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Sad @ Nexus Mods :(


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I have written many tutorials (mainly for Oblivion regarding this site) and the best way to get information out is by doing the following:


1. Create your article and place it somewhere safe where you have 100% control over it (like Backups)..such as your own Google Pages or web site. (Example)

2. Create a copy of the tutorial on the official wiki site. (Example)

3. Create a copy of the tutorial on your favorite fan sites. (Nexus Example, Storm Raven Library Example)


In regards to #3 for here on the Nexus, that means placing it in the Article Database. Anyone familiar with the articles, wiki and whatnot will be able to find or refer the information quite readily. If the tutorial is posted in a topic somewhere in a forum, it can easily get lost and the search engine does not always lend itself well to finding these helpful postings...thus the recommendation to post them in the Article Database here.


Depending on how things are organized, a stickied topic could be made to contain a bunch of links to tutorials...but as the amount of tutorials grow, obviously, not all of them could or should be placed in these stickied topics. Wiki pages are by far the best places to house tutorials...they become extremely helpful when you reference similar/related articles and defer details to other tutorials that have already covered that information. I have actually designed many of my articles in this fashion where one article supports a more complicated article and so on.



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I have written many tutorials (mainly for Oblivion regarding this site) and the best way to get information out is by doing the following:...



Alright .. nm. Never mind. Okay I see how it is ... NM, goodbye, er "good" "buy". Okay, okay. Nice .. Find .. nice right on. Okay, good enough. Gotcha, cool. See it, fine .. k, Ok. Good stuff.... "PUT AD CAMPAIGN HERE"

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This is an issue that leaves a person torn. or at least it does for me. I've been an active member on more than a few forums in my day. And there's some very valid points to each side.

On just about every single forums that I've ever had membership with, there is a very high percentage of posts where people will just post without looking. Reposting similar topics that have just been posted a few hours/days earlier, without making any effort to try to help themselves first. Case in point... there's at least one post every other week in the DA forums about "OMGZ can we PLEASE have a mod that lets us use all of the party members???". Or the repeated, repeated, repeated questions about how "My face mods dont show up, why?"


On the one hand.. there's the point of the fact that yes... in a lot of cases, trying to do a search becomes an effort in itself, because a search engine turns up a lot of irrelevant data, and the item that could be helpful to them, ends up gettting lost in the data flood.


And obviously, I agree that a lot of people just won't make the effort to do so. LOL.


But on the other hand, there is this- the nexus is really, truly growing as a mod and game resource forums for dragon age. It may be just MY opinion, but I would go so far as to say that it rivals Social.Bioware and even exceeds them in some aspects. Granted...yes, this is still a smaller site, but it's so much easier to navigate, and the bioware site is so restrictive about where a person can post, requiring particular memberships or special registration for this, and for that.


And because we really are growing as a resource of information on this game, we really do need a more centralized form of a database. And because of how much this particular game, is still in it's infancy as far as the modding communty is concerned, we really, really need to encourage knowledgable users to post up this kind of information.

Back when she had the time to do so, Tikki did a fantastic job of helping some of these people with the repeated issue of how to get the face/hair mods to show up. On a couple of occasions in some of my posts I refered to her as our local expert on the subject. I know that part of the tutorial that she's wanting to write up, covers this particular issue.

And, depending on how her article turns out, I would like to see it be recognized, so that it becomes something that would be more helpful to folks with this particular problem. Because as I said, she is one of our local experts on the subject.


I also dont really know how to say this. Because I dont want it to sound like a criticism. But in the da forums, we could use more staff support. Even tho it gets ignored, we could use a sticky in the forums, about using the search. about making repeated topic posts. About posting in regards to piracy. One such sticky in each subsection of the boards. And a sticky that links to information that has been posted by our members that addresses a lot of these posts, so as to at least Try to cut down on the repetition.

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Alright .. nm. Never mind. Okay I see how it is ... NM, goodbye, er "good" "buy". Okay, okay. Nice .. Find .. nice right on. Okay, good enough. Gotcha, cool. See it, fine .. k, Ok. Good stuff.... "PUT AD CAMPAIGN HERE"

I'm quite confused by this as well...other than seeing that you are somehow enraged at what I had said for some odd reason.


I also dont really know how to say this. Because I dont want it to sound like a criticism. But in the da forums, we could use more staff support. Even tho it gets ignored, we could use a sticky in the forums, about using the search. about making repeated topic posts. About posting in regards to piracy. One such sticky in each subsection of the boards. And a sticky that links to information that has been posted by our members that addresses a lot of these posts, so as to at least Try to cut down on the repetition.

Does such a topic exist that covers all of this? If so, show it to me and I will pin it.


I've found the best place to hide things is in the stickies, people tend not to read them.
People have ignored information not matter where it is...even if specially coded right above the Submit button. But we have to consider the 80/20 rule and try to make it work for the majority because you can NEVER satisfy (or enlighten) everyone.



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