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How does autosave work?


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Don't bother, gandalftw, the guy's had a chip on his shoulder from the day he showed up.


The auto save feature saves your game. Automatically. The settings page tells you which events exactly trigger these saves - on waiting, on opening of menus (but not barter screens), and on entering a different module/cell. That's all there is to know about how the function works. If you've disabled all of these in both the in-game settings and directly in the .ini file and are still seeing vanilla auto-saves, then you either have a mod which interferes with said settings on some level or even one that generates them on their own. I'd suggest double checking the settings menu for Autosave Manager itself, to make sure it's not being told to create standard auto-saves in some way.

If that's not the problem, then you either have another mod that's responsible or have done something wrong somewhere along the line.

Edited by Hyacathusarullistad
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  On 7/12/2014 at 12:12 PM, gandalftw said:


Where do you say anything about using autosave manager in your original post?Nowhere.My answer came from my own experience with,what i thought was, the same/similar problem and you felt the need to act like a prick.You're an example of the typical users i get on my blog, they start off by saying,"The mod doesn't work."then you spend an hour trying to DRAG the rest of the story out of them just to learn they didn't read the friken instructions in the first place.

So good luck on your little problem i don't have the patience for people like you.


Your answer was useless. There's no reason for the ini files would be read-only, ever.

Go flame somewhere else if you can't contribute jack to the discussion.

Funny you had the patience to type another useless reply.

  On 7/12/2014 at 4:50 PM, Hyacathusarullistad said:


If you've disabled all of these in both the in-game settings and directly in the .ini file and are still seeing vanilla auto-saves, then you either have a mod which interferes with said settings on some level or even one that generates them on their own

Why would I disable something that's already disabled? In case you didn't notice, if you do it from the menu, the files get changed, because, surprise, that's where the values are stored.

Obviously you never paid attention to it, because you'd notice the autosaves are still being created no matter what.

Edited by Octopuss
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Hmm, I know with the auto-save manager I have ( I have it disabled, only use it for timescale like I said before) it's notifications are different than normal autosaves. I'm assuming the one you use also uses differing notifications.


Honestly your game has just become screwed up in some way. I wouldn't say by user error, just something isn't working together for some reason. If a new game still has the same results, re-install is called for. It's stupid and probably not what you want to hear but I mean at this point, I would like to think that you know that's your only salvation. Some mod MAY be doing it though. It's not likely but I've seen mods do crazier things.

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I must remind everyone to stay civil. No need to become hostile to one another.

Octopuss, if someone is trying to help you, and they are being civil about it, you should never reply with hostile remarks. Ever.




And to add to the matter, yes, there have been cases of Read-Only ini files, so it was not an unthinkable reason for your issues. Remember, the people trying to help you do not know your whole story unless you explain your whole story.



Nexus Staff

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  On 7/11/2014 at 8:31 AM, Octopuss said:

I disabled all 4 options related to autosave in the options, but autosaves are still being created. Does anyone know why, and how exactly the whole feature works? It obviously has some unknown conditions to it and is absolutely unconfigurable.


I have all four game autosave options disabled. I have all autosave options disabled in Autosave Manager and it is set for manual incremental saves only. I have no "extra" autosaves in my Saves directory, nor do I experience unanticipated saves in-game.


Perhaps you have a custom key-mapping which causes an unintentional save?

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