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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time


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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 46.2[64]

First Steps in Response

Armstrong spoke, after kissing his wife. "My people estimate that at least half the Terran people in Moontown are either openly Havenlander or secretly Havenlander but that you have a secret colony not too far from here."

Amanda smiled. "I would have been disappointed with you if you had not confronted me, sooner or later, with such suspicions; officially I was not allowed to speak of such things to you. When we learned of the foolish plan to send an expedition to the Lunar Overworld, an expedition we were officially against, we launched our own secret expedition. Blackships have been used to quickly ferry people, equipment and supplies here along with some special extras. In truth the Wayomatyr knew about the secret colony, of Lunavina, soon after it was first founded and began to grow. It has a carefully arranged population of just over 1,000,000 people. The Lunatyr people fear having too many people, in the same place, for very good reasons. There are those, below, who would soon detect such, in their own ways, and send their own expeditions to learn what is going on."

Armstrong nodded, as if mostly to his own thoughts. "The launching of the undeathly comet-projectiles at Terra was part of a conspiracy to frighten Terran humanity. Did it work amongst any Havenlanders?"

Amanda shook her head. "No, a true attack would have launched many more projectiles and of greater size and thrust that would have gotten through the world-bubbles with much more ease. They would have been targeted more carefully so that not so many would have landed in the oceans to be destroyed by the salt water."

The Eternal Seeker nodded again. "Perhaps it was not a very well thought out plan or perhaps other forces sabotaged it apart from my people, in secret here in the Lunar Overworld, and the Wayomatyr and their allies. It is not over yet. The Savathool Compact is setting up to launch large numbers of the glimmerpods at Terra with Savathool's own people doing the work. We had assumed that they were Moonomatyr but it turns out they are entities disguised as Lunatyr. Two of our infiltrators almost died learning of Savathool's shapeshifter followers. Savathool might also be one of those entities; he does not behave like a Lunatyr. He also seems to have a powerful, subtle, form of mind influence that he uses on his Lunatyr followers."

Armstrong paused, noticeably, before continuing. "The captive zelenites vanished before anybody could do 'scientific tests' on them. They are in my special abode and I am going to send them home, going with them to communicate with the zelenites and, through them, the selenites. The stealing of the zelenites, who were happy to be stolen and who are now in much larger, more comfortable, quarters, has not yet been discovered because I replaced them with clever holographic projections. So the trick will fail as soon as anybody...."

Sirens began to ring as the trickery was discovered and an angry scientist overreacted.

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 47.1[65]
First Steps in Response

PanAxis military forces moved in big landships that used tracks to travel on and had many cannon and machinegun turrets. There were other kinds of landships with fewer turrets, of smaller size, with only machineguns and these held soldiers or extra equipment-supplements except for specials such as mobile workshops, a mobile headquarters and a mobile medical centre. There were also many massive landtrucks that had the basic same body but which had big cabins at the front and bigger, longer, fully enclosed backs that also held soldiers or equipment-supplies.

The great open floor of the glowcavernland easily allowed the machine to move but they also traveled on a very ancient metallic stone strip that was called a Stone Highway. The PanAxis was created by the survivors of the Nazi Germans who had been tricked into traveling to the Lunar Overworld in gravity-globes. It had been a trick, a trap to capture the Nazis and turn them into mind controlled slaves who would breed for their captors, to provide further generations of slaves, and genetic material for dark experiments. Suspecting a trap, even before they had left Terra, the Nazi Leaders had led many of their followers to 'freedom' and others had mostly died in the fighting. The Nazis had done a large amount of damage to their would be captors.

The landships protected convoy was heading towards the PanAxis city of NewBerlin at the orders of the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler II, who was far more mentally stable than his father had been but lacked his father's amazing charisma and unpredictable genius. The gravity of the PanAxis Region was less than that of Terra but not much so. Yet it meant that the landships, and landtrucks, moved quicker than they otherwise would have done.


The big machines were biofuel-electrics able to take advantage of the great width, and general smoothness and even level of the Stone Highways, to efficiently travel long distances while providing good protection for the convoy.


Major Hommel sat semicomfortably in the command vehicle, at a combination desk and meeting table now largely covered with a map of the glowcavernland that they were heading through. It was one way to go from the fortified city of Hazburg to the fortified city of NewBerlin but it was not the most commonly used way for it was not the safest way. What was Hitler II up to or, more importantly, what was the Supreme Council up to? It was an open secret that Hitler II was little more than a figurehead for the PanAxis Nazi Party and that it was the Supreme Council that had the real power and who made the important decisions.


Was the convoy being used to bring out some kind of threat in the area that would then have to be dealt with? The convoy contained much valuable resources, including machines, that the PanAxis could not easily do with out.


A radio operator turned to the Major and he showed much agitation. "Sir, you will need to hear this at once."


That particular radio operator was hard to phase so the Major knew that something was wrong. He took the head-set, with a microphone and ear-cups, and put it on.


He spoke. "Major Hommel here."


The voice was known to Hommel. "This is Captain Kurtz of Military Intelligence! Stop and turn back! You have received false orders and are heading into a trap of some kind. You must go back."


The convoy got safely back to a large fortified base just outside of the fortified city of Hazburg.


Hommel scowled and then gave orders for the landships, and landtrucks, to do a clever trick that they did quite well. They stopped driving forwards, crews moved quickly around, gears were put into full reverse and then the big machines were going back the other way with out even bothering to turn around. They were soon going just as fast as they had been going before.

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 48.1[66]

First Steps in Response

The delusional Timemaster, who had not even known his own real nature, let alone his true identity, was sedated as he underwent medical treatments. His body was tougher than humanity though it was enhanced in mind-body-spirit 'since' the Timespace Transformation, but about as tough as that of any standard megahuman; that is not superhumans or certain castes of metahuman or certain individual powerhumans or other kinds of megafolk. The official term of powermutant was being changed to that of powerhuman, there being other kinds of 'powerfolk'.


Scully kept an eye on the Timemaster, knowing that they needed to question him to find out what was going on with him, why he had been in that place in such a messed up state of mind. Timelords had very strong mentalities so it meant much that he was like that.


Mulder was frowning, as he came up to his wife, who was standing next to the Timemaster in a medical gown. He had donned one himself, as was regulation, but he was there to talk to Scully. "The Cimiser has released a new statement demanding, in diplomatic terms, why Ayers Rock is not controlled by the United Nations considering its importance to the Known Ordered World. The Azorines, and ANZUR, have both reacted forcefully but also in a very diplomatic fashion. Azorines have their own territories but they are still part of the Australian New Zealand United Republic (ANZUR). Other countries have reacted to defend the rights of both the Azorines and ANZUR either as close allies or because they do not want to set a precedent in which the Cimiser would soon be making poorly disguised demands on their territories. Cimiser appears to be testing to see just what sort of reactions would arise from their words. How is the Timemaster Timelord?"


The Timelord spoke tiredly. "Not really a Timemaster but a false one, a Timeguardian agent infiltrating the ranks of the Timemaster Faction. I came here to meet you two, to inform you that the Timemasters fear you greatly, for reasons unknown to me and to most Timemasters. Only a very small fraction of Timemasters 'survived' the TimeWar. I have gained a communications that Gallifrey has survived, in a changed form, in a pocket universe linked to this primary universe. I hope to go there using one of the AraAncient's power-artifacts; but not before I help you two to discover what is really going on. The conspiracy grows as it gathers allies and forces though it is but a puppet of an ancient, very evil, puppet master. It will be painful but I will need to go through a TimeLord regeneration to survive."


Mulder gave a mild grin and pulled a small metallic cube out of a pocket. "Will this help?"


The Timeguardian, false Timemaster, saw it and looked surprised. "I thought that the TimeWar had wiped them all from the universe. Yes that assist-regenerator will be of vital usefulness."


The Timeguardian gripped the device and his whole body sparkle shimmered. Then a youthful woman figure lay there and she smiled at them. "It is good to be a woman again, to be a true Timeguardian again with out the bizarre implanted network-systems of the Timemasters. I am PaulaTi, great granddaughter to DoctorTime himself, often known more simply as the 'Doctor'." Then she fell asleep.


The pair had heard of the famous, infamous, Doctor but had never met him.

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 48.2[67]

First Steps in Response


Mulder spoke to Scully. "Graham Maharg sent me the assist-regenerator device. It appeared in one of my empty pockets almost like it had been there a very long time. I have another three of them. I was assured that we can trust this great granddaughter of DoctorTime."


The Azorine society had been going through turmoil, recently, with the overthrow of their Elders Council. The Elders were being punished for a wide range of crimes but the dark individual, that they called a Shadowman, that had seduced them into corruption, had escaped. Until the crisis was resolved, hopefully soon, more areas could not be opened up to access by official visitors such as the pair of XFF Agents.


Scully staid with the Timeguardian and Mulder returned to doing some research using a new mainframe and terminal network-system newly put into place in the Ayers Rock Outpost. Around them things continued to be extremely busy.


Mulder Inventory: 3 assist-regenerators.

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 49.1[68]
Timelords in Conflict

UK Prime Minister Harold Saxon, alias the Master or 'MasterTime', studied the ancient metallic stone and metallic crystal AraArtifiact with genuine awe. As ancient, powerful and clever as the Timelords were, they knew that the AraAncients had outdone them in many ways. Almost everything the Timelords, of the Lordia, had achieved the AraAncients had achieved in a greater fashion and had done much else besides. There had been other Ancients of the GrandAcients but the AraAncients had easily been amongst the most advanced, powerful and influential of them.

Then all of the GrandAncients had vanished and all that remained was a scattering of ancient artifacts and signs of a vast and terrible scattered war along with a few clues to what had taken place.

To find one AraArtifact, of that fixed size and power, was to find leads to others. The ancient device, according to the Timelord devices that MasterTime had with him, was semiactive in safe functional mode. It could be used to carry out some 'basic functions' of turning a wide range of raw materials into basically processed materials.

The Master studied the AraAncient symbologies, a kind of secondary language used with the AraArtifacts, that contained devotional symbols to the GrandDivinity of the 13Divines13. Even by Timelord standards he was considered a genius but he was not finding it easy to understand what was there.

Then he sort of smiled and spoke. "There is more than one Waygate here, deep inside Ayers Rock, but there are also other AraArtifacts of usefulness. We find an isolated Waygate and open a Waygateway between it and the Waygate that is in the hidden AraComplex below Stone Henge."

As UK Prime Minster, Saxon had built a dome over Stone Henge to protect it along with a museum, visitors complex. The construction work had concealed the building of underground facilities including long tunnels leading well away from the AraComplex before they came to the surface. Many Toclafane dwelt there along with MasterTime's altered human and other puppet-followers.

The constant drumming was still in the Master's mind but it had faded greatly, had become far more tolerable.

He was aware that they had to move quicker to find a useful Waygate and so they soon set out in a hopefully useful direction.

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 50.1[69]
First Steps in Response

The enemy Savathool Compact Lunatyr launched a series of military raids against bordering Lunatyr Territories. Some had little chance of fighting back, being smaller and weaker, but these vanished into hiding. Others were bigger, stronger, and gave the attackers a hard time of it. Yet the SavaCompact, as it was soon being called, managed to do a good deal of damage and took many Lunatyr humans as slaves.

Official reports, and unofficial stories, came to Moontown of the SavaCompact having been supplied with war-machines that were oddly like those of the Nazi Germans, of World War Two, of Terra. Except that is they were simplified, becoming more efficient, and were adjusted to use in low gravity. Tiger, Panther and other war-machines moved across the Lunar landscape but most were of more basic and less armored kinds with wheels instead of tracks. Many soldiers rode of low gravity steeds or went on foot but the Moonomatyr always had the best of equipment and supplies except for Savathool's special followers who had the very best. Savathool's elite troopers had exotic energy weapons, low gravity aircraft and some other odd extras.

The Havenlanders sent out soldiers in expopower armor and provided the Wayomatyr Alliance forces with some special equipment for trusted elite units. It was at this time that some supposed 'allies' were expelled from the alliance because they were a security risk. Not whole factions were expelled because there always seemed to be a few in each faction that could be trusted.

Another MoonEagle was launched, for the first time, to start a multiple purpose patrol. It would try to fly neither too low or too high. The MoonEagle would soon launch low gravity flying drones to assist it carry out its various tasks and to keep it, and its crew, safe.

Armstrong watched it go, knowing that the operations at the base were being pushed to their limits as were many resources. The appearance of Savathool, the rise of the SavaCompact, had added unwanted complications and yet it had allowed the possibility of gaining important information.

"There are a number of human nations, in the Lunar Labyrinth, that arose from gravity globe expeditions leaving Terra through out the centuries." Amanda spoke as she stood fairly close to him in combat fatigues and body-armor adapted for low gravity conditions. Projectiles gained relatively higher velocity, in lower gravity, but heavier body-armor was relatively easier to use. "The PanAxis rose from the escaped Nazi Germans, the United Commonwealth Empire partly from the British leaving there in the late 1800s and there were Romans who departed from the dying Western Roman Empire, to become the Romanard Empire. There are the Akateks from South America, the Zuluki from Southern Africa and the Mongols who became the Chimongols along with a few made up of descendents of many expeditions, most of them being of single gravity-globes. We Havenlanders have never found out who supplied those many people with the means to build the gravity-globes and use them to come here, to Luna."


Armstrong frowned. "An alliance of megafolk factions did it. I have gained some more information but it is generalized and not complete. You will need to inform your Empress that the multihumans have more than earned the past suspicions of the Havenlands Imperium. Their allies might surprise you being many chimamans, predatiems, and the Gloriana Subfactions of the Runa Clans along with others not named to me. Over the centuries they have been secretly working with the Cult Conspiracy of the Terran Overworld and the Shadow Empire of the Terran Underworld. Yet there is something more powerful, subtle, deadly, behind that unsavory alliance."

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 50.2[70]
First Steps in Response

Amanda frowned softly. "Add to that 'unsavory alliance of traitors' numbers of superhumans, powerhumans and metahumans but no omnihumans. The traitors are almost natural reactions to the slow, steady, unification of all Havelanders into sharing a central secondary mentality. The same process is now happening amongst peoples of the rest of Terra and also here on-in Luna."

There were always those who would react negatively, even aggressively, to such changes. Not all welcomed such changes but rode easier with them as they accepted what had to come; in doing so they tended to have more productive, positive, effective, influence on what was happening. There were always negative side effects to aggressively opposing such changes.

Amanda went on speaking. "If the series of mysterious past events are linked to the evolutionary changes taking place, then there are dark troubling implications; as you know, at this stage of 'evolutionary unification' there is vulnerability that could lead to disastrous results. Most likely unity will survive with some level of positivity but much less so than would be desirable. Also a great war could arise."

It was largely speculation. They needed far more information.

At that moment the MoonEagle exploded dramatically, mostly disintegrating, and the crew only survived because as metahumans they teleported out of it in time. As it was they were sick, disoriented, and would take time to recover for such emergency teleports were often quite punishing.

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 51.1[71]
It Seemed Like a Good Idea At the Time

The PanAxis Supreme Council had secretly provided the Savathool Compact with equipment-supplies much to the anger of Fuhrer Adolf Hitler II who was not evil as his grandfather had been. Only officially was he the son of the 'Founding Fuhrer'. Knowing that he could not confront the power, of the PanAxis Supreme Council, directly he continued his covert plans with the support of his followers and allies, some of them who were on his own side only because they hated the Supreme Councillors.

The allies came from inside, the fringe of and from outside of the PanAxis. The United Commonwealths Empire were powerful, wary, allies as were the Romanards and the United Citystates of Americanada.

The warning that saved Major Hommel's military convoy, traveling from Hazburg to NewBerlin, had been fake. It had not come from the real Captain Kurtz of the PanAxian Military Intelligence. The real source, of the warning, remained a mystery. Long range reconnaissance aircraft found evidence, of a large prepared ambush, that had been hastily abandoned by what seemed to be a large hostile force. When scouts were parachuted into the area, they found evidence that the ambushing force were using PanAxian type equipment-supplies.

The sabotage, and destruction, of the MoonEagle at Moontown led to a heavy security backlash and two shapeshifter saboteurs being chimamans who were on neuter gender, the third gender using male pronouns for practical reasons. The chimamans were a kind of megahumans who had their homelands in the Terran Labyrinth that ran between the Terran Overworld and Terran Underworld, that was sometimes called the Terran Midworld. They were neither fully the enemies of, or friends of, the Havenlands. One of those who helped track down the chimaman saboteurs was herself a chimaman. Security was upgraded at once, as much as it could practically could be with out getting too much in the way of day to day operations.

Harold Saxon, and his group, found a Waygate and managed to activate it, to create a secure Waygateway between there and the Waygate hidden beneath Stone Henge in England of the UK. Saxon then went back to the UK in his aircraft, along with a few followers and his suffering wife. Others, including the Toclafane, traveled through the Waygateway.


Inside Ayers Rock, Uluru, Azorines led outsiders to where an ancient alien Waygate was hidden, in a series of massive altered cave chambers, along with other AAAs (ancient alien artifacts).

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 52.1[72]

Before Everything Changed; As Things Changed


Bobbie walked quickly past a young woman who moved quickly past him; they exchanged envelopes with amazing speed in the falling rain as small particles of city-dome crashed down on the metropolis of Perth. No real repair work could be done on the dome until the rain stopped coming down.


Bobbie had passed over cash and other valuables to the Green Resistance Alliance (GRA).


The GRA has passed to him instructions for a new mission and, hopefully, some resources. When he found a safe place to open the envelope all he found were some instructions to do the seemingly impossible with out any extra resources to assist him. Insult added to injury, he was instructed to generate more funds for the GRA Command who he already suspected of corruption.


It was time to change directions, to carry out the plan that had been secretly developed for years. He took out a smartphone from a pocket, not his normal one, and 'speed dialed' a number. After a short moment a female voice spoke with a noticeable Spanish accent. "This is Carla! Is this Roberto?"


Bobbie responded. "No, it is Roberto's friend Max. Could you ask Roberto, when you see him, that I need him to return the five books that he burrowed from me."


Carla: "Of course! I must go now; I am in the middle of cooking a meal."


Bobbie closed the contact and then pressed a tiny button on the back of the smartphone. Its insides melted. He felt only a slight sensation of heat. Then he dropped the device into a public plastic recycling bin that was full almost to overflowing; the recycling pick-up trucks continued to come but with decreasing frequency.


The messages had gone along with a prearranged code. Everything was not only ready to go forward, it was going forward.


Bobbie gave a start for he had not 'sensed' the odd little fat man approach and yet it was almost as if he had always been there.


The rainbow coloured clothed man smiled at Bobbie. "The rebellion against the GRA Command is a trap set up by them but, more importantly, by the Octagon Shadow Council who manipulate the corrupted fools of the GRA Command." He gave Bobbie a thick envelope. "The envelope is full of resources, most importantly information, and yet..." He touched Bobbie's hand. "I am the LittleFatMan!"


Bobbie blacked out!


Bobbie awoke to find himself in a large basement chamber outfitted with an odd range of older and more modern fittings, furniture, utilities and even some decorations. There were neat stacks of portable armored storage cubecanisters of different sizes. Others were waking even as he did, others who were supersoldiers just as he was, others who had been changed into netclones. Now they shared a secondary central mentality; it felt good but also a little frightening and he knew that it would take time for all 39 of them to get used to the changes.

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