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From Day Dreams of a Spaced Out old Man comes


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Deleted because of a brief pause that may have caused someone to have a brain fart that frightened them. I don't want to upset any old people who remember LIVE television broadcasts and knew that the people were actually sitting in the studio making the show possible while people watched at home.


Really people! There was a time when the TV had LIVE shows!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's back to the basic starter again. Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. This morning I felt like it was the first day I really awakened to the feeling something has begun I can actually, will actually, be a part of among the social groups of the city. Even though I am old enough to be a Great Grandfather I sensed I was about to start the morning like I used to when I was a teen age young man.


My camera, my desire to explore beyond where everyone else has never gone, and the desire for unique recipes for food all got a back seat when my mind drew up a plan for today.


What is it?


A song I recalled reminded me that we all should go where our dream takes us. The cost will be the charged to us for which way we go. If we wander off into the distant horizon leaving the city, the country town, and the family Mom and Pop place the expense may well be we one we don't realize it is worth that much when we first get started.


We must though; get started.


The local fairground fair is over. Shopping for school supplies is the major event now.


School starts even for me, because what happens from one instance to the next is a gradual awakening to what the parents of the children will be doing if they aren't working at the local shops for their keep to what I am going to be doing now that I won't have a bunch of tagalongs trying to snatch a piece of the food on my plate.


School isn't over, and anyone who has been to school and studied, seriously, knows, when yo get to be my age, you aren't going back to school we're still in school, and our classroom has just been thinned out a little more this year.


The older we get, the fewer students our age there are, and we still keep on learning. Or we get old and stink up the home for the elderly, the mentally disturbed fills up as well, the sickly fill the hospitals where, if any, doctors find ways to cure old age's ills. A cure for old age isn't what I am seeking.


I explore all the possibilities all the time.


I suspect that if you are a real student, a practitioner, or a professional, studying and working in any of the fields schools provide, you will be getting your updates and see how much progress humankind has made.


You will need allot of knowledge before you get to be an explorer like me.


There are people who are exploring the Earth we only read about in magazines, short novels, and the stores shelves of mysterious and wondrous stuff going on we'll likely never ever get to see if it is real or not.


I'm already sure about what I am going to be doing today and for the rest of the week.


Exploring and avoiding any of the Wily Coyotes who are trying to run down a Road Runner to roast up on their BBQ rotisserie.


While I was digging up my back yard to find out what was keeping the plants I planted from growing I found something which got me searching the libraries, the local Historical Society Museum, Museums, and talking to everyone I could find who knew anything about the place I bought and the way of life around it.


The item is still a mystery and I am going to be busy trying to find out what it is.

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Well! Yesterday's events went over like a lead balloon. Instead of getting information suited to my concerns on my property garden soil problem I got the feeling I was talking to a bunch of people who have never been outside of their Fallout Vault. I was given sympathetic responses when the trail to the search ended without any results. I also felt like the scene replayed from one of the days I was being discharged from a hospital after all the doctors in the group agreed that I was fit enough to leave.

I felt like the time I returned the character to Vault 13 in the 1st video game made by Interplay. The game called Fallout. My game character returned with the water chip and was met at the door by the overseer. The overseer took the chip for the water filtering machine, thanked me, and told me I was a hero. Addressed the fact my character had so many experiences to tell stories about. And in that case, that letting my character back into the vault that many vault dwellers, after hearing the hero's stories, their hero's stories of being outside the vault, could result in inspiring others to want to leave the vault 13.


I felt like an alien in my own home town.


Sensations of mild elderly abuse occurred when a person made a suggestion based on what the most popular idea is and that it might suffice. I found out that the person who suggested the idea didn't even have a clue what they were referring to. So there was that dashing looking lad with a dull mindset just like the people who have to wait for a siren to go off to do anything other than just the five essentials. When the siren goes off they all walk to the mysterious door that wasn't open when the H. G. Wells version of The Time Traveler arrived.


Sadly, the story isn't new. Sadly the mysterious item I found isn't that old. I dug it out of the ground and found out it was just a device to sink into the ground to get to water beneath an area mostly of sand. The reason for my gardens failure was because only 2 inches below the thin layer of topsoil layer is all sand. Several feet of it, beneath the two inch later of topsoil. I did discover that the sand I dug into wasn't natural. It was sand used for the making of copper ingots.


Someone must of thought the thing, called a Sand Point, would provide a source of water. That sandpoint can be pounded into the sand until it may go deep enough so someone might find water beneath the sand.


Because the sand in my yard isn't a natural sand build up it was a waste of their money. The sand was Smelter waste sand and was dumped there by the Anaconda Company when the Smelter got up and running after 1903.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sore actor in the cafe asked me: Did you have the beef chips to help you remember those good ol days as a boot trainee in boot camp?

I don't eat trainee food anymore since I graduated from the U. S. Marine Corps boot camp. On graduation day I chose the Steak, glazed carrots, tender steamed diced potatoes with a light sauce with parsley, and chopped leafs of lettuce with French dressing. Desert? Hm? Cinnamon spiced diced apples, baked with granola, and crushed graham cracker on top. ;- P
Sore actor in the cafe: Sorry!
Do you eat chicken dinner to help remind you of all those days you ran around in your early youth looking for somewhere to poke your nose in or poke fun at someone with your pecker?
Are you trying to cheer me up so I get out of character? That's disgusting! ;- } I broke into a sudden fit of laughter.
You just reminded me of a comic strip I saw once. I will go look and try to find it.
After going through all my old subscriptions I wondered where I had seen it. Reader's Digest, Laughter is the best Medicine maybe? Humor in Uniform? Hmm?
I was in the hospital so I am almost positive it was a cartoon in a magazine condoned by the nun's that ran the place. The cartoon comic short made me laugh hard. Even though I was suffering while I healing from my surgery. When I saw pictures and words in the balloons I laughed so hard laughing hurt but it helped me feel better.
I looked around, but I could not find the old magazine. I looked a long time until I was so frustrated I started feeling bad. I thought about it for a moment and it made me laugh again just thinking about it. I decided to give writing it in script and text describing a picture.
Here goes.
Just for Laughs.
Picture a guy sitting behind the barn, he's sobbing. Nearby; a rooster overhears him. The rooster walks to his side to find out why he was so sad. The guy doesn't see the rooster. He just hears someone ask him what he is so sad about.
Without looking up, he talked about life, work and how it was just getting so unbearable to slave away all day doing chores on the farm, and how it seemed to get more and more difficult each day.
The rooster, being male himself, felt sorry for him and spoke like a true rooster to him. For some reason the man didn't like the way the rooster soothed him. He mumbled through his tears, "What would you know about working for the farm for a living?"
The rooster looked at the man in disgust and said, "Hey! You think you've got it tough! How would you like it if all day you had to pick up all your food with your pecker?!"
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Anyone like me have one of those computers handed down to us or purchased at the tech swap meet and are using that good used computer?


I typed a question in the Search Engine and found thousands of pages in the forums.nexusmods.com answering to questions about them. Some of the answers were mine.


Some information dated back to before I posted any technical answers. Some of the people whose posts I remember reading, who posted good help for computer stuff as far back as 1998, even video cards, like I used to have that were made before the year 2000, and second hand when I bought them, are still in the lists and still helpful.


If people still have and use those video cards from the year 1995 to 2011 the information on how to set the video card's settings for individual games is still lingering on this forum. I typed the video card company's name and got a lot of information.




I even found many of the authors of modding instructions still intact when I typed in a question, for example, "How to install mods without a mod manager?"


I remember how difficult it was, for me, finding a person whose instructions for installing a mod into the Data folder was.


I was so surprised, at how easy it became once I found the guide of one member who wrote in a style that their instructions made it so I could follow the method easily.


I tried to learn how to install a mod I downloaded the day before yesterday, for MASS EFFECT: ANDROMEDA. I either have to learn how to mod for it myself or use another person's mod Manager that isn't the Nexus's NMM.


I sure had fun Restoring the pages to life, like a Necromancer, searching through the lists of names of the people who I used to see posting here.

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Awe Snap. The more the air is kept fresh, the more my mental clarity, and a few other parts of my body that were getting lame have recovered. Worst of all, Now I want to play outdoors, work with the tools for structures I have to maintain, and I'm thinking of doing some artwork.


I was just feeling like a young lad and now I feel like a strong man again.


Thanks to the Forest Fires in Montana I have discovered the old house's fumes have been slowly reducing my health.


It's time to consider finding a healthier place to live.


For some reason though, I think Mars is out of my reach. :geek:

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  • 4 months later...

We of Earth are not lost.


Thor! If you're alive and your brains are still working upon what we shared get your butt back here. Beg The Dark0ne if you have to, but get back here.



Thor and I played together...he delved deeper into the random flagging of the worlds transformation. He discovered as I; more relics, artifacts, pyramids, hidden cities in jungles, giant human like bones became known, and conspiracy theories raised more facts that history is filled with.


Until the Internet there were only what was popular from the view of a few about what was known about by students, scholars and professors.


Thor has a mind that managed to build the best collage of the strange and wondrous Earths mysterious features.


I found many more archaeologists records which were appearing on the Internet and he found so many corners to turn and find reason for people to hide facts from us all. Not always good reasons. A few, but not all reasons were well thought out. For him though he did not have the time for that. I did.


I began to feel the weight of all we discovered. Theories arose. Facts gave us more and more reason to piece together a story. I started a fictional theme for a story with some facts. A wrote a fictional story, not unlikely, that could be one part of reality in history.


I put the bits and pieces I thought about together.

< https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2043014-from-day-dreams-of-a-spaced-out-old-man-comes/?p=17789589 >

I had some fun, and before I could clarify that I had written a fiction it had a strong presence.


Thor thought it was a real news broadcast.

< https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2043014-from-day-dreams-of-a-spaced-out-old-man-comes/?p=17794364 >


I realized what my story might do if it wasn't made known I was just hypothesizing and putting to theory a possible reason that a fact I read about existed.


My story was well constructed. It rang the bell that sent the message I had for once achieved some resemblance to a writer.


Thor thought the story was actually true. He wanted the link that the news service posted. There wasn't one.

The story made what wasn't confirmed facts yet, believable.


As soon as I realized what Thor was asking me for I immediately posted it was a fiction. To late. Thor already set his mind that it was real.


I reminded him I was hypothesizing,


The best my story could be was a good fiction.


The stones steps that Thor felt under his feet he built up to his place of realism still kept him aloft, but that day he saw another conspirator theorist. Me!


I was conspiring to get his focus on one topic. Not send him running through the jungles babbling randomly. I was trying to bring him in. so he could use what facts he had found to present his own story filled with his own puzzle pieces of facts. BECAUSE I didn't think I could do it all by myself.


He continued to flood every thread I started with more and more. Online Internet facts which many people were skeptical of...even though there seemed to be solid evidence arising from the research Thor found the information to be, in his thinking, solid facts.


I continued to look for the means to decipher what looked like an ancient code. Thor's facts...was that code I was trying to decipher.


Thor kept going, he was going to fill the threads with gold and gems of enough proof to make him and everyone who followed his threads and mine see reality from his point of view.


Good views, but not yet glued together.


I decided I was going to find out what if... What if Thor was correct?


What if what Thor wrote had clues and in his mind he found real enough solid facts?


All I had to do was learn to interpret his way of thinking. Thor's way of thinking.


I took ill while clearing land that I was buying. I didn't know how contaminated the soil was just in the 200 square feet in the back section of the lot. It was, is, where the local Smelters dumped their smelter waste for years since 1903.


By 2012 I started losing my mind. Since 1999 every time I mowed my lawn I unwittingly breathed in lead dust, arsenic dust, cadmium dust, mercurial iodine.


The lawnmowers blades raised it from the ground stirred it up around me every time I mowed the lawn.


If it had not been for a product I had added to my diet of supplements and food I would have become mentally worn out because of the lead, arsenic, and other dust particles slowly poisoning me.


Thor's posts seem to me that he was going mad. Something occurred to me though. I realized what Thor posted was making sense. Not making sense like I was used to.


I thought then that I was going mad.


I sensed, no I feared, something was wrong with me. I remembered music helps our memory.


While I was slipping away I set lyrics to music so I would not forget important food I needed to eat. As my mind swam deeper into the depth of my own confusion the music became my lifeline.


The way Thor rambled on and on seemed to accuse the schools of archaeologists. It appeared to me that he wrote that The Dark0ne made him write, to disrupt me, and make up things to make him seem mad crazier and crazier.


I realized it seemed that Thor was hinting at something. I never saw anything in his previous work like Thor was writing. It was as if he finally started to realize how to write a story.


Then I realized I was slipping off to Death's door crying for help. Thor seemed to be shouting, SCREAMING at me from a distance. I thought I lay in a bed, my life fading, and he, yeah a guy that looked like the god comic book hero, Thor; standing by my hospital bed talking in a normal voice reasonably, but it seemed like he was far away.


I began to hear a faint bit of instrumental music. It got louder one day so I heard singing too. I had planned for the event if my mind slipped away in case I started to sleep too much.


Shortly after I my dream like sleep caused the music and song to begin looping in my head, driving me crazy. I read that Thor was banned.


I had my account closed because I was sure I was going to need to be hospitalized. The words I set to music seemed far away until a day or so after. Because of the words I changed and added I kept eating the supplements I had acquired. Food I needed.


Gradually I managed to clean my mind of the lead and other metals that were fine powdered dust in my lawn that got into my blood, before I completely slipped away.


One day the lyrics seemed so strange I almost didn't recognize them. The lyrics reminded me again and again. Take a spoon full of SBGA to help the Coriandor go down.


I thought I had been stupid using the song from Mary Poppins Disney movies, but I imagined that the way our mind works as it is dying it might work, a song a child would recall.


And because I added the root words I needed from the supplements I was taking to it, when I thought of the song, I remembered the song the lyric changes I made. it gave me a recipe.


All my friends and all my acquaintances did not see me writing here for a year. I realized I was getting dull numb in the head.


After one year I had recovered, because coriander, and SBGA products were what I was including. At times I felt like a little boy.


I felt like I was a child imitating Frankenstein, the mad scientist, working in a lab. What might be useful, mixing chemicals. All for creating a monster within my head because the lead dust and other metals fine powders were building up in my body with every breath I took while mowing the lawn for years.


Coriander, is used for cleansing out smelters waste: Fact.


SBGA unknowns, but strangely enough when I used a combination of the health food recommended with the coriander I began feeling better, thinking more clearly week after week.


The day I returned and asked for my account to be opened, Dark0ne, thought something was amiss. The reason was it was the same month, one year later, that I had closed it. If I had not pointed out the year to Dark0ne he would not have understood how long it had been.



I miss Thor! I miss everyone from this website I chose to study and share my life with.


It still feels like I have lost all my family and friends.


In fact the depth of my affection for all of them is making me cry.


I remember crying out many times. Someone! Please! Don't leave me like this! It seemed like I was shouting from a mountain top unable to find a way down.


I feel like have been punished by nature and nature restored me to what I am for reasons I can barely understand today. I understand little by little. I remembered enough to work my way back to this point of reality.


Reality did not seem the same anymore.


I feared sharing what I had learned. I feared for everyone here at this forum I had made posts to. I wanted to protect them from the horror I thought was real. I thought what Thor might have figured out may have gotten Thor into trouble.


But why?


Did I touch upon the truth so much?


Did I have my finger on the pulse of all those who knew, or at least some people who suspected I was correct?


Thoughts along the lines of Nature filled my thought. I began to remember what coriander is for, what SBGA is created by.


I wondered why did nature curse me with this land?


I cursed myself, I refused to believe what I was thinking. and it seemed as though I was the cause of everyone else's suffering. Everyone's that I was becoming friends with.


I know now it was the effects of the Smelter's waste that saturated Black Eagle, Montana's soil and homes since 1903. It was the effects of SBGA working on me too. Coriander was the supplement in the diet of the people who owned, lived on their land inside the Smelters gates, and breathed the dust from the great smoke stack all their lives.


A spoon full of SBGA helps the bad taste of Coriander go down was playing on my mind when I was getting dangerously close to losing all my adult attributes, My brain was suffering, if not dying.


I proved to myself the products I ate to keep me healthy did, and restored me to a state of health I imagine now seems is barely sane.


Did I seem sane before my friends?


Am I now sane?


Or am I just babbling? A whimpering old man, an old fool that thinks we are all Aliens to each other, simply because we are different?


Not because we came from some other planet, because in truth we are different.


If I can learn to understand a child that is mentally underdeveloped, understand Aurianavaloria1, Thor, SilverDNA, Ithilin, everyone I chose to follow, and an adult of another of natures making, then we all can.


We must!


Or we will drive another race into extinction just because we fear them, think we need them for food, and/or think we must kill them before they kill us.


I recall what I saw. They weren't aliens from another planet. They sure looked different.


They're from Earth, just like the rest of us. Family members born from what we think of as normal healthy parents.


Hard to look at, misshapen, missing limbs, having more than 4, twins bound together. Anyone as beautiful as Venus or as Ugly as Osimodo.


We all must learn what each of us holds within us. I thought Thor held a mysterious way in his way of thinking, because it wasn't the same way I do.


We all dare not lose sight of the fact we can learn from each other just by getting acquainted and not letting any of the oddities of our appearances interfere while we do. We do it all the time on this forum without seeing each other.


Please don't make me feel sick again. Coriander works to remove metals from our blood that we don't need.


We all need food and water. Water is the main thing everyone on Earth, not just living beings; everything including plants, animals, even the creatures living in the oceans, the seas, the lakes, ponds, and rivers.


SBGA comes from a few lakes, ponds, and to some degree even in the oceans. We may need it, but we need to learn to communicate with each other and every sentient being 1st.


Until we people learn to communicate with every sentient creature on this planet, why should any aliens from another planet want to visit us if we won't even allow for learning from all species on Earth?


Sign language, pictograph language, new words we discover made up by new children they share with each other. We must understand our needs and everyone else's, before we should go into Outer Space.


Once we know what is similar about everyone odd and the same, small and large, different from pretty and handsome. We must learn to be understanding, we must learn patience, We need people who do the part of patiently learning from others. We need to learn 1st from all who live, that is, live here on Earth or else we probably should stay here until we all parish into the dust.


The Earth won't let us stay here forever. We won't last much longer if we keep fighting among our selves.


Maybe 100 years, maybe 1000 years, or maybe all we have is one more day?


I don't want to find myself 'the last man standing'. I can imagine that each species on Earth that wars with their neighbors only wants some food, some water, and some space to breath in the air fresh and clean.


Snow, rain: Winter, Spring.


Why isn't there anyone else I can talk with who understands what is needed?


There must be!


What good is it for me to know, alone? I figured out the puzzle, the code, and then I needed to find others who are working to assure me that we aren't going to die off. That this place becomes the last planet we all ever live on.


I've actually managed to speak about this topic in so many ways, differing only in wording. I have said the same thing more times in different word arrangements and found out that each time someone I have spoken to understood me. Someone new understood me. I spelled words out in different ways. I need to so everyone understands.


I awakened my understanding with some people because I found a way to communicate with them, and then I felt I was surrounded by an angry mob who tires of this subject. I remember someone saying, "If you think you know what to do, don't tell me about it, DO IT so we all can see." I was doing it. Just like I am now.


They all wanted me to go on and find the answer to the same questions we all ask.


Why are we here? The answer is: We're here.


Where are we going? The answer is: To the next place out there in the stars.


We need to start the journey.


Why are we not already packed and getting aboard the ship that will take us there?


Because we have to build it first. A big ship, as large as the planet we live on if we have too. Or a lot of smaller ones to carry all of us. Even the smallest of us. Ones that are terra-forming the dirt under out feet when we walk around on the lawn.


Terra-forming is what MARS needs. Ants, worms, beetles, bugs, bugs, and more bugs!


We need a mother ship that we can shift the magnetic fields upon to allow it to move away from the planet, and leave the Sun's magnetic hold on the ship.


Tell me! Have we done this before?


The dead tell me, we have, we will, we must do it again.


The books of the living and the past authors that have been dead for thousands of years tell me we must.


The Earth has no place for us to lay our heads. No place for us to rest. Our bones lay in the Earth there to attest to this. We all know it deep in our bones.


We are travelers and we have lost our way. When we know we have lost our way, it is always when we realize we no longer have anything to do, the new adventure begins.


We'll never know where we are going until we get there. We need to get ready to move on. We need to. Because it is our calling.


We all are, 'Explorers'.


Thor! If you read me! Wake me up! I don't want to go on imagining I am alone anymore.

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