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GOTY Edition DLC install help.


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Okay, so I bought the Fallout 3: GOTY edition a bit back. I have the base game running, but when I try and install the DLCs, my drive goes into a sort of idle mode and doesn't do anything. Any help would be appriciated. I am running an Inspiron 530 with Vista Home Basic.
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Shaw we understand you can't read the media content?


PS: sometimes the autorun may fail, if you can read the DVD try running manually the setup.

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Many have problems reading the 2nd disk of the GOTY edition. I had to re-eject that disk some 13 times before my PC actually read it. Some have offered that booting into safe mode will also help, though it did not work in my case.
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On my PC it took 4 to 5 minutes for the dlc disc to run and install, did you wait long enough? the disc maybe busy gathering information, that's why it takes 4 to 5 minutes to install and run!..
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there's quite alot of this going around (and it seems to be related to the security system used on the particular disk)


but for some reason a solution doesn't seem to have been pinned in any forum.




have also seen recommended:


deactivate your anti-virus (obviously, manually disconnect from internet before trying this)


install in "safe mode"

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Hey! Thanks for the fast responses! I've let the DLC disk run for a bit, but it hasn't installed. I'll try it for a longer period of time. If that doesn't work, I'll attempt installing the DLCs in Safe Mode. I'll either edit or post the results later. Thanks again!


EDIT: Thank you all! It finally worked. I let it run for about a half hour and it finally showed up.

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