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How many have you started?


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Got a level 24 just on DLC's, and a level 30 on MMM that I should max all skills on but haven't cared enough to pull the books out of the locker yet, one's a good character and the other a looter so they're both at max karma. Both without followers, can't stand having to baby sit them.


Started a new character last weekend on which I aim to stay at neutral karma, and which is buffed with most of the common mods around (Xcept FWE due to conflicts). Don't think he'll be too powerful as he's energy+bigs and won't use any small gun except when he's out of ammunition and explosives. So right now (or better, every 3 hours a weekend) I'm scavenging area's for better weapons or ammunition (think I'm on 17 energy cells with just a watzz pistol). More enjoyable then just sneaking around headshotting everything on the last one :P

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Both without followers, can't stand having to baby sit them.

My followers seem to do little more than act as bait, steal my kills(and experience), and get killed themselves. Also, none of the followers have any real story. I wish they were more like the companions in the Bioware games, and that they'd all unload their personal problems on me.


Don't think he'll be too powerful as he's energy+bigs and won't use any small gun except when he's out of ammunition and explosives.

I pretty much start the game with small guns, since that is what is usually available at the lower levels. I gradually build up energy weapons and big guns as they become more commonplace. My current character has both energy weapons and small guns at around 85( I keep them at that level in case I find bobbleheads or books). Explosives I have found useful on a number of occasions.


I think the funniest moment in my game was when I killed an enclave soldier, armed with Tesla Armor and a plasma rifle, with a dart gun.

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I do use small guns simply because I'm virtually out of laser ammunition, but if the opportunity arises to switch to energy or bigs I'll definitely take on it. Only played for a couple of hours so far, so we shall see how the story develops :P Died twice already, but that was because I didn't expect blowing ammunition locks would go with such a bang :/


Will see how far the skills are going to go, I won't use the skillbooks up right away and don't know most of the bobblehead locations, but then again I installed mods that allow me to level and allocate points past the vanilla caps so it's bound to max somewhere :P Will most likely have most skills around 70-80 at level 30, from my experience with my second play.

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I am surprised that no one has made molotov cocktails


acctually there is.. Classic Fallout Weapons Mod...and they work pretty damn good.


My main char is level 41, with almost 160 hours..

I recently started a real evil MF'er that is level 12.


so 2 main chars on my main gaming pc


on my testing pc i got 4 different chars who use different guns..small, energy, big, melee to test out different weapon mods and such.





Wait, what? Molotov Cocktails?


'scuse me I got some downloadin to do.

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I do use small guns simply because I'm virtually out of laser ammunition, but if the opportunity arises to switch to energy or bigs I'll definitely take on it. Only played for a couple of hours so far, so we shall see how the story develops tongue.gif Died twice already, but that was because I didn't expect blowing ammunition locks would go with such a bang :/


I believe the Robco and the Nuka Cola factories contain robots. I don't know any other locations off the top of my head, but anywhere there are robots, there is laser ammunition. If worse comes to worse, you can always use console commands. I personally never agreed with the skill system. Energy weapons appear to function like their conventional counterparts. They reload using cartridges, and are basically line of sight weapons. At the very least, there should be a synergy bonus between small guns and energy weapons.

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I've had over a dozen characters. Some I play for a couple hundred hours or more, level up to 30 and complete every quest and some I put away after four or five hours with the intention of pulling them out another day. My favorite part of the game is the first ten levels.

I have two current main characters I alternate between- Anja, my level 14 FWE-MMM-WMK character and Katrina, my level 23 grenade-loving junkie.

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My favorite part of the game is the first ten levels.

I have two current main characters I alternate between- Anja, my level 14 FWE-MMM-WMK character and Katrina, my level 23 grenade-loving junkie.

If I send you my new characters can you play them up to Level 10, then send them back? :lol:

Mine usually suffer from a horrid condition in that they can't get past Level 5. Not due to bugs or crashes or anything like that, it's just after a few levels I get bored with them and start another one.


So, how many have I started? Hmmm. Um, I really don't know. I haven't been keeping count. The amount of characters that have finished the MQ and all DLC's is two. All MQ and one or two DLC's - one character.

If they manage to get past Level 5 the next roadblock seems to be the Rockland Car Tunnel. It's such a bore that I've currently got three characters loitering around that stage of the MQ.

My current one got as far as needing to go to Vault 87 when we had problems of the game-breaking kind. So, I had to start her again. She is Level 6. So far so good :P

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You sound like you play a little like I do. I suggest just ignoring the main quest after you find out where Dad is. I leave him in that simulation for a long, long time. When I start to run out things to do then I might continue the main quest. Completing the MQ just kinda kills that game for me. I just kinda wander around with no real point to it, to powerful to really worry about anything.

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