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What does it mean when my topic turns red and I can't access it?


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So I have one great mod request for Skyrim (In my opinion) and I've been posting on it and so have others. I only got permission for others add to Haven Bag recently. And then I come and check if anyones replied but my topic wasn't there. So then I checked my content and it was there but red. When I clicked on it, it said it couldn't find it and that I didn't have permission. Please help!

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So what does it mean when the topic is red? I've seen a few topics like that, and I've always wondered about the signficance.


Does it mean that the topic or post has been marked to be deleted, but the change has not yet propagated everywhere?

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Locked or removed - you'd only see the removed ones if you where on the topic when it was taken down and refreshed the page though.


I'm not sure this is correct.


If it's locked topics, then wouldn't all locked topics be that way? For example, the locked ban topics in your content are not red.


And I have not been a participant in most (or maybe even any) of the posts/topics that I've seen in red. So that criterion wouldn't apply in my case.


Maybe there's another condition or two that causes the red?

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