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Top 3 Most Immersive Games


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Hello, people!


When I was doing the dishes, I suddenly thought of an interesting idea. I was thinking of games that I should challenge my girlfriend at playing, and I started thinking about the immersive games I've played that might suit her: games that I've fallen so deeply into that I've been playing it for hours and hours and when I've not been playing them, I've been thinking about them... yeah, those kind of immersions.


Anyways; I was thinking of what your most immersive games are. Are there any games that have treated you like this? That have left you wanting more and actually gotten a bad feeling when the game was wrapping up?


1. Half-Life 1: This is one of the most immersive games I've played. At the time, I was really new to PC-gaming. My gaming life revolved around console games before. Anyway; yeah, the great storyline, the awesome build-up and the super-immersive elements. I love the long Intro to the game before some action actually happens. The great ways to fight the bosses and interesting plots, twists and characters.


2. Shadow of the Colossus : This game is totally awesome, and one of the best games ever, I feel. The story is kind of vague, but the action, gameplay and scenery is epic, and the boss fights : the best. I just wanna continue to play this game forever, but at the same time, I know there are only 16 colossi... decisions, decisions.


3. My third option, I have to add in later...


Please give me your immersive games :)

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Hmm i would say SuperStardustHD for the ps3 is one of them, if she likes simple shooters. Edited by Thor.
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Baldur's Gate 1/2 (tutu version perhaps) and morrowind with expansions. Nothing added, just play and play. Inspired, rich and unsurpassed among RPGs.


(I'd add fallout 1/2 but those are more a series of chuckles than actual exploration.)


Sadly they all look like junk these days, graphics equivalent of a 1989 digital watch.

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First, Oblivion. Reason I'm here.


Second, Civilization IV. Never gets old, except when waiting so long. Maybe that because of my pc.


Third, Rome Total War. Or any of the Total War series.


Three of those are not only long, but simply endless. There isn't any game that could keep me playing for hours and make me sleep late, something I rarely do.

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From the very start of my playing computer games, a long time ago?


Here are just three of many.


Doom 2


Civilization 3



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Fallout 3




Inifinite Space

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