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Scam website, but it looks so official


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Hi everyone


I found this website called betatestgamers.com, which claims to let you download games for free, in return for a 600 word review. But, from what I've worked out, this website is a scam, and I thought I should warn you about it. This is what I have worked out:


1. Most games there have already been released

2. Game developers wouldn't let anyone do that, give away their games for free

3. None of the navigation links will do anything, it claims you have to sign up to get their

4. The sign-in form is in straight html, a bit suspicious?

5. THE WORST PART: It tells you to watch an instruction video, which tells you that you need an FLV player. It links to a virus, and the video DOESN'T EVEN EXIST! It pretends to be a media player, which it does quite well, that only loops and tells you that you need to download the codec.




The 5th one is very clever, clever people spent a LOT of time making all of that up.


What does everyone else think, did you get tricked by the fake media player, and download it?

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Yea i came across that site before. By some spammer across some news site.


Stays clear.


did some research on it, but came up with some unsure results.

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Wow...the site is really noobish + their so called "player" is just an animated gif :lol:


Better stay away from this. They're probably just gathering emails for spam lists or emails + passwords for stealing accounts.

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I just looked at it. You're right, someone dedicated quite some time to just screwing up other people's computers.


What does the virus do, specifically?


That could be a keylogger as well.

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