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LHammonds is RETIRING


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Yeah...calling in on the whole "slack responses to PM/Email thing". Unless someone is having a problem or the question is relevant I normally don't reply. I get too many "How do I edit things in the CS?" or "How do I load mods?" or "Can you make me a website?" questions that should just be posted on the forums :(
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Calling off the Coup d'état, as LHammonds has returned on his shining white horse and defeated the evil horde of TD.


Was a good try.... Revolutions are silly things.

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Whew! I'm glad that's over, lol! I kept waiting for a big APRIL FOOL'S declaration. Was gettin kinda nervous there, when I didn't see it at the end of the day.


Just evil man, just evil, lol :yes:

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That's not funny :sad:


EDIT by LHammonds: Probably not all that funny but it was all I had for an April Fools joke. I was hoping to release Vvardenfell Glass on april 1 as an april 1st joke (anti-joke I guess) but I just didn't have time to get everything done. (got heavily side-tracked figuring out bows)


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