Deleted54170User Posted December 12, 2014 Author Share Posted December 12, 2014 :laugh: Curtains stage right Actors play curtain stage left :sad: Applause, Applause. Encore! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted54170User Posted December 12, 2014 Author Share Posted December 12, 2014 :laugh: Curtain stage right Actors take their bows curtain stage left :sad: Applause, Applause. Encore! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted54170User Posted December 12, 2014 Author Share Posted December 12, 2014 Wow!Thanks! Druuler! For the link: That was a fun YouTube short!A holiday musical background with a reference to a seasons, a salesman started, ahem', with a sales pitch. That special event may have begun in mid-July. Gene Autry decided to do the song, everyone else had turned down, "Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer" and it became another famous moment; which includes Montgomery Wards having the first "Christmas in July Sale". In Montana we actually had a brief bit of snow for a day, or two, in July, that year. Rudolph was parked out front of Montgomery Wards with a Santa Claus too.Global warming may determine if we all are related to fish? That would be a hoot! Especially if the reason there are so many lost civilization turns out to be because we all revert back to fish?! Whoah!!! Nelly!That definitely hits the spot about global warming and those fishy tales about mermaids and mermen. See if you can get that Mermaid to clock in on time for cleaning the fish tank's. Would ya? The oceans and seas are getting a little to dirty to live in. Five Trillion Pieces. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted54170User Posted December 14, 2014 Author Share Posted December 14, 2014 Dragon Age: Inquisition? :mellow: The Big City of Redclift is not accessible?! What?! :mad: Hey! Gate Guard! :pinch: I'm the famous guy with the power to close Rifts and you won't open the gate?! Now where is the place with the War Table? :confused: I have to find it on the map. :sleep: How to say this? :ninja: Any game that draws me in, I only had direction issues when roaming around due to my own suddenly strange lack of desire to explore, and the images being top quality for realism... Yeah! It's a fun game. :happy: It has a grading device that made me stumble :sad: when I did get back the exploration notion, I got into a fight with demons who totally out ranked me at a lvl 8. I didn't care, :geek: I went back and tried every angle I could think of to be the Winner! Then I used fast travel to go to a camp :sleep: and when Physically and Mentally Refreshed I roamed in the map areas which were more suited for my lvl 8. I like the game and traveling in it is just what my brain likes. :smile: Now that I have stealthily covered all the map area I could get to see :geek:, without getting clobbered totally, :geek: I am able to fast travel to those points at least. For later! :ermm: I can wait! Really! I can! I'll go back to that river near the farmlands when I get to a higher rank. :dry: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted54170User Posted January 12, 2015 Author Share Posted January 12, 2015 I posted this in the, "THE LAST POSTER WINS" Page. And It gave me a message, I copied the whole page and pasted it at the bottom, that appeared after I clicked on POST. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :mad: Yeah! I'm back for the moment. Anyone have a clue as to why I see a message that informs me that I posted a message to fast. Or when I do sign out I get an, "Oops! Something went wrong! Is the technician at monitoring my activity. I'm not happy about the ISP connection somehow getting closed so my signed in status is switched off when I click on post, or comment. :pinch: I hope someone is getting a giggle out of it. :laugh: Just like it did when I clicked on post a second ago... Ha ha haaaa! :blush: :dry: :ermm: :geek:Show All 1 user(s) are reading this topic1 members, 0 guests, 0 anonymous users IPB skins by Skinbox Forum Software by IP.BoardLicensed to: Nexus ModsChange ThemeMark Community ReadContact UsPrivacy and Refund PolicyHelpPage loaded in: 1.283 secondsAn error occurredThis reply has not been added as it has been posted too quickly------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wow! I can type four real long sentences in less than 2 seconds. WOW! I should get the Book of Records for this one? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted54170User Posted January 13, 2015 Author Share Posted January 13, 2015 :mad:My slights of words have given many the opportunity to see how evil adults get when they are denied free time to play. The body may get bigger and the mind more mature, you can't take the child out an adult, but you can take the adult out of a full grown person. Some people call it Senility. I call it self preservation of the person we really are. Who we were and deep down in the adult masked body is, "A good child, with good intentions, who was led along a path by an adult who did not want to share the secret of life." What is the secret of Life? You ask. "FOOD and WATER!" Muah ha harr har haa. It's mine, all mine! I'll...What's this? There's a lake over the hill, "Grandperson". WHAT?! There's a lake full of water?! I thought water only came from this hole I found in the ground. BAH! That includes all of you software programmers and forum baby sitters. Work and no play causes atrophy to childlike brain parts. Must play, use creative side of the brain more! BBQ in a blizzard in the backyard with a polar bear family. Invite the white baby seals too. Seal ya later! :laugh: No whale blubber was eaten here. Everyone is having bbq'ed cauliflower and horse radish in sesame seed buns. All you can see is the sesame seeds, and only if you have really dark sun glasses on! :cool: Yay! ROARING Applause!Encore! Encore! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted54170User Posted January 18, 2015 Author Share Posted January 18, 2015 I awakened this morning after seeing what I can only call dreams of reality; in my dream sleep. I played Dragon Age: Inquisition for several hours before I went to sleep. This game session my game character and his team got to go into the Fade; alive. :woot: While there, the discussion among the team players suggested it is where we go when we sleep and dream. :sleep: Probably when we are not snoring. I don't snore! :no: Or my dream sleep would probably not last long and not be about reasonably quiet places? :tongue: I remember game play times, like this last evening, when I played Morrowind on my weekends. I actually had dreams, while asleep, just before awakening, of playing the video game MORROWIND on my computer. When awaking I found I would be tapping on a key on my keyboard and wondering why it would not work. That happened just before I awakened to find my blanket folded below my hairy pectoral muscles. The blanket was folded in a position so it was where my keyboard would have been. The soft sensation of cloth may have actually alerted me, to the fact I was dreaming, just enough so I awakened. Not so with any of the more recent games. I guess the recent games simulate what there is of real life enough in their story lines to keep me focusing on going back to work after the holiday weekend. Or at least getting back to the Vault and cleaning up the room reserved for me; so I can live there. After all, all the others I've known there scavenge in the Summer, and stay in the vault all Winter, and because Winters here are shorter they aren't staying as long. Winter weather hasn't lasted long enough for them to get settled in. The only things I noted about my dream sleep :sleep: was that the snowbirds appear to be making the Vault into a Mall; with vendors lining the wide halls. There were people walking around, passing by each other, just like those visits to the mall in my real life. I guess, I may as well, just forget about moving back into the vault this Spring, as it is my October nature to do, and move to making the Mall nearby my new daily hangout. Maybe?! Or maybe I will get to work and build another Vault in my dream sleep? :cool: Hey! If what the storyline describes as our dream life, like in Dragon Age: Inquisition, is theoretically possible, I could build there before I actually build a Really Luxurious Vault in reality? :geek: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted54170User Posted February 2, 2015 Author Share Posted February 2, 2015 I was Hobbyt-ing around in bookmarks, I have saved, and look at the link I found for MORROWIND? :cool: If you can't get enough nostalgia about websites with MORROWIND mods, this site has a link to every web site active and inactive, here's where One Site to Link Them All. :dance: Do you remember what this sites original name was? :geek: See if it is still at One Site to Link Them All! :woot: And thank you, Oh Gracious Host, Robin Scott. :D Now where the heck did I leave my Wizard staff? :ohdear: I've got to find it before the fourth of July so I can set off some fireworks. :sweat: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted54170User Posted February 4, 2015 Author Share Posted February 4, 2015 Ken Robinson saw the past and worries for you, you young brains, you who are now 18, and all off the Earths children. How schools kill creativity Video gaming gave me a place to put my mind into the perspective of ways of life. MORROWIND had books in it that had reads on books that I actually read in real life. I was excited about the possibilities of meeting new people, making new friends, and even taking a leap of faith that I could find a new way to earn a living.After all these years I finally start to figure out what it takes to really connect with people, using the Internet.The Super Intelligent are makers of the Internet are elderly, but still young compared to my age, who brought the Internet into view more and more. The youth who took advantage of these splendid conditions rose up in business and were there when the Internet balloon popped. New webpages appeared with struggling new businesses looking to pick the Internet Fallout and make it work for them. I was sure I was cut out for this online business. I even worked on a webpage; which never got a visitor, never got a badge for creativity, or anything. I closed it down and lingered on looking for people to be friends with.How now Brown Cow. And How my schooling through K-12 inhibited my excitement and creativity can be learned watching Ken Robinsons talk. He added fuel to my facts in my own collective consciousness on complaints I had about school inhibiting students abilities. After watching the I realized Mr. Robinson described how education was inhibiting minds all over the world.It wasn't just me! I, now, understand that education run by the School Administration is kept up by funds provided by Taxes charged to thecommunity. And how it adds to, "How schools kill creativity". The School Administration System does, and I know it does now. They make rules for the teachers to follow teaching the children at schools. We build a restraining wall in our minds around our Creative Thinking Zone. While playing video games, I worked with the construction sets and found out that the brain gets membranes that became like leathery brick walls. It like a traffic cop in the big city directing traffic in other directions so many of us are slowed down waiting for that moment for our burst of creativity to be expressed on the express lanes. Sort of like slowing my desire to work creatively. While I was learning to use the CS of MORROWIND constructively I learned I had difficulty learning the techniques.I did not give up. I knocked down the barrier between my mind and thinking cap. I walked again in the imaginative space called CREATIVITY! I struggled with the same thin membranes which were forming at another school, when the folks moved us all to another school. I learned of a course called Creative Writing. Writing!Doing my best to use what I learned in Creative Writing class I started writing in Druids Gardens at forums.nexusmods. It was while I was that I realized I got out the mortar drill and began tearing down that old school inhibitor bricks. I could have modded a video game from the minds play as I struggled to get the leathery inhibitors removed from my minds creative path to the passage where are minds creativity lives and is forming. I released a humongous amount exciting hostility that started out as the childlike creativity who only wants to play with the tools that have been around for Centuries.I felt the limitations put upon my mind by the stages of K-12, 5 years old to 18 years of age. Fire and Ice burst in and out of my thinking, I felt like I was shooting spells, casting fire balls at the crude, but thick skinned, rustic school logic, whose teaching built the walls in my mind.Ken Robinson is correct and he describes schools just like where I first attended school and scurried around the halls like a dancer avoiding all the jerks, jocks, bullies, and estranged student's like me (pupils that were developing leathery film walls of brain brick and mortar) too,All the way from grade school, through Junior high school, and to high school I evolved to become an invisible hall mouse scurrying along the base boards to keep out of site of the monsters who loved to pick on estranged, and weird, students. I learned there were better teachers and methods of teaching from a history teacher at the high school. I learned that there were better school programs in different parts of the 50 states in the U. S. of A..I'd worry for you more, but I think Ken Robinson saw the past and worries for you enough; Earth Children. How schools kill creativity Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted54170User Posted March 6, 2015 Author Share Posted March 6, 2015 Why am I here? I feel very sad. I know I did what was expected of me when I was doing the chores I was assigned. I sense I am struggling to understand if I even have had a goal outside of the chores set before me. A goal? Is a goal an object? Is a goal an emotion? Is what I am feeling the end of my days nearing? I feel a need to do something and yet my mind ends with an empty space after the word something. I should do something ... Or I should do something else ... I must set a goal. One that I have, or have had, set for myself to act upon. I had a goal; or did I? Am I just hoping I have a goal that is missing from my memory at the moment? Did I ever really have one I chose to strive to accomplish? Did I create a goal for myself that has been taking so long to accomplish it I've forgotten what it was? Now that I think about it, I don't remember ever having a goal I was inspired to strive to achieve. I know what it's like to feel completion of tasks. I learned the manual way to do some things and used tools that required me to be the motor for them. I get the feeling I have a very important goal now. Do any of you feel that way when you have completed all your tasks for the day? I'm having a kind of reminiscent prime life crisis I think. Who set up the goal's so there was a selection? Where did I get the ideal to have a goal? Was I a blank slate, at one time, upon which my benefactor wrote and authored my character? Ooo! A living, breathing, game character?! I won! The only reason I may feel I have another goal to strive for may be because it feels really strange having won at the game of life. It could be I am kind of like drifting in a safe haven on a nice comfy soft cloud. Now I am feeling the residuals from all the repeated times which I plied my skills to achieve the supreme goal. All that mattered was accomplishing that goal. The one true goal? Or maybe one of many goals? I sort of feel like I have run out of goals that are a challenge to my present characters proper traits. I sort of feel like I could leave now and never be heard from again. Only, there's this sense. I can't quite put a light on it. It seems like I am badgering myself to find something to do and not having any luck finding another goal that inspires me to become really energetic about striving to accomplish it. I remembered a story I began writing. I remember the computer I was using to write the story; a Macintosh. I remember the Mac quitting one day. I remember the story continued saga getting cooled on the back of my mind as my heated mind focus on the pyre of words I wanted to continue typing. I remember not being able to write with that keyboard when I had an idea to add to the story. I remember how I began to get grumpier and grumpier because each morning I awakened seeking to begin typing again and there was no computer attached to my keyboard. The Macintosh was in the Apple repair shop. I was without a source to type my words in the fashion I had become accustomed to. I became frustrated every day a little more. It was almost as though I had a child that wanted some attention and the typing of words on the computer was acceptable by that child. Once the computer power supply burnt out I was stuck, sitting there with my presence of mind looking for a way to write down my words as often as as quickly as I had become accustomed to. I was about to start to cry today. When all of a sudden it occurred to me there must be another author who is the author of me. Mother and Father. Of course that would mean that there was a Mother and Father a really long time ago who were now like gods. Invisible to the memories of time, because we are distanced from each other by millions of years. That made me want to cry again. Crying and sleeping seemed like it was going to become my routine. My eyes are welling up as my sinuses swell. I am thinking about my lack of reason for being alive any more. Should just let the tears flow? I don't have something to do like my familiar chores because I haven't seen the sense in doing them. The whole family life I came from ceased to occur my thought to be a possibility. It would have been best having the adult occurrences of find a love relationship with a girl, marrying, and having children together. I feel suffering emotionally for the lack of that happening. There is the goal that drove me on, to get me to wake up this morning, and the pursuit of the family life. Ideal! But I was reasonable sure I made a bunch of mistakes and did not even make a child occur in an accidental way. I was, in my growing stages through adolescents to adulthood, conscientious about the good family life. I was crying on the inside this morning as my own aggravated reality kept putting up the sign in my memory, "I am too old now. Why are my thoughts rolling around and about doing that which would have been best when I was between 16 and 38 years of age?" Oh! I feel the flood coming on. The bags under my eyes are beginning to swell again. Too young, too injured, too old, and too late! :sad: How did I manage for so long without crying so? Am I just, so, so stupid? I feel the tears and confused story of my life, the mental story shaping my face so my lower lip is rising, my eyes are sagging, and my mind is mingling with the oncoming sobs. The storm clouds are rolling in. Why am I here?! Some one tell me why my life has been like it has? Is there a person who is writing my life story and they keep forgetting to fill my life with the in between parts? I feel the same way I did this morning when my sleep was interrupted. I was interrupted from some dream sleep views, and the thoughts made me stop to wonder if I was a puppet with a puppeteer that was making up a life for me, but did not have the time to do it good and proper. And now it's Too LATE! :sad: I wanted to cry back when. Instead I reasoned with the sense of a man talking to a child, answering the questions explaining life to the child, and begging to be let go back to sleep and rest. I was angrier then I think I had ever been for not having the answers spelled out for me when I was growing up. If I had, had a child of my own... The tears were welling up in my eyes, the sad remorse grew as I reminded myself I was so darn old now. The thoughts of my past lingered reminding me how it could have been if only I knew what I know now. Waa haaaaaaaaaaaa! If only my ancestors would have been there to answer my questions when I was eager to learn. All of the people I have met here are all so much smarter than I. Some answered the questions that I managed to dig out of my mental rubble. Some sharpened my wits. Some I saw weakened by the bouts of lovers drawl poetic and secretly desirous of another. None had time to become a friend and let me experience life like I could have when I was between 16 and 38. I had menial labor that needed to get done so the chores were done day after day. I never seemed to find the time to get to socialize, outside the immediate family, in the ways my older siblings did. I'm so tired now. Writing like I was on the Macintosh to let out the feelings which where roadblocks. The place where my writing was stalled because of the Macintosh power supply quitting. There were so many set up for continuation of learning, for a later date, when an older person might have time to share the knowledge I needed. Then I could finish the roads I had begun to build. I would be crying right now, and yet, something wondrous occurred while I was preparing to slump down into the deep tears. I realized someone, something, or maybe a godlike being has been keeping me from crying myself to sleep over all. If I had just cried from all the unhappy endings I have had I would drown in my own tears. Something must be important enough that I would rather ignore all those sad endings. I felt better. The wonder gave me a question I can live with, "Something, someone, or one of the long ago relatives, from the family must be giving me a little help, now and then, or I would have drown in my own tears by now." I sense there is some truth in that and that I may never have the life style which seems to have been part of my hopes. At least I will have the feeling of clear sinuses and moistened eyes. Knowledge. I wonder if I will live to see something that I will be glad to have been alive to see one day? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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