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Loved New Vegas - Will I also love Fallout 3?


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Maybe - depends on what you expect - It's not New Vegas moved to DC if that is what you expect. As for Iron sights - the NV feature is actually a popular mod in FO3. You will find you need to learn the underground subway system to find your way around as that is how you get to many areas. Your encounters will be more in subways, city streets and buildings as well as in the open lands around DC. There is more water, but it is all irradiated so you take rad damage for swimming.


I suggest going into it with an open mind and not expecting New Vegas or wild west. Some things will be almost the same, others very different.

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Both games can be modded to your liking. FNV is more stable FO3 is more exciting in terms of combat. Vanilla FNV followers are better than FO3's, but modded FO3


follwers might be better than FNV's. If I had to choose I would give the edge to FO3 for it's larger more open world and its greater variety of encounters and quests...


Better storyline too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I had to choose I would give the edge to FO3 for it's larger more open world and its greater variety of encounters and quests...


Better storyline too.

This ^


Also there's nothing quite like standing on top of the Washington monument as the sun rises over the Mall. Spectacular.

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Depends. However, you will have to take into consideration that modded FO3 is pretty unstable, depending on what and how many mods one's using. The main story is quite linear, so not much of interest there. But the side quests can be quite interesting, and will definitely take you places all over the wasteland. One other thing - DC Wasteland is not Nevada. So less sun, less open spaces, bunch more urban areas, and heavily based on the metro system. You need to learn that one. There will be less mechanics implemented (ammo change, companion wheel, workbench recipes etc.). Overall I'd say you will like it though. Give it a try and see what happens :)

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You played NV before FO3? Then you are like me. I can tell you this: Comparing both vanilla games, NV is far superior to FO3 in almost every aspect. FO3 really doesn't hold a candle to NV at all. Boring quests, boring perks (utterly terrible), boring companions, lousy final boss (really disappointing). I played it once, and went back to NV, and since both games are supported by tons of mods, I decided to stick with the better game. Its not the kind of 'better' like how Skyrim is better than Oblivion. It is like 10x more than that.


But you should still try it, if not for the lore, then just to see for yourself. This is just my opinion.

Edited by Immortalkickass
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As I only converted to glorious PC gaming master race a few months ago My Fallout 3 experience differs vastly to my New Vegas. I'd say I biasedly prefer New Vegas, However you should certaintly try Fallout 3. Verry advanced for it's time and yet still faithful to The first Three by Black Isle,




Get it.

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@OP - Very late response, but wanted to chime in :smile: If you like NV and want something similar then FO3 probably isn't the game to play. You might want to try Mass Effect if you haven't played that series already or the older Fallout games or some older RPG games like KOTOR, etc. It depends on what you liked about NV. If what you like are the story elements and that choices have consequences then those types of games give you that.


FO3 is a fun rump in a post-apocalyptic setting that is very world-story cohesive that has some RPG elements and some FPS elements and is one of the most fun games I've ever played. But it's focus is on open world exploration more than anything else. It gives you only enough story to keep you playing there isn't satisfying followup to quests you complete and there is no true choice in the main quest and the dialogue is kind of disappointing when you've completed a quest and no one acknowledges that things have changed.


You may wonder why that can be fun, but being able to do just about anything you can think of in a great, big, beautiful open world game is a lot of fun and Beth does that particular thing splendidly. Also, for me, because I know what kind of game it is and set my expectations accordingly, they manage to make all of the elements they do give me charming. The bottom line is FO3 isn't really a Fallout game. It's a Beth game. The only things it shares with the rest of the Fallout series is the name and the props.



No.No iron sights.No hardcore mode.



Those mechanics are based on mods developed by the FO3 modding community.

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