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help i cant download mods from tesnexus


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;P look under the file tab and click the file name. You need winrar or 7zip to extract the mods. After that, put the esp and anu additional folder in your data, and start oblivion. Under data files will be your new mod, enable it and you're ready to go ^^
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how do u download mods on tesnexus, theres no download button, yes this does happen to be my first time on tesnexus but can you please help(yes im a noob please dont make fun of me)


No one's gonna make fun of you,brother,this is 100 % friendly site.


And welcome,by the way. :thumbsup:


Now,when you find a page of your desired mod to download,you will see the picture of course,then under the picture are options(track file,vote etc.)


Right under the options,are the tabs you need,like description.You need to click on the 'files' tab,it is right next to 'description'.The files will apear,and you just have to click on a file,another window will pop up,and then you pick any server you want,and your download will start within a few seconds.


That is all,you're all set.


Happy hunting! :thumbsup:



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As the guys said above, welcome matey.


We are a friendly bunch around here, so no one is gonna give you any flack.


Just out of curiosity, you're not trying to download the mods from the forums are you? The file servers are here. Happy modding. :)



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Welcome to the Nexus.

If you still can't find it, here is a picture.



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There is no button 'download', as guys said under 'Files', click on desired mod's name and you're done. Also remember that if you're downloading files bigger than 2MB, you must be logged in. Me too had problems first time, and I think i'm not the only one here. So, welcome and we will not make fun of you! :thumbsup:
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  • 9 months later...
  • 4 months later...
I experienced that problem once. The connection to the file server was timing out, and would never continue to actually give the file (and the little pop up window would be blank). I don't know if it was my ISP or the file server itself. But the problem fixed itself for me. I dunno if it's the same issue as the OP though.
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