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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time


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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 126.1[194]

Timelords in Conflict


The false SaraJane Smith, who was now named MaryJane Smith with enough alterations to look like an almost identical twin to SaraJane, had been created by surviving Timeguardians. They had sent her to assist PaulaTi against the Timemasters, Master Time and other threats. They had already known that the real SaraJane had vanished but did not know if Master Time was behind her taking.


PaulaTi's Timeglobe lacked the power, versatility and 'inner depth of size' of a TARDIS but it was a very effective tool and it made for a good home. People had settled in there that PaulaTi had befriended, often rescued, including nonTimelords from Gallifrey (the home world of the Timelords).


Others were active in the central command chamber including androids and robots. The Transglobe was being set to search patterns to find the real SaraJane in hopes of both rescuing her and having the rescue of her help to find out where Doctor Time had got to and just what he had discovered that was so very important.


They picked up scrambled data streams, from the fragmented communications networks of the Timelords, and learned that UK Prime Minister Harold Saxon (the Master) was under investigation by the UK Government for corruption, theft and other crimes against the nation. The crimes were true, of course, but the puzzle was what faction would have had the power to take on Saxon in such a way?


PaulaTi smiled. "Nice to see Master Time face the consequences of his dark actions and evil manipulations; it does not happen enough meaning it should happen every time he does such things."


MaryJane nodded. "Both he and the toclafane have vanished away, not that the toclafane were very prominent in the first place. He could have fled to that complex beneath the official Stone Henge Complex."


PaulaTi nodded. "If they are not doing so already, the British Government will be soon sending their elite units to check out that complex and they will have special support. SIRA will be there along with the British Special Investigations Intervention Force, the BSIIF, that replaced Torchwood. It would help that I sent them some information on the subject of both the Stone Henge and Tower of London sites. Problem is, knowing Master Time, he will have at least one other well equipped, and made, bolt hole to escape to. There is also his TARDIS, as damaged as it is from his own stupid actions. Some Timelords should never gain control of something as wonderful as a TARDIS."

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 126.2[195]

Timelords in Conflict


It was then that the Timeglobe shuddered, shimmered and then became still. The central column, at the console, ceased to move up and down.


PaulaTi discovered, with a shock, that they were inside a TARDIS that had neatly, gently but firmly captured the Timeglobe. Then she was smiling as her grandfather, the Doctor, materialised in the command chamber and with him was the original SaraJane Smith.


Doctor Time hugged his granddaughter. He looked tired and fairly worn out. "Good to see you, granddaughter. Sorry I captured the Timeglobe the way I did but, as you know, it was one of those belonging to the DocTARDIS and so it was easy enough to use my TARDIS to find it and bring it into one of the Timeglobe Containment Chambers. I have found traces, clues, to your TARDIS. It was not destroyed by the TimeWar as feared. It was captured by the Timemasters, along with some other TARDISes."


He shook his head. "There is another faction of Timelords out there that are far more dangerous than the Timemasters. They call themselves the Timeforcers and they serve an even darker and more powerful force than they are. I would have found you earlier except that I had to escape from the lethal timespace stealth hunter ships of the Timeforcers that are called Timehunters. Only by destroying three Timehunters did we escape from them."


PaulaTi told her grandfather, in turn, about what had been happening with the NewEarth, with Luna and with the Master, alias UK Prime Minister Harold Saxon. He was not surprised by what Master Time had been up to considering the many times he had clashed with the other Timelord. It was strange to know they had once been childhood friends and had even gone to the Timelord Academy together.


Another surprise was that SuzaneTi, another granddaughter to the Doctor and PaulaTi's cousin, was in the DocTARDIS. Except that she was in a rather exotic, and disturbing, condition. Clearly the Doctor was very concerned about his other granddaughter.

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 127.1[196]

Timelords in Conflict


The Master, alias Prime Minister Harold Saxon, was on the run from British justice. Police had a warrant out on him but there were also more elite forces seeking him, including the vaunted FEAR and the British Imperial Special Air Service, the BISAS.


The toclafane were getting impatient to conquer the world. Millions of them were in their own spaceships, well concealed but they could be discovered any moment by a wide range of factions with the ability to do so. The MasterTARDIS was being used to hide the amazing variety of vessels found abandoned at the End of Time for the universe. There were even some dalek, cybermen and other kinds of vessels as run into by the Master.


Some had not been totally abandoned and the toclafane had fought it out with daleks, cybermen and other entities who did not die easily but who had succumbed, in the end, to greater numbers and sheer toclafane savagery.


It was interesting for Master Time to discover that the toclafane were frightened of at least three other kinds of entities 'out there' but they refused to give the Master any more information than that. Even that info had accidentally slipped out and the toclafane that had made the mistake, had been killed ruthlessly by its own kind.


The Master was tiring of the endless blood lust of the toclafane and was secretly considering ways that he might get rid of them. As it was he was busy with abandoning his Stone Henge secret complex as he had the Tower of London secret complex. His dehumanised followers were as brutally cold as himself as were other followers, and minions, in his TARDIS. He had been busy repairing it for, in his own way, he loved his TARDIS and was angry at himself for 'hurting it'.


His human wife had escaped from his control but he assumed that she knew nothing of importance that could do him any harm; he was wrong for in discounting her he had foolishly said things in front of her that she had quietly listened to and memorised, things that could undermine any plans that he had.


It was while he was supervising activity, in the secret Stone Henge site, that he learned that the toclafane had first tried to treacherously invade the MasterTARDIS and then to destroy it when that failed. After losing over a dozen spaceships, to the power of a TARDIS, they had fled to an unknown destination. The Master was angry but not really surprised.

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 128.1[197]

Timelords in Conflict


SuzaneTi floated in a special tank of multiple healing treatments and life support network-systems. The trouble was most peculiar for it seemed that her body was attempting to regenerate constantly though there was no need to do so. The negative, unnatural, regenerative process had been halted with difficulty.


The Doctor frowned hard. "SuzaneTi was captured by Timemasters who carried out some horrific experiments on her but they were not alone in doing so. Something called the 13Genius13 were part of a team effort as was one known as AlphaOmega. Yet they were not the cause of the original horror inflicted on her. The group ended up helping her, largely because of the pressure of AlphaOmega the antihero. They passed her over to me, along with much information, in exchange for my giving them some vital TARDIS technical modules and manuals in as datacrystals. AlphaOmega spoke of the legendary GrandTARDIS surviving from the TimeWar but being trapped. The group that first experimented on SuzaneTi were the Timeforcers who have recruited the cold blooded rogue Timelord, the Rani, to their cause."


The Rani was evil in that she was willing to do anything to gain more scientific knowledge; she was sociopathic in nature and, though it was well proven that she was a Timelord, was also largely a puzzle. A few believed that she had not been born on Gallifrey at all but on the once secret Timelord colony world of Jannifrey.


It was whispered that the real Rassilon, who ruled the Timelords at the time, had not known the colony existed let alone authorised it; when he discovered that it existed he investigated and was so sickened, and angry, at what he found he had over a 1,000 Timelords executed. The colony was wiped out of existence.


Timelord children, that were products of experimental programs, had been sent to Gallifrey. The Rani could have been one of those. If so she was the only survivor for most were mercy executed as monsters of terrible intrinsic evil. The question was, how did she come to survive with Rassilon's followers, and minions, being very brutally efficient as they had been.


Or so went the generally accepted story.


The Doctor shook his head. "I visited Jannifrey with the assistance of entities that I can not, would not if I could, identify. If anything the Rani was one of the least evil, and dangerous, of the experimental products. The Rani is the true biological mother of the Master, which is something that I doubt he knows. Nor do I think that the relationship would stop the two from trying to kill each other."

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 128.2[198]

Timelords in Conflict


PaulaTi shook her head in wonder. "Somehow it does not surprise me that the Rani is the mother of Master Time. It makes logical sense, considering their natures. Why do I fear that you have more dark news to give when it comes to the experiments of Jannifrey?"


Doctor Time looked sickened. "I helped Rassilon destroy the research development complex at the heart of the colony and save many thousands of enslaved people who had been forced to serve the Timelords who were carrying out work for something that called itself the Grand Compact of Truth; it was a great dark multiple deception of many layers."


He went on. "As for the 324 monstrous Timelord children sent to Gallifrey, I fear that at least as many escaped from Jannifrey; they became the first Timeforcers. Their name comes from their desire to force time, to manipulate it, to suit the purposes of the mysterious entity that they serve, that they call the TimeManipulator. Now the Rani is with them and that seems to be quite logical."


SuzaneTi spoke. "How did the Timemasters gain access to SuzaneTi?"


The Doctor sighed. "They found her, dying horribly, on the world of Jannifrey. They found there that the ancient colony had been rebuilt complete with a research development complex. The experiments on SuzaneTi were not the only ones that had been carried out there by the Rani and the Timeforcers. Even the Timemasters have their limits and they destroyed the abandoned colony just as the previous one had been destroyed. They did gain some vital data and passed it to me because they fear the Timeforcers more than they do myself and the Timeguardians, though I doubt that they would admit as much even to each other."


SuzaneTi floated there and, trapped inside her, was knowledge that was greatly needed by her grandfather and the Timeguardians. Yet the greatest concern was for her survival and that was also the main priority for both Timelords.

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 129.1[199]

Timelords in Conflict


Harold Saxon had ceased to exist and three cloned corpses, clones that had never lived, had been left in places for human Terran forces to discover. The Master liked such jokes as it was the last he could play that was linked with 'Harold Saxon'.


Nor was he on the NewEarth as he stood in the central control chamber of the MasterTARDIS supervising a new attempt to repair her damaged network-systems. He had poured massive resources into the task, was doing so again and would do so in future. The Master had even linked himself to his TARDIS, in a way that was dangerous for him, to strengthen her 'healing' process. It was not something that he would admit to anybody else but would do more of even if others learned about his 'sentimental shame'.


The Toclafane were gone and the tracers he had hidden, in their spaceships, told him where they had gone and who they now served. He was not pleased at all to know that they served the Timeforcers, the dreaded twisted Timelord faction that included his hated mother, the Rani. When the Master was young, the Rani had used him in one of her experiments; in return for this 'favour' he had tried to kill her. She had not tried it again.


Sometimes he wondered if she was linked with the false Rassilon and the 'drumming' in his head, that had softened due to the Timespace Transformation. The experiment, that she had done on him, could have strengthened the effect that the 'drumming' had on him for it was about that time its influence had increased and his madness had grown.


His madness was not as strong, now.


Speaking of time had always between complicated but the Timespace Event, and Timespace Transformation, had made it far more complicated.

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 129.2[200]

Timelords in Conflict


The Master heard the sirens and turned to a big holographic view of space but also showing data in various forms. Timehunters, the infamous craft of the Timeforcers, were approaching. There were five of them along with about half of the toclafane fleet. The Master was surprised at the alliance but at least he had plans for the treacherous toclafane. That is the hidden bombs that he had planted in their ships.


He grinned as he pressed a particular red button, after removing the safety, and then lost his grin as none of the toclafane ships were destroyed. Clearly the Timeforcers had found the bombs and had disarmed them.


His TARDIS shuddered as a powerful force gripped her. The Master gripped the console, closed his eyes and willed his strength into her core. Even as he did this dangerous tricky, dangerous, thing the MasterTARDIS suddenly hurled herself directly at the enemy forces. The Timehunters scattered but two toclafane vessels, a Thal dreadnought and a dalek battle-destroyer, both exploded dramatically.


The MasterTARDIS dematerialised and was then gone. But even as the Timelord machine did so, it picked up a distress call from the Rani.

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 130.1[201]

Timelords in Conflict


The Rani carefully freed a naked SaraJane from her prison cell. Timeforcers had no sexual interest in humans but they wanted to make sure their prisoners were more easily observed to make sure they could not escape using some concealed means. Soon SaraJane Smith was wearing a white undersuit and white jumpsuit. She had not felt uncomfortable because the Timeforcers, and their minions, had ogled her but because they had looked at her as if she was nothing but something that they could play with.


The Rani was her 'normal' ice cold self but clearly she was angry and even fearful. She spoke to SaraJane, in that maze of cells of which only about half were filled. "The Timeforcers are like myself but not like myself. They lack true discipline, true logical direction and fail to follow effective research methodologies."


That, from the Rani, was a great deal of criticism, especially when it was directed at other scientists.


She spoke to SaraJane some more. "I know what I am; I have no pretense. Rassilon saved me, and I do not mean that false one that was secretly cloned from him by myself. He did so in order to assist him in an experiment but only in three carefully selected parts of it so I never did understand what it really was about. That is until the Timeforcers informed me that the one they serve is the real Rassilon, or at least that which he has become. You have been experimented upon and I have given you some special abilities based on your human nature, abilities that we Timelords can not have."


SaraJane frowned. "So you are using me?"


"Of course I am!" The Rani looked at SaraJane as if wondering why such a foolish question had been asked. "I never break a contract that I have made, verbal or not. If you are willing, I will form a brief alliance with you. We need to infiltrate deeper into this research development complex, as it is laughingly called. For the sake of the Timelords, and humanity, and many other peoples, we need to find something there and steal it. Also it is there that my TARDIS, the RaniTARDIS, is held. The Timeforcers never trusted me, even when I gave my word, and that angers me; instead they betrayed me and took my TARDIS from me."

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 130.2[202]

Timelords in Conflict


SaraJane reluctantly agreed to the brief alliance, to what the Rani called one of her contracts. She partly did so for the Doctor had once informed her that the Rani would keep such contracts and that he had reluctantly worked with on more than one occasion.


The Rani got them past advanced defence security network-systems, past toclafane now doing guard duty and also heavily armoured-armed robots. The toclafane had betrayed the Master only to be betrayed for now they had multiple controlling methods enslaving them to the Timeforcers. Oddly enough they seemed to prefer it that way.


The Rani shook her head. "Rassilon was always the Great Traitor. He was the first Timelord but he did not even come from Gallifrey. There were five others that came with him, as supposed equals, along with many others. The TimeCitadel was constructed and then the Timelords Academy. Rassilon was a tyrant with some ironic twists to his nature. He could be amazingly generous, and forgiving, at times but also quite the opposite."


The Rani: "From the very first he had a hidden agenda that only a tiny minority of Timelords ever learned about and a few of those either concealed their knowledge well or were killed. Fewer that that were informed, of the truth, by Rassilon but only after he tested them to make sure they would be fanatically loyal to him; they were well rewarded in turn. I want proof of what that secret agenda was; I have some idea of what it is and it is not a pleasing idea."


She spoke on. "Rassilon was always of a multiple deceptive character. From the start he was behind the secret research development complexes on Jannifrey; he had his secret people make them. Yes, a large number of Deathlords, as they were known. They were ruled, directly, by Deathlord Elder Anrecommend."


SaraJane was obviously puzzled. "Why are you telling me all this?"


The Rani smiled coldly. "I have given you a photographic memory. In case I am killed, or fail to escape, and you survive to escape, you can pass on the data to the Doctor. Being who, and what, he is he will hopefully come and rescue me. Perhaps it is time that I made some kind of long term contract, with the Doctor and the Timeguardians, as to do with how I conduct my experimentation."


SaraJane nodded and then spoke. "I can not remember how I came to be here in the first place. Am I really SaraJane Smith?"


The Rani shook her head. "You are a clone of SaraJane. For convenience let's call you RosiJane. We will now try to rescue the original SaraJane. Truth is I did not adjust you, I created you with your special abilities; it is much easier that way."

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 130.3[203]

Timelords in Conflict


Before they left the prison area they freed some prisoners of reasonable trustworthiness. That is not Timeforcers caught up in some internal faction dispute or other dangerous entities that were enemies of the Timeforcers. There were psychic-spiritual Thals, from the War World of Skaro that was also the original home world of such monsters as the daleks and the cybermen. There were also Terran humans, living-robots called robotinators, semicyborg Kaleds also from Skaro and some others.


The Rani spoke to RosiJane, who was called SaraJane until recently. "Gallifrey has moved, has changed and now has a world-bubble. It is one of the worlds of Sol System, along with Jannifrey; Jannifrey was always of this system. Yes, we are on Jannifrey or, more accurately, deep inside Jannifrey."


The others were very wary of the Rani and SaraJane could hardly blame them for that. Yet, as the group moved onwards, something began to niggle at the back of her mind, something that did not 'feel right' somehow.

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