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Too many cloaks (!) ... getting cloaks of skyrim & wet & cold cloaks to work together, & with complete crafting overhaul?


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Hi all,


I'm having problems with these 3 mods, found the installation process/instructions very confusing.


The problem is mainly that on the tanning rack under misc I get multiple options for every single cloak ... it was 3 entries for fur cloak black to start with, after logging out & back in, it's now up to 6. The same is true of all the cloak varieties.


What I did, probably wrongly, is to install WIC cloaks main file using NMM, then install the WIC Complete Crafting Overhaul compatible version using NMM. I said "yes" to allow NMM to overwrite the WIC cloaks with the cloaks from the CCO version. Then I deactivated the original WIC cloaks main file.


I did the same with the Cloaks of Skyrim files.


Loot is giving warning messages about only using one WICCloaks esp & the same for the Cloaks of Skyrim ESP, in each case it's giving these warnings on 3 different esps.


For WIC Cloaks, they're esps called 1nivWICCloaks.esp, 1nivWICCloaksNoGuards.esp & 1nivWICCloaksCRAFT.esp.


For Cloaks of Skyrim, they're Cloaks.esp, Cloaks - No Imperial.esp, & Cloaks - Player Only.esp.


NMM shows only 2 esps active ... 1 for Cloaks of Skyrim, the other for WIC Cloaks, both are the CCO compatible versions.


I suspect I should have installed each mod one at a time & entered the game, saved, & logged out, rather than doing what I did do. The WIC Cloaks FAQ does say, I see now,


Q: Why are there three crafting recipes of the same cloak?

A: You installed all the .esp at once, you need to only have ONE main plugin at a time.


What should I do to correct this?


Un-equip my cloak in game, save, deactivate them all, go back in game, save. Try activating them one at a time with a game save in between?




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When you install the CCO version of WIC, you're not overwriting any resource files (meshes and textures) but the plugin file that includes all the associated keywords crafting conditions CCO is all about. After you've installed the CCO version, leave the plugin active. Same goes for Cloaks of Skyrim.


LOOT will warn you about using multiple versions of both WIC and CoS whether they're all active or not. If you've only got one version active then the warning is irrelevant, but you can remove the inactive plugins from your Data folder without issue and the warning will go away. What I did to avoid having to do this every time was go into the mod archive itself and physically remove the versions I didn't intend to use. You don't have to remove/deactivate them if they don't exist to be installed in the first place.


Your issue might be solvable using CCO's configuration menu. Go to the Mods section of said menu and try turning off crafting recipes for the mod (or mods, if you're having this issue with both WIC and CoS) in question. Then check your crafting menus and see if they're still there. If there are still cloaks in the crafting menu, are there fewer copies of each cloak than there were before? If so, you've still got more than one version active. Comb through your load order (Wrye Bash can display your load order alphabetically without changing your load order, which is incredibly helpful for finding specific plugins). If there's no change, that likely means something went wrong when installing the CCO version of the mod; try re-installing the CCO version to make sure it's the one being used. If they're gone completely, save your game, reload, then re-activate the crafting recipes and see if the matter isn't resolved.

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Nice one.


I used Wyrebash to check it, & that helped me fix it - it had descriptions of each installed esp, that helped me disable all bar one for WIC & one for COS, & has left the crafting menu with only one black fur cloak, one blue one, one green one, etc.


All seems well now, thanks again.



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