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Israel, and Gaza.


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No one thrives when your being ethnically cleansed and that's why they are doing it . This Palestinian attempt to gain membership in the UN , for Hamas and PA to sign a unity deal , negotiate as a united block , go before UN and ICJ if that fails, is a last gasp . If it fails then the Palestinians are a doomed people . Settlements are being built so fast that the idea of the Palestinians having their own State is becoming an impossibility . Hamas know this , the PA knows this and the Palestinians know this . It not a matter of liking or needing anyone , its a matter of running out of options.

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Now you're getting absurd. Ethnic cleansing?


Thisa is no more a last ditch effort than the last attempt at showing their might throw warfare instead of peace. Humas doesn't want peace, they want Isreal out of Palistine and that's been the ongoing thing with them. As yourself why the Palistinian Authority has thrived and Humas has not. The Authority worked with Isreal and prospered by it. Humas is getting together with the PA out of expediance and as soon as they can, they will be raining rockets again down on Isreal.


Humas has always had options. the Palisianians have had options all the way back to the PLO. They simply choose the path that is slowly eroding infront of them, because it's allies concerns are elsewhere and the rest of the world is getting tired of their crap!

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List of Reasons why Hamas is justified to shell civilians-


1) The rockets are not really that big.


2) Israel's policies started the conflict.


3) Hamas had no other options


4) The Palestinians are victims of Ethnic Cleansing.


This latest apolgetica for Hamas was droll to say the least, the only rationale not yet presented is that 'the dog ate their homework'.

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Although I don't care much for either side of this conflict, I take pleasure in knowing that I will in my lifetime live to see the Israelis finally get theirs in the near future.


In what bizarro universe can anyone say with a straight face that Israelis are loyal allies of Americans, when Israel has deliberately bombed American ships, conducted espionage against the US government, and sold American military secrets to China?. Not to mention the oft-neglected fact that Israelis have never sent any soldiers to fight in America's wars.


The escalation of Islamic terrorism over the past several decades is a direct consequence of Hebrew duplicity and malfeasance throughout the Middle East, and the buck has to stop somewhere.

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Although I don't care much for either side of this conflict, I take pleasure in knowing that I will in my lifetime live to see the Israelis finally get theirs in the near future.


In what bizarro universe can anyone say with a straight face that Israelis are loyal allies of Americans, when Israel has deliberately bombed American ships, conducted espionage against the US government, and sold American military secrets to China?. Not to mention the oft-neglected fact that Israelis have never sent any soldiers to fight in America's wars.


The escalation of Islamic terrorism over the past several decades is a direct consequence of Hebrew duplicity and malfeasance throughout the Middle East, and the buck has to stop somewhere.

How does that make them any different than any of our other allies? (except the USS Liberty, of course... that was ostensibly a 'mistake'....)


While the creation of Israel, and its subsequent policies, are definitely a contributing factor, you didn't see the REAL rise of terrorism until after the USA started sticking their noses into the internal affairs of other countries in the Middle East. Not to mention two invasions.... and wars. We turned Iraq into a giant terrorist training camp, with real, live, americans to shoot at.

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Although I don't care much for either side of this conflict, I take pleasure in knowing that I will in my lifetime live to see the Israelis finally get theirs in the near future.


In what bizarro universe can anyone say with a straight face that Israelis are loyal allies of Americans, when Israel has deliberately bombed American ships, conducted espionage against the US government, and sold American military secrets to China?. Not to mention the oft-neglected fact that Israelis have never sent any soldiers to fight in America's wars.


The escalation of Islamic terrorism over the past several decades is a direct consequence of Hebrew duplicity and malfeasance throughout the Middle East, and the buck has to stop somewhere.

How does that make them any different than any of our other allies? (except the USS Liberty, of course... that was ostensibly a 'mistake'....)


While the creation of Israel, and its subsequent policies, are definitely a contributing factor, you didn't see the REAL rise of terrorism until after the USA started sticking their noses into the internal affairs of other countries in the Middle East. Not to mention two invasions.... and wars. We turned Iraq into a giant terrorist training camp, with real, live, americans to shoot at.




And then gave them vehicles, weaponry and military training that isis has gladly taken use of.

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Where do you think the US got its b.s intel on Iraq from? Who do you think has an interest in supporting IS and destabilizing Syria?


Yes, I’ll say it plain: Israel and the Sunni jihadis in Syria are allies. If anybody had the sense to look carefully at how the IDF has reacted to the Syrian Civil War, god damn it, they’d have seen this years ago. Every time Israel has used its air power against any military force in Syria, it’s been against the Alawites and their Shia allies, Hezbollah. Never, never once, against ISIS. You know why? Because bleeding Hezbollah and Assad, who are organized enough to really worry Israel in a way the grab-bag of Sunni militias never could. There’s no moral distinction between Assad and his Sunni enemies. Assad is a mass murderer many times over — but he happens to be an Iranian client and an ally of Hezbollah and those are the only two forces that really worry Israel.

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Right. Israel is allied with the folks that want to kill every single one of them.


The airstrikes were against weapons that were ostensibly on their way to Lebanon... that is the ONLY time Israel has attacked Syria recently. (discounting the nuke power plant a decade or so ago.)

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If hate was an environmental energy source, we could tap into we could power the world without digging into anything other than ourselves. Will it ever cease? Who hates who, hates who, hates who?

So long as there is more than two people on the earth, no, it won't ever stop.

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