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HELP! I need a minimal ui that only has statusbars and crosshair


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I've been trying to find a mod (preferably a hudmenu.gfx mod) that removes all parts of the hud except for the status bars (health, magicka, stamina) and the crosshair.

This one - nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2958 - comes very, VERY close (if i remove the compass through SkyrimPrefs.ini) but it still has:

Shout cooldown
Text notifications (text on upper left of screen "critical hit", ect)
Crosshair prompts (talk lydia, take, steal, ect)

Enchantment charge bar

and some other stuff probably

So I tried editing hudmenu.gfx using SWiX (http://www.swixkit.com/) to remove them myself but if I edit the file in any way at all, it just crashes Skyrim.

Can someone either make the mod for me or teach me how to properly edit hudmenu.gfx? PLEASE I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER

Edited by jjgutib
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doesn't that require skse and skyui? i'm a vanilla lovin' stick to defaults kind of guy

i would just disable the hud through lowering the opacity in options but that removes the healthbars and crosshair and i kinda need those

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well i tried to install skyui, skse, and ihud

thought i'd just bite the bullet since it probably has what i want

but it turns out ihud doesn't really remove all parts of the hud, nor does it have options for doing so, so i'm still trying to figure out how to properly edit hudmenu.gfx since that seems to be the only way to get what i want (absolutely all parts of the hud gone except for the crosshairs and health/magicka/stamina bars)

i've had some success with creating a hudmenu.gfx that doesn't crash skyrim, but for some reason the entire hud disappears with my edited hudmenu.gfx, but it works just fine with Leviathan1753's No Enemy Healthbars mod

does anyone have any experience editing this file? how did they get it to work? i'm following 0rava's guide but the files i churn out don't work properly (strangely enough Leviathan1753 followed 0rava's guide to make his mod)

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