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There is probably an old thread about this and i'm recently looking into LOOT. I know that BOSS operates on a userlist that is manually maintained and LOOT inspects the mods and what they do to order them (volunteer feed back improves this), aka, i've read up on them briefly.


However, my question is this: what do you prefer and is there a general preference for one or the other? Which would technically be better or which one should I be using?


I prefer Boss as i've come to know it a bit better than Loot, but I know that LOOT has a technical advantage over BOSS, but isn't perfect. I ask because I've noticed some dramatic differences in my load order and some of the mods that I use have explicit load orders and LOOT doesn't necessarily recognize this (aka, Seranaholic has to be loaded after all serana textures[fangs, etc], otherwise it gets overwritten).


My apologies if this is in the wrong thread...and i'm honestly surprised my login information worked, considering I've never used this part of the site.

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BOSS is no longer being updated, having been superseded by LOOT.


With that said, LOOT has made some very questionable alterations to my load order, so I rarely use it. I typically organize it manually.


Either program will work, but again, LOOT has functionally replaced BOSS.

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Being a STEP user the new STEP is using LOOT ....so i have been using it ...yes the Load order is WAYYY out their, but the game loads and everything seams to be OK.


Sort with LOOT...play...see if anything is out of place...Think you will find its working fine. IF you find something is not working as planed you can use rules (meta data ?) to help with sorting...

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BOSS is no longer being updated, having been superseded by LOOT.


With that said, LOOT has made some very questionable alterations to my load order, so I rarely use it. I typically organize it manually.


Either program will work, but again, LOOT has functionally replaced BOSS.


The last update that I found was May 6th of this year. It's about 2 months out of date with today. Was this the last update?

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BOSS may not be actively updated anymore, but it's still a significantly better starting point than the arbitrary choices LOOT seems to want to make.


I honestly have to agree.


Today I was helping a friend mod his copy of Skyrim and he used LOOT to sort everything.


This was the result: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/45351519723340862/E8EE35D7832A3CA9F6B3FEBD65CC92039BB2A1D2/


Edit: and no that was not caused by a graphics card problem :tongue:

Edited by MethosTR
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I've noticed that BOSS and LOOT do not sort identically. I was skeptical at first, but now it seems best to quit the BOSS and take the LOOT.


LOOT seems to give me a more stable load order and that is with 137 mods.

Edited by Moksha8088
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The two programs offer different load orders because they function differently. My experience seems to be the exact opposite of yours. I have ~180 plugins installed for my current playthrough, and when sorted with LOOT the game crashes consistently. Sorted with BOSS, I can play for hours and hours without so much as a lag spike, much less a crash.

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The two programs offer different load orders because they function differently. My experience seems to be the exact opposite of yours. I have ~180 plugins installed for my current playthrough, and when sorted with LOOT the game crashes consistently. Sorted with BOSS, I can play for hours and hours without so much as a lag spike, much less a crash.


What mods do you find are most out of order on your LOOT vs BOSS installation and do you build a bashpatch?


I have found both work fine for me but I've been moving to LOOT more than BOSS I've had to tweek a couple of items, but had to with BOSS as well due to unrecognized mods.

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