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Please get rid of that G@d awful ad


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I have several nexus pages tabbed up in my browser, and every time I open it, I get the ferociously annoying Shaiya ad, with its very loud music. I then have to search through all of my tabs to mute it every time I want to look at a page.

It really is horrible. Please have the ad muted by default!

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Good lord, another talking ad? You're right, they're extremely annoying; it's just very hard to track down specific ads, as a company just gives the Nexus a whole pack of ads, and Nexus doesn't deal with the ad creators directly, from what I understand.
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Yes, but do be aware that in blocking ads on the site you are depriving the site of the ad revenue it needs to maintain services. It's best to just screenshot and report on ads which are particularly bad instead of just blocking them all.
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Yes, but do be aware that in blocking ads on the site you are depriving the site of the ad revenue it needs to maintain services. It's best to just screenshot and report on ads which are particularly bad instead of just blocking them all.



Usually though I don't remember that AdBlock is on, and not seeing ads doesn't really mean anything to me since I've been using AdBlock since.. forever. I understand though, you guys still need money to run the site. :tongue:

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Block Flash. Problem solved. And less obnoxious ads still get through. :biggrin:


...considering there is currently an unpatched remote execution (read: pwns your computer) vulnerability in Flash, blocking it is a very, very good idea.


Donating or purchasing a premium membership is also a very very good idea. :wink:

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