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Israel, and Gaza.


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There is less face to face discussion and more and more anonymous individuals addicted to the power of the microphone over people who have abandoned their responsibility to think for themselves and search for their own facts. They would rather play the next new game on Playstation or see what others think about their last posting on Facebook, than deal with the real world.

Amen! No argument from me on that one.


Howabout the celebrity worship aspect? It amazes me that folks are actually more concerned with what their favorite celebrity is eating for lunch than is what the government is doing to them in their own backyards......" hero worship" has gone beyond the usual aspect...."what is trending"? Do you utter the word "like" multiple times on every sentence you pronounce? Do you have an insatiable lust to be like everyone else?

"r" "u " cool?

Gawd help us! :smile:






It is the same . The new and shiny can be products as well as people. When has it never been so that those who gather together in groups and think alike seldom think at all. They just rehash old thoughts and pat each other on the backs, priding themselves for being so superior to those outside the group.

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So, reading back the last few pages..... it seems that the root of the worlds problems can be boiled down to one simple though. People are stupid.


Sure, individually, we have some truly smart cookies out there, trouble is, taken collectively, we got nothin' on a box of rocks.

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You know when most of us think "rockets" we think BIG boom. Like high explosives kinda boom enough to completely obliterate a house or something.


But this is the damage those Hamas rockets do in reality:




This is barely a scratch on the pavement. I've seen fireworks mortar tubes get knocked over and leave damage similar to that on the pavement.....These are no more than glorified bottle rockets..... Is retaliating with 500 lb high explosive ordinance against schools, hospitals, refugee facilities and killing civilians really justified? Does anyone seriously wanna claim this is imminent danger? Its not like they're launching Tomahawk Cruise missiles.


As far as I'm concerned the Israeli government are just as big of terrorists as Hamas. They're isolating an entire people behind a wall, and engaging in retaliation against non combatants which is considered under the Geneva convention to be a war crime.


We shouldn't be giving any foreign aid to any of these countries in the middle east, including Israel. I don't even know why we're giving them weapons. What the hell do they give us in return? We got no obligation to help the Israelis. They're gonna end up picking a fight with Iran by doing something incredibly stupid like trying to bomb a nuclear reactor, and I say they should duke it out on their own.

Edited by Beriallord
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That is only one sample of the ordinance Hamas has to send to Israel.


If you are of the opinion that those kind of rockets are 'no big deal', I invite you to go there, and stand nearby while they are falling around you. One of those rockets can kill you just as dead as a 500 pound bomb.


Aside from that, does the 'quality' of munitions fire at you, make them any less of an act of war?? Those rockets HAVE killed people.

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I'm not for either one of these groups. As far as I'm concerned The West begain this pissing contest when after they collonized Palistine and played footsey with the Palistinians and the Jews to get their aid in both wars. After promiising the world to both sides, they went in and stuck a foregn country right in the middle of a sovern country, said" Now, play nice" and walked away as if everything would work itself out. It didn't and what you see today is a continuation of what happened after Isreal was born.


As for these rockets, you can't tell by one explosion that all the others have the same energy and I would not make obsevations of something I have never experienced. There are too many varibles within each impact to make such a claim that these are no more explosive than a bottle rocket.


I've already commented on the foreign aid think that all countries should have stayed out of this to begin with. Including the United Nations that started this whole ball of wax in 1948.

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Actually he said glorified bottle rockets , which they are , can they kill you , sure but they pretty much have to be dead on . We also know that in previous conflicts Hamas has admitted to firing duds , basically a strategy of making Israel fire multi-million dollar missiles at scrap metal . And Israeli ordinance can range from 100 lb shells all the way up to 2000 lb warheads and in a few specialized cases more than that . Hamas ordinance on a direct hit might take out a car if it hit dead center , Israeli ordinance (the big stuff) takes down entire apartment blocks. It really is a David and Goliath situation.

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Oh I get it, since the rockets are not ICBM's or self propelled SSM's it's OK to fire them. In all the years I have heard the shout incoming, I don't ever remember someone else ask.... How large?

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I'd like to know just how anyone would know how powerful a missile is if they had not either fired enough of these or experienced enough impacts by these to knew what the averages would be. Also I would like them to, if they are so dismissive of the fact that they are raining down in someone elses backyard experience them falling in their own neighborhood to see how they would like it.


Sorry, but this whole backseat driver mentality really gets to me. It's like seeing someone being beaten half to death and casually sauntering past his bleeding body and casually remarking that he doesn't look that hurt.


I'm not going to take sides in this, but I'm darn sure not going to dismiss either sides culpability for keeping it going or dismissing any pain they other perpetrates on the other. These people continue because it is to someone elses benifit for it to do so. If that weren't the case, there would not be a resuply of the weapondry used.

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Who ever said any of it was right , its not a matter of right , its a matter of what can be expected . Hey You has stated that Hamas started this by firing rockets , this simply is not true . The arresting of hundreds (both militant and non militant types) for a crime they didn't commit , bulldozing of dozens of homes and the killing of a number of them is what started this , the rockets are but a predictable escalation. Its predictable because if your on the Israeli side you know they have no other means by which to respond . Which tells you it was a calculated move by Israel to bring about exactly this response from Hamas. Question is why. And to be fair its not proper to simply say Israel , because this is really the actions of one person, Netanyahu who has brought this all about.


How so , well from day one Netanyahu blamed Hamas without even letting his police investigators carry out a proper investigation to determine who was responsible , the day after the teens disappeared an audio recording was released from one of the teens who had called 911 as they were being kidnapped in which you can clearly hear them being murdered , it took 2 and a half weeks of legal wrangling before the Israeli Supreme Court for them to tell Netanyahu that his gag order that he immediately had placed on the recording was illegal as you cannot suppress evidence in a criminal investigation and ordered the gag order lifted . Yet during that time it was in place Netanyahu pretended the Israeli teens were still alive vowing to find them , even to the point of lying to the parents of the murdered teens . All the while whipping up public support for a war in Gaza , lies by their very nature are calculative , you lie for a reason.


Yet in North American media and largely in European media (not totally though) you barely hear a word about this . Because by and large one narrative plays out over our media when it comes to this and currently that narrative is virtually solely coming out of the PM 's Office of Benjamin Netanyahu.


Here's the recording.



As for why would David throw pebbles at Goliath , well when Goliath is arresting , bulldozing ,and killing with impunity , what would you have David do just sit there and get beat up , not realistic and rather stupid to presume they would. Beside it has netted them something , in the truce negotiations they have gotten the blockade eased and they is to be a seaport and airport built . Only time will tell if it bears out.

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