debate leads to chaos, should be noted, again, it is not about particular vivence. It's not about particular motivations. The question is broader, actually it should not even be restricted to the human existence although that one is, comprehensibly, our first concern.


The monist approach is the extremist one, it is the reason and cause of so many abuses and bigotry.


Absolutes are not possibles in our universe, there is no place for absolute chaos or absolute order in it.


These two are one the fundamental formant dualities, they form one the main existence's intervals. Chaos is responsible for the dynamics and order for the form. If it would be possible ever, achieving one these two is negating life itself.


There is not such thing as dumb answer or dumb question in the end. These are stages mankind as a whole and individuals in particular passes. Newer answers not always are better than older ones.

All the while man specializes he narrows the vision too. Be him not aware of it and soon he will believe his limited portion as the whole that exist.


No greater example I know of chaos and order sharing than life itself. It's the most marvelous thing in the entire universe. Nothing comes near it in complexity, life is too many times more complex than the universe itself. It may not have a purpose but certainly carries a reason in itself. Will we ever know that reason? I don't know but certainly it'll not prevent us from trying.


PS: "The absolute is relative and the relative is absolute" to understand this statement none the two can be taken alone, they themselves are not possible else together in the form of the interval where things exist. An imaginative reader will notice the similarities in "relative similar to chaos" and "absolute similar to order"; that similarity carries out in math to zero and infinite too.


And whoever does not want to die of thirst among men must learn to drink out of all cups; and whoever would stay clean among men must know how to wash even with dirty water. And thus I often comforted myself, "Well then, old heart! One misfortune failed you; enjoy this as your good fortune."



Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Part II, Chapter 43, On Human Prudence


Friedrich Nietzsche


and another


The animals are much more content with mere existence than we are; the plants are wholly so; and man is so according to how dull and insensitive he is. The animal's life consequently contains less suffering but also less pleasure than the human's, the direct reason being that on the one hand it is free from care and anxiety and the torments that attend them, but on the other is without hope and therefore has no share in that anticipation of a happy future which, together with the enchanting products of the imagination which accompany it, is the source of most of our greatest joys and pleasures. The animal lacks both anxiety and hope because its consciousness is restricted to what is clearly evident and thus to the present moment: the animal is the present incarnate.

Vol. 2 "On the Suffering of the World" / Essays and Aphorisms



Arthur Schopenhauer


You see not much is needed to prove that the course of arguments CAN change but the known facts can not be changed unless you only rely on only philosophic views not on any other sciences. Then you must answer all that can happen between birth and death clearly and exactly. it would blow the frame (The question Why?) from the picture, because you want to view every pixel that 's there and debate and reason every pixel thats there. If you want to do it philosophical there is a very fat chance to come up to religion. I think you are long enough here in the forum to accept the rule that debates about religion are forbidden. So the only reasonable course of debate can be science related philosophy on this question. So I've simplified the facts to the very roots of the problem. (Why make it easy, if you can complicate it?) If you like we can open a new debate about the greatest Philosophers and their achievements, like that one on the military commanders and strategists. (I think it would be fun, if we keep to the rules.)




And please remember, truth is the not presence of lies, witch would bring you in a paradox argumentation about order and chaos.



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If I were to know something about my fate, but not have experienced it, I would not be at peace with my existence.


For example, I learn that I am a murderer, but I have never murdered anyone. How can I live with myself knowing I am potentially screwed to be something I can't currently handle being?


To know the answer to why we exist is to compromise peace with our existence (peace which is required to achieve the purpose of our existence)


Curiosity killed the cat.

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The belief on "known facts can't change" is the most hindering concept one can evolve. Believing our senses are reliable is dangerous. Albeit having the basis where we construct our standpoints is a necessity, we should never take them for granted.


Where is the paradox in things sharing order and chaos? where is the paradox in intervals? where is that thing that carries the absolute veracity or the absolute falsity? believing they do is the source of all misunderstandings.


Manichean positions seldom manifests as truthful outside the world of concepts and logic. The formal logic purity can't be achieved in the real world outside strongly limited systems where the inputs are kept in the acceptable ranges.


The "to me being right you must be wrong" is both, incorrect (as in not necessary) and cause of intolerance. The narrow mindset that leads to such beliefs is not an intelligence factor, it's something one imposes on himself or accept from others as the absolute truth.


knowing that things may have more than one relative truth depending on the point of view from where we look to them is the first step toward wisdom.


Ah, just as funny, not only the absence of lies does not warrant the truth as even the statement that only contains truths may be deceptive. Actually, and often, such statements are used to that purpose; to fool and deceive the believer.

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Why! Thats my question. Why do we exist? Is there some purpose? And I don't mean how or when or where. Do you have a theory?

To eat pies. Just think, if we weren't around to do that, the earth would be covered by the things and all other life would die out in a sort of pie-smothered apocalypse. That is our reason for being.



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sometimes things arent so complicated as people make them out to be. people look for spiritual deep & meaning crap as to the how & why, when in reality the how & why are extremely simple. i think there are at least 4 reasons as to why


a woman's body clock.

man wants offspring to carry on name.

religion i.e protection is a sin or whatever.

protection didnt work.



i think the most compelling reason as to why: because it starts with fracking & its fracking damn fun

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I'm here because the alternative does not appeal. We're here generally because a random event, whatever you believe it to be, occurred, and set things in motion, eventually resulting in us. If you meant "What's our purpose?" then frankly, I don't know. Nobody really, truly, objectively does know.
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