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Anti Virus - Unnecessary and annoying as hell


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Seriously why did you guys add a anti virus?

Sorry but the sense of this is 0 since all files are tested anyway and I never saw anything that contains viruses go online in nexus.

And Im often not able to download anything since the file is scanned for viruses. But not minutes as often told. For HOURS!!!

Sorry but this sucks extremely since there is no way to download it while its scanned.

That for example...



Sorry for the rage but slowly this issue goes on my nerves.

Its not just sometimes. Its quite often...

What about keep offering the download while its scanning even with a warning.

I just want to download the file.

Edited by marcoxD95
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Seriously why did you guys add a anti virus?

Sorry but the sense of this is 0 since all files are tested anyway and I never saw anything that contains viruses go online in nexus.

And Im often not able to download anything since the file is scanned for viruses. But not minutes as often told. For HOURS!!!

Sorry but this sucks extremely since there is no way to download it while its scanned.

That for example...



Sorry for the rage but slowly this issue goes on my nerves.

Its not just sometimes. Its quite often...

What about keep offering the download while its scanning even with a warning.

I just want to download the file.

Files are tested by whom? The uploader? I take it you don't read the Forum rules and warnings. If you did, you would see former members that were banned for uploading malicious files. This is something that was just started and will take awhile before all the files have been scanned. When the scanning is completed, there will be a symbol placed on the mod page showing that the file has been scanned and is completely safe to download.

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Sorry but the chance that somebody puts malicious software into the mods is very low.

I never had any problem and I download hundreds of mods but especially I only download the good rated ones. Sure that maybe new mods with just 1 download may contain malicious software but mostly this must be done with any sort of exe.

And I bet everyone having an Anti Virus on the PC.

I just dont understand this mess because of the viruses. For people like me its just annoying and not just some minutes as praised. Its hours or even days. And I doubt that this mod contains malicious software since I used it already in the past and a lot of people voting it good and comenting it. If it contains anything like that you would notice this very fast... I think its unnecessary but oh well.

Maybe just scanning those that are marked to contain malicous files or who are new... Not popular ones...

Edited by marcoxD95
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The antivirus can be a good thing but probably it is overloaded. The problem is that the site performs the virus check on every file. This is unuseless. Users can put virus in an uploaded file (voluntarily or not) but a virus can be only in an exe or dll. It should be necessary to check if the file is an exe or dll (if it is a zip file, it can be scanned for exe or dll files in it) and then scan it for viruses. If the file is not an exe or dll (or doesn't contain these type of file) is unuseless scan it for viruses. It wastes resources and time for nothing.
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The last posts sum the problem pretty much up.

Its not even an offense against the nexus developers and maybe its even good to scan some files but not every of those files and then not being able to download for hours or more is pretty annoying for the users.

There should be a button to report a file to contain a virus and then nexus can maybe scan it. Only files with exes or dlls are the problems anyway.

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but a virus can be only in an exe or dll. It should be necessary to check if the file is an exe or dll (if it is a zip file, it can be scanned for exe or dll files in it) and then scan it for viruses. If the file is not an exe or dll (or doesn't contain these type of file) is unuseless scan it for viruses.


Actually, malicious files can be disguised using fake file extensions.


There's also plenty of viruses using other a host of other file extensions then .exe or .dll. For example, many viruses are visual basic (.vb) files.

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The problem was that there was some sort of virus that would steal a person's nexus login information. This information could then be used to upload the virus under a different account. If the account of the maker of a popular mod was compromised, then that account could be used to replace that popular mod with the virus. Being a popular mod, people would be more trusting of it, and perhaps skip scanning it with their own AV software. Recently though, a staff account was compromised, and that account was used to replace the files on several popular mods with the virus (details Here).


So that's why it's here now. The number of people that use antivirus software is probably lower than you think, and probably quite a lot of people that do use it, don't actually scan everything they download, especially if it's from a source that they trust. So this is an attempt at protecting the users of the site who would otherwise fail to protect themselves.


I don't particularly mind that it's there, but there are some things that annoy me about it. The files being unable to be downloaded because they are waiting for hours to be scanned is pretty annoying, but I assume that's an issue that is probably being looked into. The only other thing that annoys me is that notifications on the site will alert when a new file is uploaded, even if it is not yet available because of the scan. Would be better if it would wait to display notifications until the scan was complete, and the file was actually available.

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The only other thing that annoys me is that notifications on the site will alert when a new file is uploaded, even if it is not yet available because of the scan.

The notifications don't even work. That feature has been bugged to hell for like two months and noone seems to bother to fix it.

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  • Community Manager

I've just returned home from a day trip and see no files uploaded after around 7am have been verified. We'll look in to this as a matter of urgency, of course.

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