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European Union


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I can´t stop thinking what happend to former Jugoslavia in the -90´s, community is no obstacle to "middelage" conditions. I am for a community, but a community for the interest of the people in the involved counties. Whenever a referendum is needed, we shall have one, and don´t force changes upon eachothers heads.

NB, I am aware that Jugoslavia conflict had nothing to do with EU, still it was allowed to happen in the middle of our EU community.

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Problems and conflicts in Europe date from far more recent times than the Middle Ages, hoshi23. I think it is a little wide of the mark to suggest that the European Union is fine, it clearly isn't, not for everyone.

yes. if poeple would let that devine in the whole planet would transform. also not to long ago i red a nice statement from indians about prisons and how they did not need them at all. hahaha.

i agree we are just mad and there is alot of apathy regarding that. fear.


devine has no fear takes action immediatelly without knowing simply is.


if you understand it is all produced by mind. a minor force holding up whole joy at bay. hahaha. even if just by a bit.


just stupid. hahahaha. but you cannot talk with this poeple in that moment. hahahha.


it has to come of their own inner self. hahahahaha.


knowledge is the most dangerous thing ever.

hahahaha. you see.


go give up already humanity !°!!!! hahaha.



ps. also WHATS THE HUMANITY? pls stop blinding yourselfs as if you would know anything.


you the ones choosing illusion to put yourselfs in.


whod have it any other way?


is that to be found? you constantly search and what you find is nothing.


one moment the cloud it was a train and then again a fat woman. who cares. it is all writte in the skies plants trees animals stones.


dont notice then you lost in what you think to be knowledge whence in 1 sec it all can be removed.




so halleluja that and also halleluja but i would not even know what that ment. im with stupid

and happy at last. greetings and happy easter to all.

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Problems and conflicts in Europe date from far more recent times than the Middle Ages, hoshi23. I think it is a little wide of the mark to suggest that the European Union is fine, it clearly isn't, not for everyone.

yes if poeple would let that devine in the whole planet would transform. also not to long ago i red a nice statement from indians about prisons and how they did not need them at all. hahaha.

i agree we are just mad and there is alot of apathy regarding that. fear.


devine has no fear takes action immediatelly without knowing simply is.


you understand it is all produced by mind. a minor force holding up whole joy at bay. hahaha.


just stupid. hahahaha. but you cannot talk with this poeple. hahahha.


it has to come of their own inner self. hahahahaha.


knowledge is the most dangerous thing ever.



go give up already humanity !°!!!! hahaha.


ps. WHATS THE HUMANITY? pls stop blinding yourselfs

as if you would know anything.

you the ones choosing illusion to put yourselfs in.


whod have it any other way?


think you wouldnt be able to function anymore?


your fear mongering mind its a joke. :wink:


Two things @hoshi:

1. What do you smoke, and where can I buy it? :tongue:

2. To my knowledge! knowledge has only been dangerous to priests and the church of the middelage. :thumbsup: But that debate will not have a lifetime here, I´m afraid.

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well i hope pople are not forgetting about fun. there is always a positive light in which things can bee seen in.



dont want to know about the rest.

inside outside is no secret.


if poeple fail to enjoy then thats on their part.

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yes. if poeple would let that devine in the whole planet would transform. also not to long ago i red a nice statement from indians about prisons and how they did not need them at all. hahaha.

i agree we are just mad and there is alot of apathy regarding that. fear.


devine has no fear takes action immediatelly without knowing simply is.


if you understand it is all produced by mind. a minor force holding up whole joy at bay. hahaha. even if just by a bit.


just stupid. hahahaha. but you cannot talk with this poeple in that moment. hahahha.


it has to come of their own inner self. hahahahaha.


knowledge is the most dangerous thing ever.

hahahaha. you see.


go give up already humanity !°!!!! hahaha.



ps. also WHATS THE HUMANITY? pls stop blinding yourselfs as if you would know anything.


you the ones choosing illusion to put yourselfs in.


whod have it any other way?


is that to be found? you constantly search and what you find is nothing.


one moment the cloud it was a train and then again a fat woman. who cares. it is all writte in the skies plants trees animals stones.


dont notice then you lost in what you think to be knowledge whence in 1 sec it all can be removed.




so halleluja that and also halleluja but i would not even know what that ment. im with stupid

and happy at last. greetings and happy easter to all.


I don't understand you too much, friend. I want to support you in this argument, but I don't even know what you are saying. Could you perhaps take a few seconds, and tell me what you are saying more clearly?



I think I translated it, but maybe not.... If this is not the point you were trying to make, hoshi, please tell me.


The Union's sole opponent seems to be Nationalism, and Religious resistance. Both of these have always been a resistance factor when it comes to combining two nations of different cultures. A European Union has it's flaws, but it seems that many countries had an expressed will to join it. Greece for instance has recently been accused of faking financial wellness in order to take a piece of the pie. Other, poorer nations in Europe may do the same eventually.


The union is a by-product of progress in Europe, and it won't be long before the union expands to include more European countries. Though the age of imperialism is clearly over due to the rise of nationalism, saying that a union of countries can not form is unacceptable. I will not rule out that the union may be unsuccessful, but for now it is growing in power and that merits success. The European Union has worked so far whether you believe it or not.


On the subject of Middle Age influence on this, take a look at the relationship between England and France. Both nations loved each other as much as any enemy would throughout history. Now they are part of a European Union. Progress anyone? It's certainly much different than the Middle Ages. It would certainly do Europe good if it took Religion out of politics, and I would certainly hope that religion is not the tool that destroys the Union. Though many will agree when i say that religion is a political tool that started when civilization sprang up, they will not agree when I say that religion needs to get the hell out of the workings of politics and return to the grasp of the people in which it was meant. I'd say the Middle Ages has plenty to do with the resistance to the EU, since it seems the main factor of resistance is Religious Nationalism.


Apologies, if I was wrong on my translation. I thought the Idea that Hoshi had made needed to be expanded to an understandable level, so that it had more influence in the argument.


I am in no way supportive of the EU, I don't give a care actually....

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*Bows to m'learned friend* and a fine exposition it is too, if I may say so, Trandoshan.


It will be interesting to see what statements are made in the coming weeks concerning the European Union over here in the UK, since Brown has at last gone to the Queen and asked her to dissolve Parliament, in preparation for a May 6th General Election. I am guessing the subject is bound to come up. I am particularly hoping that the move by Brussels to take away all budgetary control from us is lost due to Parliament being prorogued, and I'll bet Brown will be glad to dodge the row too....


(Not that our politicians have made a particularly good job of our budget either, I must say....)

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I would certainly like to know if it becomes a topic in your nation's election. Please fill us(me) in if anything happens... I have a hard time finding British news here in America.
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yes. basicly what i ment was dont try to fix santa in the sky.

thank you trandoshan. the example with england and france is very good. today it seems very silly.


likewise other things today will seem very silly tomorrow. it seems to be a process of constant unfolding.

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The European Union may or may not suceed but the basis of it is positive in the sense of trying to avoid internal conflict and to create a unified economic counter to China and the USA. China with its growing influence and the USA with its Free Trade Agreements (one of which is with Australia and which favours the USA, which our politicians supported though most Australians were wary of it). The positive is that it has at least been tried and if it does fail or proves to be negative, my hope is that a better form of European Union may arise to replace it. Europe can not afford any more major internal wars because modern wars cost far too much in lives and property, in long term disruption.


The European Union was partly created to counter the economic influence of the USA and the rising China and India along with a resurgent Russia and they have the right to do so but the European Union as a monopoly, as a econcomic protectorate surrounded by high tariff walls will damage the world economy. On the other hand the USA, China and other economic powers continue with their own forms of protection so the EU need not be pointed out for special attention.


As for the British and its status as allies to the USA, that subject is off topic.

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