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Left-handed gamers


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I was wondering if there were any left-handed gamers out there, and if so, do you configure your controls to play left-handed? I myself like to play Mass Effect 2 left-handed, because the options menu allows you to map more than one key to a command.
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I was wondering if there were any left-handed gamers out there, and if so, do you configure your controls to play left-handed? I myself like to play Mass Effect 2 left-handed, because the options menu allows you to map more than one key to a command.


Of course, there's lots of us out here. Whether we configure controls to play left handed probably depends upon the leftie in question. My husband and I are both gamers and both of us are left handed. He configures his controls to the left and I do not. I couldn't tell you why other than that's just how I'm used to it. Living in a right handed world has caused me to prefer doing certain things with my left hand, and certain things with my right.


In other words, if I lost the use of either hand I'd be in big trouble. :ohmy:

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I'm not naturally left-handed, but I've lost use of my right hand. I use a special keyboard and my trackball/mouse is on the left side and has all the buttons reversed on it. It usually takes me a couple days to figure out the best way to reconfigure new games, and obviously it limits the genres I'm able to play, but I think I do okay.
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It's pretty weird in my case...

Normally I'm left handed (means, I write with my left hand.)

BUT, for example I shoot a ball with my right foot.

I also play computer games with the default steering.

Guitar Hero for example, I always played it with default settings.

I also do some other stuff with my right hand and some other stuff with my left hand.

It's pretty mixed up...

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What do you mean "Lost control"? That must suck...


I was paralyzed for a few months. When I recovered I could no longer control my right arm/hand and right leg. All the connections are still there and both limbs have the ability to function, they just do not perform the actions that my brain tells them to perform, at least not when I want them to. It's hard to explain: Say we meet in person, if I really focus, I can reach out as if I was going to shake your hand, but I would be unable to actually grasp your hand. Then later that night, or maybe even the next day when I'm no longer thinking about it, my hand will suddenly reach out, grab and squeeze the crap out of whatever is front of me.

Over the years my reflexes have gotten quick enough that my left hand can "catch" my right hand before it grabs hold of anything.

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I'm a leftie. I learned to mouse with my right hand, so naturally I play games with mouse+wasd. When I developed RSI in my right wrist (while playing Oblivion, actually, hehehe) I had a choice... either re-learn to mouse and game with a left-handed/ambi mouse+keypad, or switch to a trackball and continue using wasd.


I chose the trackball. The fact that some games are very lefty-unfriendly (left-handed mousers: avoid Dead Space!) vindicates my decision.

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I have always used joystick and trackball. people always have a hard time understanding the concept when you tell then you use a joystick they think your looking with the joystick but that's what that trackball is for. I can't imagine trying to drive a horse or car with a keyboard.
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