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Starting Over


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I've mastered all the skills and have beaten every quest. I've added so many mods and found lots of favorites. Oblivion is getting to be boring so I'm thinking of starting all over. I assume I will just have to set my data files to default and do it again. . .


Has anyone else started over? What mods do you begin with?

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I start over a lot. :P Usually it's just to clean up my data folder for mods that I found to be useless, obsolete, or otherwise not really worth the disk space (such as clothing mods that I never really use because they don't look so good in-game). Sometimes it's to hunt a bug-causing mod, etc.


I have my favorite mods as well, and they are the same mods that I can't imagine playing without. Most of them are cosmetic mods, like hair and body mods, even environment-enhancement mods, and game system mods, such as the combat mods. Of course the unofficial patches are necessary as well. I also need the performance mods, to make my game run more smoothly. Aside from those, everything else can come and go from my load order without me really caring too much.

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I use a remote hard drive to store the mods I really like. I also started keeping copies of My Bethesda Softworks /Oblivion to allow for a quicker reinstall of the game i.e Wrye,Cobl,cosmetic mods and favorites preinstalled. I also use the drive to keep older savegames that are at higher levels. Keep a list of glitches in your favorite mods. I can never remember to reset voice changes caused by one of my favorite cosmetic mods on a reinstall or what mod(s) causes the game to be unplayable if actvated before or during a specific quest!
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Start over with a stable modified setup - http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/index


Downloading Mods - http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/downloadmods <-- plenty of recs here, but be sure to see the links in the "Where and How to Find Mods" section, and the "Guides" sections



Edit: forgot two pages...


Stabilization Mods - http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/stabilization/stabilizationmods

Optimization Mods - http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/optimization/optimizationmods

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I start over a lot. :P Usually it's just to clean up my data folder for mods that I found to be useless, obsolete, or otherwise not really worth the disk space


Do you uninstall and reinstall or just delete the old .esp's? Because there's always a lot of extra stuff with each one.

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I start over a lot. :P Usually it's just to clean up my data folder for mods that I found to be useless, obsolete, or otherwise not really worth the disk space


Do you uninstall and reinstall or just delete the old .esp's? Because there's always a lot of extra stuff with each one.

If you used OBMM, uninstalling your OMODs suffices. Resetting your Data folder, ideally, would only require that you uninstall your installed mods. If you went the manual route, you might as well reset your Data folder; clean it out. Reinstalling would be simplest. Uninstall, delete the Oblivion folder (because it still contains mods) and install again.


Installing Oblivion - http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/install <-- do a clean uninstallation and installation


Once you have installed your mods through utilities, completely, your next reinstall will only require that you uninstall your mod packages (i.e., OMODs.)

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Do you uninstall and reinstall or just delete the old .esp's? Because there's always a lot of extra stuff with each one.

I do a clean uninstallation and reinstallation like Tomlong54210 suggests. It's to ensure I'm not leaving any gunk left over by old or uninstalled mods in my data folder (especially the Meshes and Textures folders, as they tend to really add to the bulk of my HD). It also ensures I'm not leaving any orphaned or broken files, especially config files, which could mess up my mods when I reinstall them and somehow don't overwrite important files. It's best to be safe with these things, to save myself the trouble of a big headache of hunting down what may be causing errors or CTDs down the line.


In addition my system is actually very well-maintained. My processor (and video card) are kept cool and ventilated, my HD isn't cluttered and is very well taken care of. It's organized and defragmented often, etc. This is relevant because it improves my PC's performance, and also ensures that I'm not accidentally trying to install into bad sectors or any other problems that might cause the game to not install properly.

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I usually just start a new game leaving all my mods active (maybe making the proper changes if my character is female) and usually the mods work better, on the save file secondary to the one I installed them and used them with. After that, I go back to my original character and my mods all seem to start working on there too.
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I really prefer clean reinstallataion. In each reinstall, I install mods that are a-must-have for me and search for the newest mods on nexus which makes Oblivion a much interested place.
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Do you uninstall and reinstall or just delete the old .esp's? Because there's always a lot of extra stuff with each one.

I do a clean uninstallation and reinstallation like Tomlong54210 suggests. It's to ensure I'm not leaving any gunk left over by old or uninstalled mods in my data folder (especially the Meshes and Textures folders, as they tend to really add to the bulk of my HD). It also ensures I'm not leaving any orphaned or broken files, especially config files, which could mess up my mods when I reinstall them and somehow don't overwrite important files. It's best to be safe with these things, to save myself the trouble of a big headache of hunting down what may be causing errors or CTDs down the line.


In addition my system is actually very well-maintained. My processor (and video card) are kept cool and ventilated, my HD isn't cluttered and is very well taken care of. It's organized and defragmented often, etc. This is relevant because it improves my PC's performance, and also ensures that I'm not accidentally trying to install into bad sectors or any other problems that might cause the game to not install properly.

Same here. Plus, disorganization is one of my biggest pet peeves. My room is a mess after returning home from being away for a long while, so my stress levels are unusually high, haha.

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