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Do you young people (defined as being born 1988-Present) have inherent


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Also maybe because children learn faster then adults.

For example take me who started pc gaming during age of 7 in 2004.

Then take a 25 year old who started gaming in the same year.

I would most likely be better then him, because I started learning when I was younger.

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Also maybe because children learn faster then adults.

For example take me who started pc gaming during age of 7 in 2004.

Then take a 25 year old who started gaming in the same year.

I would most likely be better then him, because I started learning when I was younger.

Even if you both only spent roughly 20 hours a week playing, I'm quite sure that this would not necessarily be the case. At the age of 7, you probably weren't able to get access to anything more complicated than some of the crappy educational kids games that come out from time to time, meanwhile the 25 year old could have jumped straight to Half-life and Counterstrike, and spent the better part of the last 6 years pwning the crap out of people and being a royal jerk (since he has obviously been prevented from having ANY sort of life in that time) to all who cross his path. For him, it was a necessary part of his day to avoid thinking about his own sorry, pathetic existence, meanwhile for you it was just play time that your parents would have not approved of.

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Also maybe because children learn faster then adults.

For example take me who started pc gaming during age of 7 in 2004.

Then take a 25 year old who started gaming in the same year.

I would most likely be better then him, because I started learning when I was younger.


Wow...you were 7 in 2004. For some reason...I find that amazing.

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Also maybe because children learn faster then adults.


That has a little bit of truth, but don't forget that they have courses in school for computers these days. The old people don't get to go back school elementary school and learn computer technology. It's peer pressure really. There wasn't a kid at my old HS who didn't know everything there was about computers. Even the most redneck kid knew his way around MS word (Due to it being needed for a class paper).


As for adults, they were not as fast to pick it up as some of the adults never needed to have contact with computers unless it they needed it for a job. It was I who urged my parents to buy out household's first Windows 95 as I needed it for school (and to play games, which was what EVERYONE was doing at my school).


In summary, It's not like children had an inherent biological capacity to outclass adults in computers, it's simply about them having more opportunity to do so.

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I may have a say here. It's sad how youngsters from a time to now are more and more tied to usage and very lacking in creating. The youngster does not plays with the toy anymore, the toy plays with the youngster.


Long ago most our toys are built by ourselves. We built cinema from shoes boxes, periscopes with a few mirror pieces and tubes. Sometimes it rained and were time to build dens to toy with the runoff... How many of you young knows how to build a car with a reeler, rubber stripes and candle stump to give steady power and speed output.


Those where things that taught concepts and fundamentals. Many those 'creations' actually claimed for learning physics to understand the principles. And there where competitions among ball bearing 'cars' that lead to many real enhancements (some not so bright as the one that designed a break putting the rubbed wood piece pointing ahead... superfluous to say the unlucky pilot went flying some meters at the first actual usage :smile: )


We hadn't computers in my youth although the concepts were there. So my first contact with it was first with some little lamps a few switches, some wires... later it was time for TTL (Transistor Transistor Logic) ICs, a vast line of all purpose logical ports and some more sophisticated functions that allowed simple control like sequencers, shifters and whatever else the imagination or need did lead.


Still before we were aware of some crystals properties and were able to build radio receivers using just galena and razor.... Actually those were times most youngsters did not just played with the toys as designed and built them too.


I'm sorry many of you are just key pressers nowadays...


Ahh, don't be so serious, youth is wonderful, it's the better phase of the life... much of it is just because unknowing and innocence :biggrin:


Edit: Did notice I got off topic. It's a fact the infancy and youth are the better epoch to learn new things. There is much space to new synapses to be formed, there is a biological advantage too and mainly a psychological one; the youngster need to perform whateverthing to say the world he is there.

Know it has no meaning at comparing such things, everyone was a wee baby sometime, was or is a teenage/youngster and if lucky will be a old timer someday. Being ourselves at each stage is the better we can be.

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Also maybe because children learn faster then adults.

For example take me who started pc gaming during age of 7 in 2004.

Then take a 25 year old who started gaming in the same year.

I would most likely be better then him, because I started learning when I was younger.

Even if you both only spent roughly 20 hours a week playing, I'm quite sure that this would not necessarily be the case. At the age of 7, you probably weren't able to get access to anything more complicated than some of the crappy educational kids games that come out from time to time, meanwhile the 25 year old could have jumped straight to Half-life and Counterstrike, and spent the better part of the last 6 years pwning the crap out of people and being a royal jerk (since he has obviously been prevented from having ANY sort of life in that time) to all who cross his path. For him, it was a necessary part of his day to avoid thinking about his own sorry, pathetic existence, meanwhile for you it was just play time that your parents would have not approved of.

At age of 7 I was actually already playing Serious Sam. I started to be better and better and better, then I went on to better games. Also many hours of watching my dad play Half Life also helped me learn some tactics. I just wanted to be like my daddy. :biggrin: In fact my first video game was some 4x4 racing game. I pretty much grew up on video games, learning to play them. Kinda like learning a new language. Oh and Vagrant0 I never really played those educational games, except for maybe some English learning ones. I don't really remember what I played after Serious Sam. Then I guess I started playing what my dad was playing.

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This turns out to be a kind of summary of an earlier glorious part of the vita.

But okay: Already at the age of 15 I was verifiably in Gas Powered Games' Hall of Fame, as one of less than 20 people among millions of players in the Zone; same pseudonym in those days.

And what is it retrospectively worth? Almost nothing but the cognition that one can hardly repeat that when one is 2times 15 yrs old.

And those who are today 3times 15 yrs and older shouldn't even think of it. Inherent inspiration and speed is the true strength of the youth, to-do-as-if... the one of the elderly people. The latter tend to talk you down until they succeed btw; as if talking would be a workable substitute for missing facts.


You can't teach an old dog new tricks!

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You can't teach an old dog new tricks!

Two bearded men beg to differ.



As I keep saying, it's not a matter of capacity, it's a matter of desire, time, and willingness to do so. Another example would be the case of several 45+ year olds going back to college because they need to get new degrees since their job prospects have dried up. Compared to the 18-21 year olds, they often score higher in tests, are more focused in study/discussion, and exhibit knowledge related to the subject which often exceeds that of their classmates.


It's all a matter of how invested you are in learning the new skills or information.

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You can't teach an old dog new tricks!

Two bearded men beg to differ.



As I keep saying, it's not a matter of capacity, it's a matter of desire, time, and willingness to do so. Another example would be the case of several 45+ year olds going back to college because they need to get new degrees since their job prospects have dried up. Compared to the 18-21 year olds, they often score higher in tests, are more focused in study/discussion, and exhibit knowledge related to the subject which often exceeds that of their classmates.


It's all a matter of how invested you are in learning the new skills or information.


Indeed and here (perhaps unintentionally) you argue against yourself. Yes, those old people put more effort in but if the young people were as focused, most likely their results would be superior.


Assuming all things are equal (work, efforts), youth+genetics will always beat age+inferior genetics, no matter how hard the latter group may work...


Take me, I am oldish (33), horrible at all things tech and trying to learn Dragon Age toolset. After a dozen times I still have managed to make a custom item appear in my inventory. I probably could try 82 more times with the same negative result. I clearly lack an aptitude for this and even if I were to work at it every day, without external guidance from people who actually know I would not make any progress whatsoever, despite my 'effort'...in the end, genetics+aptitude=king...

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I say to this: No. Age is not a factor in, well, anything. Everything is entirely related to individual skill and intelligence, and the willingness to achieve both of those. Honestly, why would a 20 year old have more of an advantage than a 50 year old, or a 30 year old? Many successful modders, are in fact in their 30s or older. HugePinball has created a powerful tool making use of scripts in Fallout 3 called Feng Shui. And honestly, the GECK, CS, or whatever it is you're modding with, were in fact the same tools used by people in their 30s/40s who did the scripting in the vanilla game!
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