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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time


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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 53.1[73]

First Steps in Response

Scully and Mulder walked through the Waygateway from Ayers Rock, Uluru, to the Waygate fairly close to Moontown and the Havenlander colony. They at once 'melded with' the other Scully and Mulder, becoming only one pair of the XFF Agents.

Scully shook her head in wonder. "The Waygateway transformed us somehow, rejuvenating us and enhancing us." She looked younger, as did Mulder, as did others who had come through the Waygateway before it closed up. The Waygates were usable but were only semiactive and basic in their available services. The recharging would take a fair deal of time between each opening of the Waygateway.

Captain Jack Harkness smiled richly. "Enhanced but no less handsome than ever, is Jack Harkness." He had traveled from London to Ayers Rock City only to find out that Saxon had returned to London, the UK PM's luxury private jet taking off not long before Jack's Royal Airforce jet landed. So he, and his Torchwood team, had been rerouted to join with the XFF Team that was also being enlarged.

Dogget, the Lone Gunmen and Sophie had joined Scully and Mulder as XFiles people. Jack had come with Gwen, Owen, Sanders and the Fatelie Sisters.


Gwen gave Jack a look of mock pity. "Really, not even rejuvenation can give you some form of humility."


Owen studied Scully and Mulder. "Amazing how you blended that way. Why not stay separate?"


Scully responded. "Our special abilities have limitations, of course; if we generate separate selves they can not be too close together with out automatically 'merging'. "


Armstrong showed up to pick up Scully's words. He was in combat fatigues and body-armor while carrying an upgraded AKM16A3 autorifle. He spoke. "Amazing to see what you can do and you say you are just powerhumans. For the second time, Scully and Mulder, welcome to the Lunar Overworld."


Jack smiled at Armstrong.


Armstrong sighed. "I am married, Jack! Now, shall we go to where you can settle in? We have had a crisis with infiltrating shapeshifters. A MoonEagle was destroyed. Security has been beefed up so you will need to pass through some tight security checks; I do not think that you will have any troubles."


They didn't have any!

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 54.1[74]

Hunting Down Conspiracies

International Security Intelligence Agent Jane Bond walked the pavements of Rome as a prostitute in gear designed to suggest much but not actually show too much. The Roman Trifaith Church had strong influence through out the city of Rome and not just the Vatican where is had its heart. There had been a long standing conflict between the Trifaith and the Divines faiths for thousands of years but it had mostly been driven by the Trifaithfolk who had once been three separate, but related, religions, hence the name.

Recently the Trifaith Tripope had declared that the Church would attempt to have the Divines Temples removed from Rome for they affronted the 'one true faith'. So far the attempt had been a major failure but it had not helped tensions in the supercity. Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Free Christianity, Goddess Worship and other faiths also felt under threat. Yet it was the common Italian people who surprised the supposed experts by opposing the move, including many of the Trifaithful, because they wanted to live in a more secular state run society.


Jane stopped at a unimportant looking heavy wooden door at a dull gray shop front and knocked. A spy window opened and a face peered out at her. She showed her card and the door opened. A thug, in a slightly bad fitting suit, leered at her and closed the door. The inside of the door showed it was mostly made of metallic armor, the wooden aspect being fake.


Inside was a brothel hotel lobby where plush carpets competed with luxury furnishings, fittings and decorations. There was a lot of supposed erotica that was more pornographic than erotic. Large oil paintings showed frezied orgies, statues showed often strange copulations and so forth. There were many prostitutes and many male customers but less than hoped for.


Jane slipped off her outer garbs and passed them to a scantily dressed coatgirl. Now she was also scantily dressed where the only government people who knew about the place were bribed into silence. She was extremely attractive, was popular amongst regular customers, and knew it. Jane did work as a prostitute but to a minimum; she got away with this because she was both popular and very well paid.


She ignored some tough looking gangsters and zoomed in on a nervous looking young man, an obvious virgin failing to look mature and confident. 'Jane Stirling' the working girl was well known for her liking of such customers and her ability to please them, teach them. Indeed such clients were often sent to her by their fathers or other older men as a 'passage into manhood'. Such clients were also surprisingly good sources of information. Yet there was an even stronger reason to meet such men.


Young Anders was putty in her hands as soon as she sat down close to him and smiled as if he was just the most handsomest, sexiest, man she had encountered in her whole life and she just wanted to please him, to be there for him, and be his willing mistress for the night. His family was wealthy and, most importantly, linked with the secretive unsavory world of the Cult Conspiracy.


She wined and dined him, while getting him to believe that he wined and dined her, got increasing more naked and then made love to him while pretending to be seduced. Later, as he slept soundly, she pressed an exotic disk shaped gem device, that glowed softly, against his forehead. At once he began to answer her questions and also he was being tested in another way more subtle.

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 54.2[75]

Hunting Down Conspiracies

Jane was snuggled nakedly up to Sanders when he awoke, also naked beneath silken sheets, and smiled as he gently rubbed her back. Then he looked started. "Something has changed."

She lay pressed against him. "Yes, you have! A deep potential, inside you, has been brought to the surface. You now know fully of your family's involvement with the Cult Conspiracy and its many slippery snaking slithery elements be they Satanic, Necromandic, darkest Voodoo, AntiDivines or other dark faiths that often mirror the more known, accepted, faiths."

Sanders nodded. "I was never comfortable with the idea and the adult ceremony that was always being whispered about. I always had a strong impression that my 'elders' expected me to fail a series of tests and the results of doing so would be grim for me."

Jane sighed. "It used to be, as part of an agreement, that failures would be 'exiled' but then, about 50 years ago, a new uglier influence entered the conspiracy and failures began to be killed. That was 'outside interference', the balances were tilted off balance, and hence there began a process of rebalancing. The result has been many young people, who would have served the cult conspiracy, have been turned against it and the cult conspiracy has suffered for daring to go against the ancient agreement."

Sanders grinned at her. "Well, I will infiltrate my cult family and will feed you information from inside."

Jane slipped out of bed and slipped a robe on, a silken semitransparent thing of little real modesty. "I will give you the resources to get yourself to Venice and to some people who will help you there. They will be wary of you and you will need to prove yourself. I wish you luck."


They kissed and parted ways. Sanders seemed in a hurry to get to Venice and was soon gone from there. Jane picked up a special smartphone, that looked like a typical one, pushed a hidden button and then 'speed dialed' a number. She spoke, her voice being disguised. "Jane here; Sanders mission is completed."


The disguised voice spoke. "Determination!"


Jane sighed. "He is treacherous; terminate him!"


The voice: "Confirmed!"


The call ended, Jane self-destructed the telephone and dumped it into a small bin in the room. She grimaced at the idea that she had had sex with the young man who had turned out to be a monster. Still, she had done a lot less than she had hypnotised him into believing that she had done.

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 55.1[75]

It Seemed Like a Good Idea At the Time


Upgraded by the Havenlands Aerospace Network, the first VentureStar spaceshuttle launched from a hydrolic lifted ramp and was a big success. It carried a large cargo of goods, people and other things into Terran Low Orbit. This allowed for a good reliable, reusable, system along with rocket booster assisted shuttles that launched vertically.


The VentureStar was bigger than any of the other shuttles and could take off from more places land at any major airport at the end of its mission. The Enterprise Shuttles could only take off at special equipped sites and land at special long airstrips. Still, all shuttles were used despite the use of the teleporters because of both high demand and the limitations of the teleporters; it was also wiser to have more than one system to 'fall back on'.


The teleporters could suffer from interference meaning that safety network-systems shut them down. The Havenlanders would not allow the strict regulations to be compromised despite pressure from certain factions for them to do so.


The first spaceplanes flew that could travel very fast across the Known Ordered World, taking passengers or freight, or which could launch space-drones that sometimes carried satellites into their positions before they returned to the Terran Overworld; specialized space-drones often carried out their own missions such as dealing with space junk.


The First United Nations International Futures Convention began. The Havenlanders, and many others, were suspicious of it for it had been pushed by Cimiser who were still being 'troublesome'. The 1st UNIFC, or Futures Convention, had a hidden agenda but there was no politically strong reason for it to be ignored or opposed.


The Havenlander Empress began a deep broad security intelligence paramilitary purge of the Empire and the Imperium that lay at its core. She did this with the support of a wide range of Havenlander Factions otherwise it would not have happened. Despite the use of the word 'purge' it was mostly a bloodless affair with most people being found innocent or quickly confessing to gain non lethal punishments.


The Lunar Overworld war between the SavaCompact and the Wayomatyr Alliance that was becoming better known as the Free Lunar Overworld Alliance (FLOA) because of the increasingly open partnership of the Havenlanders from their colony of Lunavina. Lunavina was soon no longer a secret and the responses, in the United Nations Council, were not all positive. When the Havenlanders admitted to the existence of Lunavina, they also warned the UNC about the threat of the SavaCompact and it launching many glimmerpods at Terra. Yet, despite there being some strongly positive international responses, there were also some doubts and too much political game playing that interfered with an immediate, effective, international plan.

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 56.1[76]

Choosing a Dark Path


The former Cardinal Barringja, who thought himself still one, was full of self pity and hatred of those who he blamed for doing him harm for what he failed to see was any good reasons. Yes he had broken some of the most fundamental principles of the Divine Templedom but, according to his own viewpoint, he had done it to get rid of the 'real enemies' of humanity being the megahumans.


He could not go to the Shadowmen for any assistance, which meant that the ShadowEmpire was out of the question. The Cult Conspiracy was largely an unknown and he knew only whispers of others such as the mad science worshipping Illuminati.


There was one man who might help him for a price. Barringja headed through the very area where there had recently been a zombie outbreak, moving along a wide laneway between two level buildings and high fenced yards. Only luck, and quick reaction from special forces, had dealt with the threat of the undead shamblers or so went the official word; unofficial whispers spoke of black clad supersoldiers, covert operating megahumans and even things fighting the zombies that were not of the living.


He wished that the wide range of factions, of the Known Ordered World, would simplify things but then again they may have wanted the very opposite to better conceal the truth.


He passed a nombie who was dressed in recently cleaned, fashionable flared trousers. The former human looked oddly familiar but the Cardinal felt that talking to the undead, even a supposedly friendly one, was beneath him. He dropped a 5c coin into the nombie's hat but only so as to be seen to be doing what many did in the area. Hank Williams smiled and nodded his head in an odd bobbing fashion.


Barringja grimaced to himself and hurried on, turning a corner. He failed to see the former criminal, who was fairly smart for a nombie, take a small black box out of the hat and press the red button on it three times. It was three times, in a row, because he sometimes accidentally pressed it once.


If he reported good he got a small prize and somehow he always reported good and got a small prize. Even as Barringja turned out of sight, going around a laneway corner. The nice, warm, woman came and sat with Hank Williams, kissed him on the forehead and gave him some nombie snacks along with a glass bottle of cool water. The light brown woman was Azorine and she could 'read' his nombie mind impressions. This is what she did and then, in her typical casual working clothes of a shift worker, she headed after the Cardinal.


But the nice woman, Carol Wagece, found nothing but a laneway leading to a dead end when she followed him. The nombie had not lied to her, they were not capable of it, and she failed to find any signs of a secret door. Then she noted the small, blackish marks on the ground that could have been shoe prints of the footwear of what the former Cardinal had been wearing. Traces indicated the fool had walked straight up to that spot and she 'sensed' that something had happened that had both surprised and frightened him. Then she smelt a taint that caused her deep concern.


She took out a smartphone and made a report disguised as a normal chat of a woman explaining that she was going to be a little late getting home from work.

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 57.1[77]
It Seemed Like a Good Idea At the Time

Triguardians sent the bad news to Lunavina, the Havenlander Colony of the Lunar Overworld, that all blackcraft were busy dealing with Grays and now puppet-followers of them also. The enemies had surged in their intrusions into the solar system. Luckily there was assistance from the glowing spheres and silvery saucercraft against the gray saucercraft of the Graynari, their monstrous Graytari, and hybrid zetans. The Graytari were very deadlier, in some ways, but in smaller numbers than the Graynari while the zetan were in far larger numbers than both but weaker in a general sense.

Moontown soon got the bad news that the blackcraft could not be used to stop the launches of glimmerpods at Terra or even to stop them in space. Others would have to take upon themselves the task of defending Terra and stopping the SavaCompact's evil.

Waygateways were operating in a limited fashion while the teleporter network-systems were doing the same; the latter was suffering when the enemy saucers got too close to any of the teleporter stations and nobody saw it as a coincidence. All teleporter teleports were now of non living things and when something went wrong it was learned by all it was good that this was so; the equipment sent through ended up as horribly twisted junk and that it could have happened to a lifeform was not a good thought. Even metahumans would not have been safe.


Then there was the finding, and activation, of a Waygate in France of Western Europe but there the European Union had begun playing political games, from their headquarters in Brussels, that delayed its effective use. The hand of Cimiser was soon detected in what was going on and a backlash had the Waygate being freed up for effective use.


Interpol (International Police) began a large scale investigation into the increasingly wide spread use of Necrodol and the deadly results from it, often called 'zombification'. The organization was working with others to try to better understand its nature and its sources. Necrodol was consistently being linked to the TrueLife Cult.


The first proposals for a low orbital defense security network, for the USA, was brought before the US Congress by a group of Congressmen and corporate VIPs. It set out the basic plans for something called Skynet that would consist of a series of spaceforts, orbital weapons platforms (OWPs) and special satellites; space-interceptor drones would be located at the spaceforts. Reception was mixed!

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 58.1[78]

Hunting Down Conspiracies

Armstrong made his way through a vast chamber of metallic stone where ancient AraAncient statues merged out of the walls with amazing smoothness and subtlety of free flowing form. The statues were also ancient mechanisms of a nature way beyond that of the machines being used by humans all around them.

Except non-humans had arrived in the form of octopoids, creatures that floated just above the ground and that had four lower, thicker, tentacles and four upper, thinner, tentacles. They were entities of lower gravity but they dealt well zero gravity as well but not so well as gravity got heavier.


There were more alcoves in that chamber and in those spaces were yet more copies of Terran space exploration machines with some odd design features to them. These were a mixture of devices with similarities to those already found. There were probes of all kinds, exploration remotes, satellites and even a couple of very small spacestations. One of the spacestations was a military orbital outpost complete with defensive missiles and vacuum adjusted autocannons, armored spacesuits and adjusted guns for them. The small spacestation was also armored.


Armstrong looked around even as Amanda joined him. "All of these items could relate easily to the same alternate history as do the other alcoved items that we have found. All could be used, in duplication, to assist the fight against the enemy here in the Lunar Overworld."


Amanda nodded. "The SavaCompact continues to launch strikes against other Lunatyr peoples, some being more successful than others. They are now using low gravity versions of PanAxian aircraft that seem to be altered copies from Terra's World War Two. They have been launching long range attacks with their aircraft against peoples poorly equipped to defend against such but our own armored infantry units have sometimes met them and blown them some of them out of the sky with portable missiles."


Armstrong nodded. "SAMs!" (Surface to Air Missiles)


She she her head. "They were MPMs (Multiple purpose Missile) because our people did not know they would face actual fast flying air machines. They move well in low gravity atmosphere that is getting denser. You were correct about that as you have been about so much."


He smiled and took her by the hand. They both shimmered very gently.

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time 58.2[79]

Hunting Down Conspiracies

The two of them were abruptly inside a great metallic chamber that was also part wooden, glass and other materials in appearance. Yet they both knew they were still standing together back in the chamber. It was very large anc cube shaped with half decks above and the far walls stretching into the distance. There were many people there, being of different kinds, only some of whom were varied kinds of humans.

He spoke. "This is a quick visit of five seconds externally equals fifty minutes internally. Not a totally accurate way of putting it in scientific terms but a useful one. This is Prime Cubechamber Alpha. We are inside a Transglobe as first built by the Timelords of Gallifrey and then enhanced, adapted and augmented by the True Eternius with myself being the True Eternal Seeker."


Amanda gave him a puzzled look. "There is a 'False Eternal Seeker."


Armstrong sighed. "Yes, in a sense, but we can not speak of such things; such is taboo and locked deep in my mind unless I must speak of it. I can tell you that is an account of deepest misery, agony and horror arising from the strongest of arrogance, hubris and cunning stupidity. I hope that I never end up talking to you about such matters because that would mean we are confronting the False Eternals, the 'real ones'."


She shook her head with an expression of irony on her face. "Then I also hope we do not face the 'real False Eternals'."


He smiled. "The 'false False Eternals' are much easier to deal with." He looked around. "Most of the work being done is for the Transglobe, for the Transglobe peoples, but some of it is being done to help supply the Lunar Overworld war effort with new solid-state technologies that can not be back engineered. They are not weapons but are health regenerators, navigator finders, motion detectors, multiple sensor-scanners, short range teleport-jumpers and gravity-globes basically similar to those that were used to carry Terrans to Luna but far more advanced. All are purposely limited in what functions they can carry out. Havenlanders get priority with such equipment because you are used to using it."


She shook her head. "Your American people will not see it that way."


Armstrong frowned softly. "As you know, many Americans have branded me a traitor, an enemy spy, and even an imposter; they demand that the 'real Armstrong' be returned. My few real friends back in the USA have warned me not to go back home for to do so would mean to face a painful Congressional Hearing along with angry mobs and a few gun toting mad patriots. As it is my family, whom I am largely estranged from, and my many 'friends' have been under great pressure. My father has publicly disowned me. My mother has publicly threatened to divorce him for doing so and they are already legally separated. I dreamlink with those that I am truly close to; you may join me, if you wish to."


She smiled. "It would be a privilege and you are welcome to join in dreamlinking with my people back in the Havenlands."

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