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Did aliens play a role in human civilization?


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No, the storys you hear are all fantasy ( human imagination is a wonerfull thing ),

unless you class god as an alien



i think thats a really good line... ill keep it in my good line text file along such as

Aside from the inherent risk of getting bit by a radioactive snail and becoming the lamest superhero ever
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Any attempt at a solution of the Fermi Paradox based upon the Drake equation is high speculative humbug for the time being.

Thus the only true question is: Are you guys afraid of being alone? Without a father giving us stellar hillbillies a helping hand, or more likely, holding out a tin cup to fill with all kinds of resources?


Yes - you are!



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If aliens did play a role, perhaps it was secretive or, like so much else, it was simply lost in history.


History is often uncertain because of the lack of historical proof and documentation even in times of recorded history.


We may never be able to say with any certainty if there were aliens or not influencing human history and what does it really matter?


If aliens once dominated this world and return to reclaim it, then there needs to be concern.


If we find good strong evidence, submitted to transparent public scrutiny, that aliens did have a part to play in our history, hopefully we would respond positively to the news.

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If aliens did play a role, perhaps it was secretive or, like so much else, it was simply lost in history.

Why would they bother ? There's little reason for them to play a role here.


If they exist, they must have technology VERY FAR beyond our imagination. They need a space ship with impossible speed.


Reasons for they to come (and how it doesn't make sense)


- Galactic Conquest (Our universe is huge, there is very small possibility for a habitable planet to exists. I believe even planets like Mars are rare. If they really want to conquer the galaxy, it will take a long time)


- Search for New Home Planet (Again, our universe is huge. And even that's why they came here, they should start conquering the earth by now. If they came from thousands years ago, it's pretty embarassing for them to lose from cavemen)


- Tourism (If so they should have just exploring the earth, not playing a role)


- They are evil maniacs (Then they should make the world destroyed by now. They could did that to the dinosaurs but why would they ? Besides, we're talking about human civilization, and I think they don't do anything to us)


- They want to be famous / worshipped / things (Then why are they hiding ?)


- Boredom (They're so bored they want to come million light years far ???)


- Fun (That's weird.)


Any more ideas ???

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I am not convinced we know anywhere near as much about the true nature of the universe as many of us assume we do and I am far from alone in this. How could we? We are stuck here, out here, all isolated and rely very much on what relatively little data comes our way.


Many scientists have come to question the idea that there are only very few habitable planets in the universe. Again, we simply do not know enough and even as we expand our ability to gather more data, many old assumptions are coming under question.


Why would they need super speed? Perhaps hyperdrive or some other such way of travel may work after all. Folds in space, travelling in different dimensions with their own natural laws, all of this and more has been explored in science fiction.


Galactic conquest? We could be a resource in our own right. Conquer us, enslave us, breed us and genetically engineer us for different roles and use us on many worlds. Or better still, leave us to go on as we are and quietly abduct what they need of us.


Search for a new home planet: they know our world can support carbon based life, it's proven. The process might almost be complete.


Tourism: we simply may be so strange to them that they come to see us just as we humans indulge in eco-tourism to watch the whales, the lions and so on. They don't want us to know they are here but observe us in stealth mode.


Evil maniacs: They could be evil maniacs in terms of their own people.


Famous or worshipped: humans too often have craved this, why not aliens? Also it might be a way of controlling humans.


Boredom: an ancient immortal species finding pleasure in a relatively young species like ours, why not?


Fun: they are aliens and are most likely, to our way of thinking, weird in many ways. So why shouldn't they come here to have their idea of 'fun'?


My original thinking was that an expedition of aliens may have come across us, studied us for a short time, did some limited interaction with natives and then left to continue their travels. We would thus have been just one stop on a very long voyage filled with many thousands of stops. They would have come across us as much by luck as by planning.


If they were/are aliens, trying to predict how they think would be difficult, if not impossible because they were/are alien.

Edited by Maharg67
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You not only don't know enough... you know not a sausage!

In reality the whole thread is speculative wishful thinking, to

tell the truth - the eternal dream of dreamland, object of a certain

human interest since the first shaman and his talks with the dead...


I love all y'all, but pls come back to firm ground :wub:

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I dont know where poeple get all this many ideas from.

It's called open minded thinking...


To the topic:

Well humans know next to nothing about universe as it is expanding all the time and we barely know anything beyond our galaxy, the Milky Way. It is possible and quite probable that there is life somewhere else than in the Earth as there are many galaxies humans know nothing about. To tell you the truth I think humans are still quite primitive race but our technology is evolving all the time so I wouldn't be surprised if sometime dimensional warp or such becomes possible thus we might be able cover great distances quickly someday.


The history as we know it is quite inaccurate from many places and even false as historical writings (especially those written in Latin) can be easily misread and there are some things which historians do not wish to admit.


I actually like Maharg67 original idea actually and to the list there is at least one more.

Crash landing - Some aliens might have just trying pass by but the spaceship breaks for some reason and the crash to this planet. Then they started train humans about technology so they might someday fix the spaceship and leave.

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