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Does time exsist?


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I found an interesting thought in one book. Time exists while people can watch it - count hours and minutes, see day and night changing and so on. But when you find yourself in a place where watching time is impossible for some reason (e.g. trapped underground with no light, no clock or anything to watch and count time) - time doesn't make sense anymore.
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I found an interesting thought in one book. Time exists while people can watch it - count hours and minutes, see day and night changing and so on. But when you find yourself in a place where watching time is impossible for some reason (e.g. trapped underground with no light, no clock or anything to watch and count time) - time doesn't make sense anymore.


Well, I think that book could be right. And I think if that's the case there will be two option then:

1. You can wait until your death.

2. Or if you survive and escaped the trap, the first few things you will ask most probably is - what time is it? :smile:

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The OP started several "startling" threads with one only common thing, he never posted back on them...


To me it seems: Lets sow and see the circus go afire :smile:


One thing is time itself in itself, another is our perception of it and yet another is how we measure that perception and...


The ground for different stand points is too broad and the answers amount almost infinite. Just pick one.

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It is my personal belief that time was created so that we, humanity can exist, because without it we would simply not be - we need a framework within which to live and move.

Without reference points - which are events that can only take place or exist in a time based space (like birth, death etc.) - we will not be able to calculate where we are, have been or will be.

Therefore, if you are able to calculate such events - which we can - it quite simply proves the reality and tangibility that you live in a "time framed space", and that time does exist.

We all have a point where we "started" or "began", no one alive "just is" and "always has just been".

Any human being who says that they have "always just been" needs a doctor and quickly, because we're gonna find your DATE OF BIRTH, arent we ? Right.

Anything beyond this is mere speculation or theory.

If you disagree, please provide the evidence to the contrary.


So yes, time does exist - for mortals anyway.

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@ Hoshi


ahahaha that does come from such a awfully strong head dont you poeple realise



anyway human + being


human dies


is a process




the being simply is




secret is


human and being is no diffrence


cannot ever be



water to water





this other is called duality drug




everyhtign in life has two opposites



one canont exist without the other


for instance


you cannot have a front without a back




easy peasy



this is the entry point where can strip away



and really be smart



like the babylon story go seven room and each room have to drop one accesior as in a metaphorical sense







and the clouds do it too so why cant humanity


the cow doesnt try to be something else either


so seee



another take on that


babylon and cows riding on clouds


dare someone mock em with cheese



I can't help but see that you like to speak in a strange Haiku pattern, Hoshi. Your riddles take me more than an afternoon to understand. :confused:


I'm again going to try and understand what you are saying, please correct me if I'm wrong.


Your post was taking a stab at the 'Human' aspect of time. You related Human to 'BEING'. Not in the sense of Human-being, but in the sense 'to be'. I believe your argument is the same as because we exist, it exists. Time is what we perceive as every moment before our eventual death. Fair.


We Exist, just as water exists. Humans are Humans and Water is Water. Time is just Time. We think little about it because it is a natural aspect of Humanity. Which is true, even the peoples of ancient times knew the seasons, and understood day and night.


Duality Drug. Based on what you say, and my knowledge of what a Drug Duality Reaction is. I'd say you are saying something about every positive action may have an adverse reaction. I can't fit this in the debate... I apologize for being unable to understand. After all, there is no opposite of time save the absence of time, which is impossible.


I have no concept of the rest until you say this.


and the clouds do it too so why cant humanity


the cow doesnt try to be something else either


The reason you post here is a testament to why humanity can be anything it wants. A cow does not try to be something else because it can't. The cow, and cloud are both doomed to death, as we are. Everything has a ticking clock that determines when we can not function. In a poetic sense, humanity has tried to remove the clock from existence by trying to find eternal life. The fountain of youth, for example, was a prime target for the Spanish when they came to the Americas. What you were trying to say is that Humanity tries hard to keep their time going forever but sadly cannot. We should just accept our fate, which is death, like everything else on this earth.


Time is truly inescapable. Gilgamesh did try to escape his fate when he took the challenge to stay awake for seven days, but his failure made the reader realize that immortality is a fool's game. This was the Babylonian story you were referring to, I believe. It was relevant anyways.




Thanks for another good-old fashioned mind-rape, Hoshi. I hate not being able to understand someone.

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So long as one moment differs from another, time exists. It doesn't matter that the means to measure time is a construct; that's hardly the point. Time exists so long as there are intervals between events, regardless of the quantitative label we give to that interval.
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Time is an additional measure invented by human to help him understand physical processes )) and yes, people have always been interested in how long their lives could last - and many things are associated with this thought. So time can't exist without human )) if there is no human, who will care about time?
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Time does exist but we can't see it in the way we see other objects. In fact we are living in time right now. In the fields of science (math and physics) time is considered the fourth dimension and have you ever saw a 4-D object in your life?

This question above us first appeared in Greece over 2500 years ago but science today seems to disprove that for the moment.

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