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From Day Dreams of a Spaced Out old Man comes


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That picture was taken inside a tent during a music festival in east Texas about 15 years ago...


I have quite a selection of "performing" shirts but don't wear any of them anymore...played in a Texas Country Band for 8 years....good times & good memories


The reason I bought this shirt was exactly as you say...The Lone Ranger....


The musical instrument's name is Rosebud...custom built by hand, carved with finger planes...based on the Lloyd Loar F-5 Mandolin Specs with some improvements and my custom inlays...took my luthier, Vince Pawless, 5 years to build it...


Just watched Hugo...went through the whole range of emotions, even a damp eye every now and then...what I got from it was everyone has a purpose in life and it is up to you what direction you take...anything's possible with enough ambition and work....

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GOOD MORNING U. S. A.and Every where around the World!!!


I have served as a babysitter of children of War Widows. I know how tough I would get if someone interfered with their play and studies while I was standing watch over them. I know how a father might be protective of his children. They might even be tougher than I was able to muster the strength for the defenses. I even cared for children who made it clear that I was just there to keep watch until they father returned. Mother didn't explain why they father had not returned.


Some of them prefered to tell me off when I reminded them when it was time to do their school work. You're not our father! Was the harshest words I heard. They made me realize I had lost the opportunity to be a father. I kept to my post though. Until their mother made it clear they had to do their homework. I reported to her the days activities and filled out my request for a transfer.


Got a message.


That woman refused to let me go. On the assumption things would change I worked at the house as a guard, I got whipped mentally by the children each time it was study time. Until, one day their mother arrived with two men that gave her a ride home. When I realized she would have no trouble finding a wanna be foster father I packed up and drove to the only place I felt like it was home.


I am an inactive Marine Corps Disabled American Vet. I know I will never be a father so I have prepared myself in the event that real fathers decide to drive out all of us single old men that could bring the disease home; just by living in the neighborhood. The last person that said Thank you for your Service died of old age. I hope I have the luck to be so fortunate to die of old age before the seeds of discontent become so many that the weight of the seeds crushes me under the weight.


Good Morning Vietnam!

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I am working on a new page constructed with code using 'HTMLS' (If you bet I know how to do that you would have won.) for the Internet so I can respond to another website that shares their Hot Air who have learned that writing their Hot Air down doesn't attract their older siblings and parents voicing their opinions by shouting at them, "You're full of Hot Air!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Being ambidextrous has finally made my day.


At the tavern when I didn't get lucky I heard husbands complain that they couldn't get laid. Even their wifes told their man she had a headache too.


This is first time that solving the problem has arisen for my singular self deciding partnerless luckless nights or days. Anything so tough given up for one night, then taking care of what stood there awaiting my attention when I realized it was either a cold shower/bath or taking it in hand. Because of a pretty woman's picture :devil: on the Video Game posts is when I had one last.


Both my hands started wrestling over who got to do the honors. :ohmy: Now both of them have knuckle aches and neither hand is able to manage the problem until they feel better. :sad:


The Cold shower WINs.

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Being ambidextrous has finally made my day.


At the tavern when I didn't get lucky I heard husbands complain that they couldn't get laid. Even their wifes told their man she had a headache too.


This is first time that solving the problem has arisen for my singular self deciding partnerless luckless nights or days. Anything so tough given up for one night, then taking care of what stood there awaiting my attention when I realized it was either a cold shower/bath or taking it in hand. Because of a pretty woman's picture :devil: on the Video Game posts is when I had one last.


Both my hands started wrestling over who got to do the honors. :ohmy: Now both of them have knuckle aches and neither hand is able to manage the problem until they feel better. :sad:


The Cold shower WINs.


LOL ... I have this picture in my head now of when you take and draw some eyes and a mouth on your closed fist and then move your thumb enough to make the "mouth" speak:


Paga's left (spoken to Paga's right) ... "So you think you're gettin' lucky ... PUNK!!"


Paga's right (spoken to Paga's left) ... "Go ahead, make my day!!"

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